
Summer Law Programs

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Catholic University of America - Columbus School of LawRockland Community College(SUNY)
Georgetown University Law CenterGeorge Washington University
Loyola University New Orleans School of LawSeton Hall University
Suffolk University Law SchoolSyracuse University
University of Richmond School of LawUniversity of Tulsa
Washington College of Law

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American University - The Washington College of Law
The Washington College of Law 4801 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20016 USA
Phone: 1-202-274-4030
Where: Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires, Argentina
When: Summer
Summer Law Program in Chile: Summer Law Program - ABA approved, six-credit program

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American University, Washington College of Law
4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20016
Phone: 1-202-274-4187
Where: Haifa
When: May 28 - June 29
Summer Law Program in Israel: Six credits, two courses (Selected Subjects in Israeli Law and Trade and Investment) ABA accredited summer study abroad law program at Haifa University. Includes housing and field trips to the Israeli Supreme Court, Knesset, Israeli Stock Exchange, Dead Sea, Massada, Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee.

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American University Washington College of Law
4400 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Washington , DC 20016-8043
Phone: 1-202 885 2953
Where: Washington
When: Summer 2000 (June 8-July 8, 2000)
Paris-Geneva Summer Abroad Law Program: Six credits, two courses (Intl. Business, Human Rights, or Environmental law). ABA accredited. Includes housing & field trips to European Union, World Court & War Crimes Tribunal, OECD, WTO, Court of the EC, various U.N. agencies, Intl. Red Cross, Intl. Telecommunications Union and others.

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Asia-America Institute in Transnational Law
Duke University School of Law, Box 90375
Durham, NC 27708-0375 USA
Phone: 1-919-613-7147
When: Summer
Asia-America Institute in Transnational Law: Asia-America Institute: Institute emphasizes international and comparative legal studies with a focus on Asia and the Pacific Rim.

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Capital University Law School
303 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215 USA
Phone: 1-614-236-6547
Where: Thessaloniki, Kavala, Komotini
When: Summer
Greece International Law Student Summer Program: An unbelievably affordable program to study law in enthralling, picturesque, charming Greece.

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Catholic University of America - Columbus School of Law
Amy Miller, Law School, Cardinal Station
Washington, DC 20064 USA
Phone: 1-800-787-0300
Where: Cracow
When: Annually, in the summer; 2000 dates: 6/17-7/29,
International Business and Trade Summer Law Program: Six-week cross-cultural summer law program co-hosted by the 16th century Jagiellonian University of Cracow. Subjects include comparative trade and international law, as well as international property and environmental law.

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College of William and Mary School of Law
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 USA
Phone: 1-757-221-3818
Where: Madrid
When: Summer
Summer Law Program in Spain: This is a five-week summer program offering courses in International, Civil, Human Rights, and European Union Law; participants can earn up to six semester credits.

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Cuauhnahuac Spanish Language Institute
Av. Morelos Sur. 123 Col Chipitlan
Cuernavaca, Morelos 62070 Mexico
Phone: 011+52-73-123673
Where: Cuernavaca, Mor.
When: All year round
Intensive Spanish Language Program: Spanish language study abroad programs since 1972 in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Four students per spanish class, flexible hours, own teaching Spanish language method. Conferences dealing with Spanish language, economy & society. Volunteer and Internship Programs in Law, Medicine, Business and Education. Excursions to historical and recreational sites. Homestays with caring Mexican families.

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Duke University School of Law
Duke University School of Law, Box 90375
Durham, NC 27708-0375 USA
Phone: 1-919-613-7147
Where: Geneva
When: Summer
Duke-Geneva Institute in Transnational Law: Duke-Geneva Institute: Institute emphasizes public international law, international organizations, and international trade.

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Duquesne University, School of Law
600 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburg, PA 15282 USA
Phone: 1-412-396-6188
Where: Beijing
When: Summer
China Legal Study Program: Our program is open to any English speaking law student/lawyer in the world. It features a comprehensive survey of the Chinese legal system in English.

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George Mason University - Center for Global Education
4400 University Drive, JC 235
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 USA
Phone: 1-703-993-2154
Where: Oxford
When: Summer
Intro to European Law: Social and Legal Issues: Intensive seminars on Criminal, Contracts, Constitutional law, European Union, and Comparative American Law.

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George Washington University
Office of Summer, Special, and International Programs, 609 22nd Street NW
Washington D.C. 20052
Phone: 1-202-994-6360
Where: Oxford
When: Summer
Joint Programme in International Human Rights Law: A renowned faculty offers courses to prepare students to contribute to the improvement of human rights in their homelands and abroad.

