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Books for students going outside the USA
Books for students coming to the USA
Books for Educators and Administrators
Books about Graduate Study
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Books for students going outside the USA

Academic Year Abroad 1999/2000: The Most Complete Guide to Planning Academic Year Studv Abroad (Serial)

Sara J. Steen(Editor)

Paperback / Published 1999
Our Price: $44.95

Book Cover

The Back Door Guide to Short Term Job Adventures : Internships, Extraordinary Experiences, Seasonal Jobs, Volunteering, Work Abroad

by Michael Landes

Paperback - 486 pages
List Price: $21.95 - Amazon's Price: $17.56 - You Save: $4.39 (20%)
Published by Ten Speed Press, September 1997

Financial Resources for International Study: A Guide for US Nationals

Paperback, 320 pages
Amazon's Price: $39.95
Published by Institute of International Education, January 1996
From the publisher:
US students and professionals often need financial assistance to cover costs of international study. To meet the need for an up-to-date information resource on grants and fellowships for study abroad, IIE Books now offers Financial Resources for International Study

Financial Aid for Research and Creative Activities Abroad

Gail A. Schlachter, R. David Weber

Library Binding / Published 1999
Amazon's Price: $45.00

Teaching English Overseas - A Job Guide For Americans And Canadians

by Jeff Mohamed

Amazon.com Price: $19.95
A comprehensive practical guide for Americans and Canadians who want to find jobs teaching English overseas. It includes detailed information and advice on: teaching without training; choosing a training program; the current overseas job market; how to conduct a successful job search; legal, medical and other practical considerations; dealing with culture shock. The book contains details of 450 schools and other organizations which hire more than 10,000 teachers every year.

Financial Aid for Study and Training Abroad 1999-2000 (Biennual)

by Gail Ann Schlachter , R. David Weber

List: $38.50 - Amazon.com Price: $39.50
Published by Reference Service Press, October 1998
This directory is your one-step source of information about more than 1,000 scholarships, fellowships, loans, and grants that Americans can use to support structured and unstructured study abroad--including formal academic classes, training courses, degree-granting programs, independent study, seminars, workshops, and student internships. These programs are open to applicants at any level (from high school and undergraduate through postdoctoral and professional) and can be used in practically every country in the world.

Detailed entries provide all the information you'll need to tell if a program is right for you: purpose, eligibility, financial data, duration, special features, limitations, number awarded, and deadline date. Plus, you get a currency conversion table, an annotated bibliography of key financial aid directories, and a set of indexes that let you search the directory by program title, sponsor, geographic coverage, subject, and deadline.

Financial Resources for International Study: A Guide for US Students and Professionals (1996)

Paperback / Published 1996
Amazon's Price: $39.95

An indispensable resource for study and research abroad, Financial Resources for International Study features detailed descriptions of nearly 700 fellowships, grants, scholarships and paid internships for undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral students as well as working professionals.

Each award description includes:

Indexes organize the awards by sponsoring institution, field of study, academic level and type of award, amount of support, destination, and any special conditions required to qualify for the award.
From the Publisher
Financial Resources for International Study is a publication of the Institute of International Education. The largest U.S. higher education exchange agency, IIE is a nonprofit organization with over 650 college and university members in the U.S. and abroad.

Free Monev for Foreign Study: A Guide to More Than 1.000 Grants and Scholarshins for Studv Abroad

Laurie Blum

Paperback / Published 1992
Amazon's Price:: $11.96 ~ You Save: $2.99 (20%)

The High-School Student's Guide to Study, Travel, and Adventure Abroad

Council on International Educational Exchange

Paperback / Published 1995
Amazon's Price: $11.16 ~ You Save: $2.79 (20%)
The fifth edition of a popular guide to more than two hundred educational and travel programs abroad--all designed for students ages twelve to eighteen--includes information on work/volunteer opportunities, tours, language courses, and much more.


Nancy King, Ken Huff

Paperback / Published 1997
Amazon's Price: $13.95

International Internships and Volunteer Programs : International Options for Students and Professionals

by Will Cantrell , Francine Modderno

List: $18.95
Published by Worldwise Books, July 1992

International Study Telecom Directory

World Wide Classroom

Paperback / Published 1999
Amazon's Price: $9.95
Book Description
World Wide Classroom's International Study Telecom Directory is, to date, the most comprehensive directory for locating educational resources both in the USA and around the world.

The Directory provides information about schools and organizations with international educational programs and services.

Listings include contact names, addresses, phone/fax numbers and e-mail/web addresses for thousands of schools in over one hundred countries which welcome foreign students for short- and long-term study.

