La Suerte Biological Field Station Library

Abrahamson: Plant-animal Interactions
Allaby: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Botany
Angeloni: Physical Anthropology 97-98
Attenborough: The Private Life of Plants
Axelrod: Mini-atlas de Peces de Acuario de Agua Dulce
Bailey: Statistical Methods in Biology
Baker: Costa Rica Handbook
Bates: The Nature of Natural History
Berry and Kress: Heliconia
Borror: Insects
Boza: The NationalParks of Costa Rica
Bussing: Peces de las Aguas Continentales de Costa Rica [3]
Campbell: Biology
Caufield: In the Rainforest
Collins GEM: Spiders Photoguide
DeVries: The Butterflies of Costa Rica Volume II: Riodinidae
DeVries: The Butterflies of Costa Rica: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae
Drooyan: Essentials of Trigonometry
Eisenberg: Mammals of the Neotropics
Endress: Diversity and Evolutionary Biology of Tropical Flowers
Fleming: The Short-tailed Fruit Bat
Flores: Arboles y Semillas del Neotropico
Fodor's: Costa rica, Belize, Guatemala
Forgey: Wilderness Medicine: Beyond 1st Aid
Forsyth: Tropical Nature: Life and Death in the Rainforests of Central and South America
Frandson: Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
Fritz: Plant Resistance to Herbivores and Pathogens
Fuller: The Plant World
Garber: Biological Bases of Human Behavior
Gentry: A Field Guide to the Families and Genera of Woody Plants of Northwest South America
Gentry: Four Neotropical Rainforests
Gore: Earth in the Balance
Grant: Evolutionary Dynamics of a Natural Population: the Large Cactus Finch of the Galapagos
Hagan: Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds
Henderson: Field Guide to the Palms of the Americas
Heyer: Measuring and Monitoring Biological Diversity: Standard Methods for Amphibians
Hilty: Birds of Tropical America
Hogue: Latin American Insects and Entomology
Holldobler: Journey to the Ants
Janzen: Costa Rican Natural History [2]
Janzen: Guanacaste National Park: Tropical Ecological and Cultural Restoration
Kinzey: New World Primates
Kricher: A Neotropical Companion
Lipe: Living Shells of the Caribbean
Maas: Neotropical Plant Families
Madrigal: Arboles Maderables en Peligro de Extincion en Costa Rica
Martin: Measuring Behavior: An Introductory Guide
Mata: Diccionario Didactico de Ecologia
McDade: La Selva [3]
McGee: Principles of Statistics: Traditional and Bayesian
Mesen: Las Tortugas Continentales de Costa Rica
Meyers: The Primary Source: Tropical Forests and Our Future
Milton: The Foraging Strategy of Howler Monkeys: a Study in Primate Economics [3]
Montagnini: Sistemas Agroforestales: Principios y Aplicaciones en Los Tropicos
Morris: Shells of the Atlantic
Nichols: Especies Nativas y Exoticas Para la Reforestacion in la Zona sur de Costa Rica [2]
Ogden: Proceedings of the International Conference on Orangutans: the Neglected Ape
Preston-Mafham: Spiders of the World
Quesada: Arboles de la Peninsula de Osa
Real: Behavioral Mechanisms in Evolutionary Ecology
Real: Foundations of Ecology [2]
Reid: A Field Guide to the Mammals of Central America and Southeast Mexico
Richard: Primates in Nature [4]
Ricklefs: Species Diversity in Ecological Communities: Historical and Geographical Perspectives
Robins: A Field Guide to Atlantic Coast Fishes
Robinson: Neotropical Wildlife Use and Conservation
Seigel: Snakes: Ecology and Behavior
Smith: Elements of Ecology
Smuts: Primate Societies [2]
Sorenson: Animal Reproduction: Principles and Practices
Southwood: Ecological Methods
St. John Ambulance: Guide to First Aid and CPR
Stiles: A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica [3]
Strong: Ecological Communities
Terborgh: Diversity and the Tropical Rainforest [2]
Terborgh: Five New World Primates: a Study in Comparative Ecology
Thompson: The Coevolutionary Process various: Segundo Encuentro Regional Sobre Especies Forestales Nativas de la Zona Norte y Atlantica de Costa Rica
Villa: Middle American Herpetology
Vines: High Angle Rescue Techniques
Warwick: Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals
Weiss: Human Biology and Behavior: an Anthropological Prespective
Wheeler: Fungus-insect Relationships: Perspectives in Rcology and Evolution
Wilson: A Primer of Population Biology
Wilson: The Insect Societies
Zug: Herpetology

Book donations to the La Suerte Library are welcomed. Books should be sent to:

La Suerte Biological Field Station
6121 SW 46th Terr
Miami, Florida 33155

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