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Georgetown University Law Center
600 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001-2075 USA
Phone: 1-800-346-6259 or 1-202-662-9319
Where: Florence
When: Summer, June 4 - July 3, 2000),
Summer Law Program in Florence: This is a 4-week int'l/comparative law program for students/graduates of ABA-accredited law schools (June 4 - July 3, 2000). Courses: Int'l Law I, Int'l Law II, Constitutional Law II, Trading w/the EU, Professional Responsibility and the Int'l Legal Profession, Int'l Telecommunications Policy, and Int'l Business Regulation

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Georgetown University Law Center Summer Program in Heidelberg
600 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001-2075 USA
Phone: 1-800-346-6259 or 1-202-662-9319
Where: Heidelberg
When: Summer
Summer Law Program in Heidelberg: This is a 3-week program (July 25 - August 15, 2000) in international and comparative law for students or graduates of ABA-accredited law schools. We will be offering Comparative Corporate Law, EU Law, and Civil Rights Policy.

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Golden Gate University School of Law
536 Misssion Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-2968 USA
Phone: 1-415-442-6607
Where: San Francisco, California
When: Summer

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Golden Gate University School of Law
536 Misssion Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-2968 USA
Phone: 1-415-442-6607
Where: Bangkok, Thailand
When: Summer
Study Law Abroad Program: Students can study international legal studies in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Hamline University School of Law
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104 USA
Phone: 1-651-523-2298
Where: Jerusalem
When: Summer
Israel Program: Explores the intersection and interaction of law, religion and morality from Jewish, Muslim and Christian perspectives.

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Hamline University School of Law
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104 USA
Phone: 1-651-523-2298
Where: Oslo & Bergen
When: Summer
Norway Program: Offers the opportunity to study Norwegian legal systems and human rights issues, in comparison to U.S. systems and issues.

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Harvard Summer School
51 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
Phone: 1-617-495-4024
Where: Cambridge, Massachusetts
When: Summer
Description: Eight-week open enrollment arts and sciences courses at America's oldest academic summer session.

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Hofstra University School of Law
121 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
Phone: 1-516-463-5771
Where: Nice
When: Summer (July)
International Law Study Abroad Program: Hofstra University School of Law announces an exciting four-week International Law Summer Study Abroad Program from July 4 to July 30, 1999 in Nice, France in cooperation with the FacultÄ de Droit de l'Universitéde Nice. Activities of the Nice Program include a day in a French court, visits to French law offices and other legal institutions, a reception at the French bar association, a lecture series featuring law professors and practitioners of international law, as well as prominent international jurists.

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Horace Tabor Academy
Box 617
Tilton, NH 03264
Phone: 1-410-769-4426
Where: Boston, MA and Concord, NH
When: Summer and Winter
United States History, Politics & Language: With Tours of all major cities on the East Coast.: The Horace Tabor School provides college credit to non-U.S. students. Courses: U.S. History, Politics, Law and Architecture. Every weekend, there will be excursions to Boston, NYC, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia.

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Indiana University School of Law
735 West New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: 1-317-274-1909
Where: Lille
When: Summer (June 1-July 14)
European Law Summer Program: Survey of the legal systems and institutions of the European Union, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Courses taught by faculty from law schools in Europe and the U.S. Field trips to legal institutions in London, Brussels and Luxembourg.

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Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis
China Summer Program, 735 West New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5194 USA
Phone: 1-317-274-8036
Where: Beijing
When: Summer (May 26-June 23),
China Summer Program: Host institution is Renmin (People's) University, internationally recognized as one of China's premier law schools. Its focus will be on the legal aspects of China's evolving market-based economy, the curriculum introduces students to the Chinese legal system and its dispute resolution mechanisms, and to the lawyering system of China.

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International Summer Program at the University of Vienna
Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 1
Vienna 1010 Austria
Phone: 011+431-4277-24201
Where: Strobl/Lake Wolfgang
When: Summer
Description: Located directly on the shores of one of Austria½s most beautiful lakes this program offers intensive German classes, Training Workshops, Tutorials, Lectures on European Studies. The extensive extracurricular program includes sports instruction (tennis, windsurfing, sailing)dance evenings, parties, excursions, and hikes.