The "Second Edition" features a new symbol system to help you identify program opportunities at a glance. Also new to this edition is a comprehensive resource guide with an international currency conversion chart and important travel contact information, as well as a topical index to help students locate schools on the basis of specific educational programs.

The ISS Directory of Overseas Schools 1997 : The Comprehensive Guide to K-12 American and International Schools Worldwide (16th Ed)

A guide for expatriate families searching for American and international elementary and secondary schools,previous editions featured over 525 schools in some 140 countries. School profiles include information on curriculum, activities, staff, enrollment, tuition and fees, and location descriptions.

16th Edition/Paperback
List: $39.95
Published by Petersons Guides, August 1996

Peterson's 1999 Scholarships for Study in the USA & Canada: The Money You Need for the Education You Want (2nd Ed)

Paperback / Published 1998
Amazon's Price: $17.56 You Save: $4.39 (20%)
International students interested in pursuing higher education in the U.S. or Canada need look no further than this comprehensive source book containing information on 450,000 undergraduate and graduate scholarship--$600 million in private aid--open to international students.

Peterson's Study Abroad 1998: Over 1.600 Semester & Year Abroad Academic Programs (Issn 1069-6504)

Ellen Beal(Editor)

Paperback / Published 1997
Amazon's Price: $23.96 ~ You Save: $5.99 (20%)

Book Cover

The Student's Guide to the Best Study Abroad Programs

by Greg Tannen, Charley Winkler

List: $12.00 - Amazon's Price: $9.60 - You Save: $2.40 (20%)
Published by Pocket Books, June 1996
Inside information and frank opinions from the best possible source--students themselves--makes this a one-of-a-kind guide to over 300 of the most rewarding study abroad programs. Useful tips on everything from what to pack to transferring credits combine with the inside scoop about topics such as social life and housing for a truly comprehensive guide to what could be the most rewarding experience of a student's life. Synopsis
Based on surveys of hundreds of recent alumni, an insider's guide to the leading international study programs offers frank and specific advice about social life, professors, workload, housing, atmosphere, and financial aid.

Book Cover

Student Access Guide : The Internship Bible 1997 (Annual)

by Mark Oldman , Samer Hamadeh , Sponholz (Editor) (Editor)

List: $25.00 -- Amazon's Price: $22.50 -- You Save: $2.50(10%)
Published by Princeton Review
Publication date: September 1, 1996
Produced by the Princeton Review, a leading college preparation firm. Annual Guide which last year included over 100,000 domestic and international

opportunities for internships in more than 100 fields. Also included advice for interviewing and obtaining internships.

book jacket

Study Abroad 1999: The Complete Guide to More Than 1,700 Semester & Year Abroad Academic Prorams (6th Edition)

Paperback / Published 1998
Amazon's Price: $23.96 ~ You Save: $5.99 (20%)
Featuring profiles of programs sponsored by accredited U.S. four-year colleges and universities, foreign universities, consortia of colleges, or third-party organizations affiliated with accredited colleges, this guide provides information on selecting, financing, and preparing for a credit-bearing study abroad experience.

Study Abroad : A Parent's Guide : For Parents of College and University Students Contemplating a Study Abroad Experience

William Hoffa

Hardcover/Published 1998
Amazon's Price: $15.00
Book Description
This is the first full-length book specifically geared to providing the information parents need and want to know about their children's study abroad experience. Filled with advice on how to select and apply to programs, arrange for financial aid and scholarships, and earn academic credit, Study Abroad: A Parent's Guide also provides practical guidance on dozens of topics including safety issues, budgeting and banking, making travel arrangements, communicating internationally, packing, and obtaining health insurance.

Study Abroad: A Parent's Guide advises students and their families at every step of the decision-making process, from first considering the option of studying abroad to choosing a program to the experience itself.

Studying Abroad/Learning Abroad: (An Abridged Edition of the Whole World Guide to Culture Learning)

J. Daniel

Paperback / Published 1997
Our Price: $13.95
The publisher, interculturalpress@internetmci.com; website: bookmasters.com/interclt.htm , September 18, 1997
Streamlined version of an effective learning tool
Here is a book that provides the foundation for effectively managing the experiential learning process of students studying abroad. More streamlined than its predecessor (THE WHOLE WORLD GUIDE TO CULTURE LEARNING - see separate entry), it constitutes a framework for sorting through the dynamics of the study abroad experience.

The first chapters remain essentially intact, laying the groundwork for comprehending the nature of culture learning, intercultural communication and cross-cultural adaptation. They also examine the attitudes and character traits that foster effective learning, offer a clearly defined action-reflection-response methodology for dealing with intercultural experiences, and provide a method of cross-cultural analysis. This section ends with a discussion -- rarely encountered in the literature on study abroad -- on ethics, values, and the dilemma of cultural relativism, for which the author suggests solid guiding principles.

