Program information:

Mixed Media Art in the Rain Forest This class offers an array of techniques, lectures and demonstrations that will attract sculptures, painters and architects and designers as well as the non-artist.

The Art class is designed as supplementary course in fields such as art, architecture, and design. The studio may supplement studies in both undergraduate and graduate curriculum, and students may receive from 3 to 6 credits for this course dependent upon approval of your host institution. Artists of all levels are welcomed. Students choose the focus of the projects as it pertains to their interest and major. The Research work will be conducted mostly outdoors and sometimes indoors depending on the elements. The courses are very intense so bring lots of enthusiasm and energy.

Daily schedule:

Class meets daily schedule includes: lectures, workshop demonstrations, field excursions, open studio, student presentations, and informal discussions. Contact instructor of a more detailed schedule.

Demonstrations of organic materials:

Mud/clay, grass, natural fibers (coconut, mane, palm), corn husks, vegetable dyes (achote), spices, yucca starch, rubber tree sap, bamboo, coconuts, cow chips, lianas (bejuco, rattan), adobe, flowers, leaves, twigs, seeds, thorns, wood ash, egg shells, feathers, cow manure, natural charcoal and more. *Look at the visual portfolio of our art groups in our web site.

Techniques introduced:

Use of local rain forest materials for structure construction, traditional papermaking, ink and pigment preparation, low tech printmaking, adobe building, weaving and more.

Other visits:

The $1500 program fee includes a field trip to Tortuguero National Park 3 days 2 nights. Some of the activities that we will participate in include canoe excursions, and nesting turtle observation. Class will meet during these days as well.

Field gear:

The equipment list on back pages is required, however art course participants do not need the following equipment and field gear: ╬write in the rainΓ data book; all weather pens; blue flagging; calculator; and millimeter graph paper. You do need the rest of the equipment and field gear listed in the information packet.

Materials to bring for class:

Sketchbook 20x30 watercolor stock for studies; news print pad 20x30, toolbox with your favorite tools ( pencil, eraser, sharpener, utility knife etc.); gardening, rubber, and heat proof (stove gloves or leather) gloves, rubber boots, gardening scissors; a rechargeable hand drill, china brushes, and large paint brushes, assorted materials you think you may need; camera, film.

If you have most of the following materials bring them. We will make most of our inks and pigments however bring them to mix and experiment with. Charcoal (pencils or stick), china ink with brush; graphite sticks; wood cut tools; pencil set (spectrum of soft and hard lead).

Book titles for reference: See web or write to instructor

Course description:

The following syllabus was prepared by Tim Curtis, the Instructor for Summer #3 Mixed Media in the Rain Forest, at La Suerte Biological Field Station. For winter 99-00 instructor syllabus see web.

We will spend time during the first week familiarizing ourselves with the rain forest and discussing the availability and appropriateness of materials and techniques. The concept of permanence in the arts within this natural setting will be a major consideration. Readings from handouts and pertinent discussions will proceed each of the preliminary exercises. These exercises are designed to encourage each student to examine their relationship to the landscape and the natural world and whether or not those feelings and responses differ to those of the urban environment. Each exercise has a written component which will help the students clarify their concepts and to develop effective writing skills. In the web you will find a list of exercises that the class will participate in. There will be plenty of time for each student to develop their own projects. Critiques and discussions will follow each exercise as well as at the completion of the individual projects.

For information about this course and syllabus, please contact:

Tim Curtis: Department of Art and Art History
University of Miami
1300 Campo Sano Dr
Coral Gables Florida 33146
Tel (305) 284-5359
Fax (305) 284-2115
Email: t_curtis@bellsouth.net

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