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Leiden University
Hugo de Grootstraat 32, P.O. Box 9521
Leiden 2300 RA Netherlands
Phone: 011+3171-5277609
Where: Leiden and Amsterdam (alternately)
When: during July of each year
Leyden-Amsterdam-Columbia Summer Program in American Law: Summer Program in American Law alternately taught in Amsterdam and Leiden by professors of Columbia University in New York.

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Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: 1-504-861-5563
Where: Vienna
When: Summer, July 2-15/July 18-29
Loyola Vienna Program: Offered in conjunction with the University of Vienna Law School, the Vienna Summer Legal Studies Program presents six courses in two-2 week sessions, conveniently scheduled in mid-summer. The weekend side trips to Salzburg, Prague, and Venice are popular.

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Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: 1-504-861-5563
Where: Sao Paulo
When: Summer
Loyola Brazil Program: This is a two week immersion course in Latin American Legal Systems in Sao Paolo, Brazil with a side trip to Rio. Next session will be summer 2001.

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Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: 1-504-861-5563
Where: Budapest
When: Summer
Loyola Budapest Program: Spend two weeks in Budapest, Hungary studying Post-Socialist Legal Systems in Transition and/or Current Issues in the European Union at the Etovos Lorand University Law School.

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Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: 1-504-861-5563
Where: Kyoto
When: Summer, May 24 - June 26
Loyola Japan Program: Experience Kyoto, Japan's historic cultural center, as well as the nearby commercial metropolis of Osaka, and the capital-Tokyo. Field trips to courts, law offices, and corporations introduce all three of Japan's most important cities to our students.

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Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: 1-504-861-5563
Where: Cuernavaca
When: Summer, May 27-July 3
Loyola Mexico Program: In beautiful Cuernavaca, "The City of Eternal Sprintime", just an hour's ride from Mexico City, participants choose from courses such as International Commercial Law; Immigrtion and Naturalization Law; and Comparative Law.

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Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: 1-504-861-5563
Where: Budapest and Vienna
When: Summer
Loyola Austria/Hungary Program: Choose from one or two courses in the first two weeks in Budapest earning up to 3 credits, following in Vienna a 3 credit two week comparative law course is offer; then two optional weeks with 5 possible-1 credit hour seminars (students may choose 2 of the 5). In Vienna optional side trips are offered to Prague, Salzburg, and Venice.

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Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
7214 St. Charles Ave., Box 901
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: 1-504-861-5563
Where: Moscow
When: Summer
Loyola Russia Program: In conjunction with Touro Law Center, join us at Moscow State University studying the Russian Legal System in Transition, Comparative Law Seminar, and International Human Rights. Students may take two of the three courses, earning a maximum of five credits.

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Michigan State University, Detroit College of Law
353 Law College Building
Detroit, MI 48824-1300 USA
Phone: 1-517-432-6882
Where: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
When: Summer, June 5 - July 14, 2000,
Romanian Summer Law Program: Earn up to 6 credits of law study in Romania in International and Comparative Law courses from June 5 through July 14, 2000.

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Michigan State University, Detroit College of Law
353 Law College Building
Detroit, MI 48824-1300 USA
Phone: 1-517-432-6882
Where: Ottawa
When: Summer
Canadian Summer Law Placement Program in Ottawa: The Canadian Summer Law Placement Program in Ottawa provides American law students with an opportunity to earn six academic credit during the six-week period from May 15 through June 26, 1998.

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Northern Illinois University
Williston Hall 417
DeKalb, IL 60115 USA
Phone: 1-815-753-0700
Where: Agen
When: Summer
Comparative and Transnational Law: This program is designed to give non-French speaking students an understanding of two important areas of law; comparative law and transnational law.

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Notre Dame Law School
Summer London Law Program
Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA
Phone: 1-219-631-5716
When: Summer

Nova Southeastern University
3305 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Phone: 1-954-262-6128
Where: Florida
When: Summer
San Jose, Costa Rica: This inovated Environmental Law program is designed to offer current law students the opportunity to have hands on experience with international, environmental legal issues.

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Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center
3305 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Phone: 1-954-262-6128
Where: Caracas
When: Summer
Caracas Venezuela: This program offers a mix of classroom study and real-life experience. The program includes participation by law students from the host country, which increases your opportunity to learn about the country and the culture.

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Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center
3305 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Phone: 1-954-262-6128
Where: Cambridge
When: Summer
Cambridge England: The program offers a mix of classroom study and real-life experience. It includes participation by law students from the host country, which increases your opportunity to learn about the country and the culture.