In this abridged edition, fifteen of the most substantive guides (of the original fifty-four) have been selected as self-instructional units. They can be used in study abroad programs before, during, or after the experience. See also listing for the unabridged edition: "The Whole World Guide to Culture Learning."

In the end, what we have is a text which provides a thorough review of the culture learning process -- which is central to the experience of studying abroad -- accompanied by a set of carefully selected practical application, all of which will greatly enrich any study abroad program.

Summer Study Abroad 1999: The Complete Guide to More Than 1.400 Summer Academic and Language Programs (Serial)

~ Usually ships in 24 hours
Paperback / Published 1998
Our Price: $23.96 ~ You Save: $5.99 (20)
Focusing exclusively on summer programs overseas, this guide provides information on over 1,400 credit and non-credit programs offered by U.S. and foreign colleges and universities. Experts give guidance on identifying and financing a program and provide insight into health and safety concerns.

Teaching English Abroad: Talk Your Way Around the World! (4th Ed)

~ Usually ships in 24 hours

Susan Griffin, Susan Griffith

Paperback / Published 1999
Our Price: $13.56 ~ You Save: $3.39 (20% )
"A gold mine of advice and information" ("The Traveller"), "Teaching English Abroad" provides job information plus real-life experiences of people who have taught abroad.

Travel and Learn : Where to Go for Everything You'd Love to Know

by Evelyn Kaye

3rd Edition, Paperback
List: $19.95 -- Amazon's Price: $15.96 -- You Save: $3.99 (20%)
Published by Blue Penguin Pubns, August 1994


Vacation Studv Abroad 1998/99: The CompIete Guide to Summer and Short-Term Study (Serial)

~ Usually ships in 24 hours

Sara J. Steen(Editor)

Paperback / Published 1998
Our Price: $39.95
Book Description
IIE's Comprehensive Guide to Summer and Short-Term Study Abroad Year-Round.

Vacation Study Abroad describes more than 2,000 programs sponsored by U.S. and foreign universities, language schools and a wide variety of other organizations.

IIE's Vacation Study Abroad and Academic Year Abroad are U.S. higher education's standard information resources on international study, used by students and academic advisers nationwide. U.S. undergraduates and adult learners will find information on programs that combine travel and study in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and the Americas--over 70 countries worldwide.

Vacation Study Abroad contains many programs open to precollege students, teachers, professionals, senior citizens and other adult learners as well as undergraduates. Learning options range from lecture courses and intensive language immersion to internships, student teaching, field research and voluntary service.

Vacation Study Abroad includes 400-plus pages of indexed data on:

From the Publisher
Vacation Study Abroad is a publication of the Institute of International Education. The largest U.S. higher education exchange agency, IIE is a nonprofit organization with over 650 college and university members in the U.S. and abroad.

Work, Study, Travel Abroad : The Whole World Handbook 1994-1995

Max Terry (editor), Lazaro Hernandez (Editor)

by Council on International Educational Exchange

12th Edition, Paperback
Amazon's Price: $13.95
Published by St Martins Press, February,1994
Organized by continent and country, these "Yellow Pages of international travel" (New York Times) list hundreds of employment, volunteer, study, and travel programs in Europe, Africa, the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and the South Pacific. 11 maps; index.
The latest edition of this unique resource for students and travelers of all ages lists hundreds of employment, volunteer, or educational programs around the world, along with travel tips, maps, and other advice.

Writing Across Culture: An Introduction to Study Abroad and the Writing Process

~ Usually ships in 24 hours

Kenneth Wagner, Tony Magistrale

Paperback / Published 1995
Our Price: $19.95
The publisher, Peter Lang Publishing
This book is about culture shock and the writing process. For an exchange student, the relationship between writing and the challenge of living in a foreign culture may not be obvious. The purpose of Writing Across Culture is to document and analyze the connection. If culture can be broadly defined as the unwritten rules of everyday life, one effective method for learning these rules is to write about them as they are discovered. In this way, it is possible to see writing as a tool for cultural inquiry and comprehension, and, hence, an antidote for culture shock. This book encourages its readers to become writers engaged in a dialogue between the individual and the new society about everyday cultural differences.

Books for students coming into the USA


Bibliography of Foreign Students and International Study

Philip G Altbach, et al

Hardcover / Published 1985
Amazon's Price: $59.95 (Special Order)
Book Description
The number of foreign students attending universities in the United States has expanded and their role has become a topic for research. Nations sending students to study in the U.S. are concerned with curriculum, how to reintegrate Western trained thinkers into the country's intellectual, professional, and social life, and the effects of "brain drain." This bibliographical volume provides a comprehensive overview of the research that has been done on these subjects and points out the areas which have thus far been neglected by the researchers.

Funding for United States Study: A Guide for International Students and Professionals

Marie O'Sullivan, Sara Steen

Paperback / Published 1996
Amazon's Price: $39.95
An indispensable resource for study and research in the U.S. for international students and professionals, Funding for U.S. Study features detailed descriptions of more than 600 fellowships, grants, scholarships and paid internships for undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral students as well as working professionals. The sponsors of all awards welcome applications from foreign nationals and a substantial number of awards are specifically intended for international use. Sponsors are U.S. and foreign governments, colleges and universities, educational associations, libraries, research centers, foundations, corporations and other organizations.

Each award description includes:

Funding for U.S. Study is arranged by country of origin of potential applicants. Indexes organize the awards by sponsoring institution, field of study, academic level and type of award, amount of support, destination, and any special conditions required to qualify for the award.

From the Publisher
Funding for United States Study is a publication of the Institute of International Education. The largest U.S. higher education exchange agency, IIE is a nonprofit organization with over 650 college and university members in the U.S. and abroad.

International Guide to Universities & 4-Year Colleges in the USA (1999 Ed.)

~ Usually ships in 2-3 days
Paperback / Published 1999
Amazon's Price: $19.96 ~ You Save: $4.99 (20%)
Book Description
This guide provides detailed profiles of more than 110 4-year colleges and universities in the USA. Descriptions include information on academic programs offered, university transfer programs, admission requirements, expenses, financial aid and student support services. Contact information is provided for an additional 125 institutions. The guide is supported by informative special interest articles.

International Student Handbook of U.S. Colleges 1999 (Serial)

~ Paperback / Published 1998
Amazon's Price: $17.56 You Save: $4.39 (20%)
For potential internationals students, its required reading.
This is a "must have" publication for any education professional working with international students interested in pursuing higher education in the United States. The International Student Handbook of U.S. Colleges 1999 bills itself (on the front cover) as containing "everything international students need to know about: ESL programs, required tests, application deadlines, financial aid, special sevices, and summer housing." Without a doubt, the book provides the most accessible and convenient format for retrieving this kind of information available today.

Scholarships & Grants for Study or Research in USA: A Scholarship Handbook for Foreign Nationals (3rd Ed)

W.Dr Wickremasinghe(Editor)

Paperback / Published 1996
Our Price: $31.95

Books for Educators and Administrators

Abroad and Beyond: Patterns in American Overseas Education

Craufurd D. Goodwin, Michael Nacht

Paperback / Published 1988
Amazon's Price: $17.95 (Special Order)
Book Description
In addition to describing many of the innovative foreign study programs available across the country, this exhaustive work explains why students go abroad, how they go, and the ways in which they benefit from the experience.

Academic Mobility in a Changing World: Regional and Global Trends (Higher Education Policy, 29)

Peggy Blumenthal(Editor), et al

Hardcover / Published 1995
Amazon's Price: $65.00 (Special Order)
Examines how the radical changes in the international political climate over the past decade have affected the motivation and opportunity for students and academic staff to engage in educational travel. Most of the 22 essays, delivered at a colloquium in Wassenaar, the Netherlands, in November 1992, report on the situation in countries or regions throughout the world. Includes a general bibliography. No index. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Belgium: A Study of the Educational System of Belgium and a Guide to the Academic Placement of Students in Educational Institutions of the United States

Ann Fletcher

Paperback / Published 1985
Amazon's Price: $12.00 (Special Order)

Bibliography of Foreign Students and International Study

Philip G Altbach, et al

Hardcover / Published 1985
Amazon's Price: $59.95 (Special Order)
Book Description
The number of foreign students attending universities in the United States has expanded and their role has become a topic for research. Nations sending students to study in the U.S. are concerned with curriculum, how to reintegrate Western trained thinkers into the country's intellectual, professional, and social life, and the effects of "brain drain." This bibliographical volume provides a comprehensive overview of the research that has been done on these subjects and points out the areas which have thus far been neglected by the researchers.

Bring Home the World: A Management Guide for Communitv Leaders of International Exchange Programs

Stephen Rhinesmith

Paperback / Published 1986 (Publisher Out Of Stock)

Chinese Students in America: Policies. Issues, and Numbers

Leo A. Orleans

Paperback / Published 1988
Amazon's Price: $14.95 (Special Order)

Reforming the Higher Education Curriculum Internationalizing the Campus (American Council on Education (Oryx Press Series on Higher Education)

Josef A. Mestenhauser(Editor), et al

Hardcover / Published 1998
Amazon's Price: $34.95

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