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Ohio State University
Oxford Prelaw Program, 1712 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
Phone: 1-614-292-6101
Where: Oxford
When: Summer
OSU Oxford Pre-Law Program: An introductory pre-law program that covers law in society (British and American) . The subjects emphasize the heritage of English culture and legal institutions fundamental to the American legal system.

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Pace University School of Law
78 North Broadway
White Plains, NY 10603
Phone: 1-914-422-4247
Where: White Plains, New York
When: Every Summer. This Summer the Program runs from July 6-August 11, 2000
Summer Law Program: This five-week Summer Academic Program prepares international law students and practitioners for post-graduate law programs (LL.M. and S.J.D.) in the United States. Three courses are offered Monday through Thursday, professional activities are scheduled for Fridays, and cultural activities are scheduled during the five-week program as well.

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Rockland Community College(SUNY)
Center for International Studies, 145 College Road
Suffern, NY 10901 USA
Phone: 1-914-574-4205
Where: Dublin
When: Summer
US and Ireland: Comparative Issues in Public Safety: Explore historic and public safety issues in Ireland as compared with the U.S. Visits and tours include Dublin Castle, the courts, probation, aftercare and correction services, Garda Police College, Trinity College, Christchrurch Cathedral, and Glendalough.

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Saint Mary's University School of Law
Center for International Legal Studies, One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, TX 78228-8605 USA
Phone: 1-800-INTL-LAW or 1-210-436-3544
Where: Innsbruck
When: Summer
Institute on World Legal Problems: The Institute on World Legal Problems is designed for the law student who will benefit from a broader understanding of global issues and the role that law can play in their peaceful resloution.

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Singapore/Bangkik/Kuala Lumpur/ Ho Chi Minh City/ASEAN
When: Summer
The Singapore Program: Offered for the 15th year, the Singapore program will focus on the legal systems, cultures and the legal aspects of inernational investment, development, and trade of the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, the Phillipines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Vietnam, Myanmar, and Laos).

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Beijing and Hong Kong
When: Summer
The Hong Kong/Beijing Program: Now in its 19th year, the academic component of the program will be taught at the University of Hong Kong, with instructors from its Faculty of Law and from leading practitioners in the legal community in Hong Kong.

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Oxford
When: Summer
The Oxford Program: The Oxford program, which is now in its 21st year, is devoted primarily to the tutorial method. All tutorial teaching is done by highly qualified current or former faculty from the Oxford colleges.

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Strasbourg, France and Geneva Switzerland
When: Summer
The Geneva/Strasbourg Program: Since 1975, this program has introduced students to public international law, with a particular emphasis on international and comparative human rights law.

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Tokyo
When: Summer
The Tokyo Program: The Tokyo program is geing offered for the 20th year. It offers an introduction to Japanese legal institutions and an opportunity to study current critical issues of trade between the United States and Japan.

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Budapest
When: Summer
The Budapest Program: Now in its seventh year, the Santa Clara summer session in Budapest offers students a unique opportunity beyond the general study of international and comparative law. Students will participate in Hungarian efforts to reform local legal institutions and to develop effective policies on such critical issues as international trade, environmental protection, and human rights.

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Seoul
When: Summer
The Seoul Program: The Seoul Program is being offered for a fourth year as an independent program, although internship experience has been provided for several years. The program focuses on Korean legal institutions and cultural and legal problems of trade between the United States and Korea.

Santa Clara University - The Institute of International and Comparative Law
Marcie Roberts, Overseas Programs Coordinator, School of Law Admissions Office
Santa Clara, CA 95053 USA
Phone: 1-408-554-4800
Where: Munich
When: Summer
The Munich Program: In its inaugural year, the Santa Clara summer session in Munich will focus on basic, conparative and international aspects of intellectual property law, including patents, trade secrets, copyrights, and trademarks, and its impact on companies, universities, research laboratories, and other institutions that develop or utilize high-technology products and processes.

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
1750 Finch Avenue East
North York, Ont M2J 2X5 Canada
Phone: 1-416-491-5050 ext.2365
Where: Toronto
When: Academic year, Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Description: College offers post secondary diploma, post diploma programs and offers the English Language Institute for International Students.

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Seton Hall University
400 South Orange
South Orange, NJ 07079
Phone: 1-973-275-2515
Where: Beijing
When: Summer
Law in China: Law, Pre-law, Business and International Relations students will study Chinese commercial law, write comparative law and policy papers with Chinese law students, and intern at Chinese law firms.

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Seton Hall University Law School
One Newark Center, Room 520
Newark, NJ 07003
Phone: 1-973-642-8827
Where: Cairo
When: Summer
Summer Program for the Study of Law in the Middle East: ABA-approved summer program for the study of Islamic Jurisprudence, Comparative Legal Traditions, International Criminal Law, & International Trade, based at the American University in Cairo. Free housing, Affordable tours of spectacular sites.

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Seton Hall University, School of Law
One Newark Center
Newark, NJ 07102-5210
Phone: 1-973-642-8587
Where: Parma, Milan and Genoa
When: Summer
The Seton Hall - Law in Italy Program: The Law in Italy Program combines U.S. quality legal education in International and Comparative Law Subjects with the opportunity to enjoy three Italian cities (with weekends free for touring).

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Southwestern University School of Law
Summer Law Programs, Student Affairs, 675 South Westmoreland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90005-3992 USA
Phone: 1-213-738-6716
Where: Buenos Aires
When: Summer
Summer Law Program in Argentina: This program features 2-credit courses on International and Latin American legal issues and offers a limited number of judicial externships with Argentine courts.

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Southwestern University School of Law
Summer Law Programs, Student Affairs, 675 South Westmoreland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90005-3992 USA
Phone: 1-213-738-6716
Where: Vancouver, B.C.
When: Summer
Summer Law Programs in Vancouver: This program features 2-credit courses on International and Comparative law, including Criminal Law Defenses; Comparative Criminal Law and Procedure; and International Trade.

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St. Mary's University School of Law
One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, TX 78228-8605
Where: Innsbruck
When: Summer
Institute on World Legal Problems: Offers courses and activities which seek not only to illuminate the legal, social, economic, and political dimensions of contemporary global concerns, but also to cultivate professional problem-solving skills useful in addressing ever-changing international demands.

Stetson University College of Law
1401-61st Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Phone: 1-727-562-7849
Where: Tallinn, Estonia
When: July 17 - August 11, 2000
Emerging Markets and Transitional Democracies: All students will be enrolled in a unified 4-credit course of study focusing upon the business and legal environment in emerging markets and transitional democracies.

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Suffolk University Law School
120 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 1-617-573-8157
Where: Lund, Malmo
When: Summer 2000
Description: ABA approved, four-credit program with American and Swedish students in a University setting in southern Sweden.

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Summer Law Institute
Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico, 801 Yale NE
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1016 USA
Where: Guanajuato
When: Summer

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Summer Program in Law at Oxford
FSU International Programs, A5500 University Center
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2420 USA
Phone: 1-800-374-8581
Where: Oxford
When: Summer

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Syracuse University
119 Euclid Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244 U.S.A.
Phone: 1-315-443-9419
Where: London
When: Summer
Law in London: Internships with barristers, solicitors, and government offices with course on English legal system and weekly seminars with English practitioners.

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Syracuse University
119 Euclid Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244 U.S.A.
Phone: 1-315-443-9419
Where: Harare
When: Summer
Law in Zimbabwe: Internships with human rights organizations, public interest law offices, and government law offices with a course onZimbabwean legal history and legal procedures.

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Temple University - School of Law
1719 North Broad Street - Room #710
Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA
Phone: 1-215-204-8982
Where: Athens
When: Summer
Law Summer Session in Athens: A six-week summer session of ABA approved law. Study in: International Intellectual Property, Comparative Public Law, International and European Criminal Law, Admiralty: International Maritime Law.

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Temple University - School of Law
1719 North Broad Street - Room #710
Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA
Phone: 1-215-204-8982
Where: Tel Aviv
When: Summer
Law Summer Session in Tel Aviv: A six week summer session of ABA approved law study in: Legal aspects of the Middle East Peace Process, Comparative Constitutional Law, Comparative Religius Law: Christianity, Islam and Judaism, White Collar Crime from a Global Perspective.

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Temple University - School of Law
1719 North Broad Street - Room #710
Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA
Phone: 1-215-204-8982
Where: Rome
When: Summer
Law Summer Session in Rome: A summer program of ABA approved law study in: Immigration Law (with an Italian accent), Introduction to European Union Law and International Business Transactions.

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The Israeli Center for International Legal Studies
P.O.B 25179
Haifa 31250 Israel
Phone: 01+97248401923
Where: Haifa
When: september/february every year
LL.B Degree: A special collaboration between UEL (UNIVERSITY of EAST LONDON) and the Israeli Center offers first degree in law.

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The School of Russian and Asian Studies
P.O. Box 382385
Cambridge, MA 02238-2385
Phone: 1-800-55-RUSSIA
Where: Moscow, Russia
When: Summer 2000 (June 18-July 15)
Summer Law Seminar: Four-week summer law school hosted is open to current law students, graduate students and professionals. Seminar addresses Russian Corporate, Contract, Regulatory, and International Trade law.

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Touro College - Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center
Summer Law Programs, 300 Nassau Road
Huntington, NY 11743 USA
Phone: 1-516-421-2244 ext. 304/305
Where: Shimla
When: Summer
Summer Law Program: The only ABA approved summer program in India.

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Touro College - Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center
Summer Law Programs, 300 Nassau Road
Huntington, NY 11743 USA
Phone: 1-516-421-2244 ext. 304/305
Where: Moscow
When: Summer
Summer Law Program in Moscow: An exciting four-week summer law program in Moscow, Russia. The program will provide law students with the opportunity to study law in a country whose legal, economic, social, and cultural foundations are undergoing an historic transition.

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Tulane Law School
6329 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
Phone: 1-504-865-5935
Where: Montreal
When: Summer
Description: The principal subject areas covered in the session are: international trade, NAFTA, international conflict of laws, comparative labor law, transborder litigation, international commercial arbitration, and international human rights.

Tulane Law School
6329 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
Phone: 1-504-865-5935
Where: Cambridge
When: Summer
Summer Session in Cambridge: The curriculum is international and comparative in scope. This provides a unique opportunity to learn from and interact with a faculty with transnational interests and contacts.

Tulane Law School
6329 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
Phone: 1-504-865-5935
Where: Paris
When: Summer
Description: Our Institute's courses in European Legal Studies are designed to ready the student for transnational practice in the United States or on site in Europe.

Tulane Law School
6329 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
Phone: 1-504-865-5935
Where: Berlin
When: Summer
Description: International Banking Law; Introductin to the German Private Law; International Civil Litigation in Europe and the United States; Camparative Antitrust Law; Conflicts of Laws; International Economic and Banking Crimes.

Tulane Law School
6329 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
Phone: 1-504-865-5935
Where: Rhodos
When: Summer
Description: In light of the legal and cultural traditions of Greece, summer study in that country is particularly appropriate for law students seeking specialization in admiralty, public international law, conflict of laws, international business transactions, and legal institutionsof the European Union.

Tulane Law School
6329 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
Phone: 1-504-865-5935
Where: Jerusalem
When: Summer
Uri and Caroline Bauer Israel Program at the Hebrew University: The courses for the summer program will focus on several topical and controversial issues with emphasis on international business and trade.

Tulane Law School
6329 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
Phone: 1-504-865-5935
Where: Siena
When: Summer
Institute for European Union and Comparative Law: The program focuses on European Union Law, comparative law, and international law.

Tulane/Cardozo International Law Institue
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Suite 1007, 55 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003 USA
Phone: 1-212-790-0358
Where: Jerusalem
When: Summer

UNC-Chapel Hill School of Law

Where: Sydney
When: Summe
Summer Law Program in Sydney, Australia: The summer program in Sydney, Australia is open to law students in good academic standing. The program dates are June 26 - July 28, 1999. Courses in this American Bar Association approved program will concentrate on international and comparative law issues with a special focus on Australia and the Pacific Rim.

University College Dublin - LLM in European Law
Administrative Officer, Faculty of Law, Roebuck Castle
Belfield, Dublin 4 IRELAND
Phone: 011+353-1-706-8754
Where: Dublin
When: Summer

University of Baltimore School of Law
1420 North Charles Street
Balitmore, MD 21201
Phone: 1-410-837-4634
Where: Haifa
When: June 29-August 8,2000
Haifa Summer Law Institute: Co-sponsored by university of Arkansas at Little Rock. Summer Law Institute at Haifa University: June 29-August 8,2000. Six-credit program examining and comparing American, Israeli and other legal systems. Course-related and other field trips planned.

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University of Houston Law Center
4800 Calhoun Street Mexican Legal Studies Program
Houston, TX 77204-6370 USA
Phone: 1-713-743-2080
Where: Mexico City
When: Summer
Mexican Legal Studies: The Mexican Legal Studies Program is an intensive 6-credit summer course for US law students seeking a better understanding of Mexican law and legal relations between Mexico and the US.

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University of Kansas
108 Lippincott Hall
Lawrence, KS 66045-1731 USA
Phone: 1-785-864-7812
Where: Cambridge
When: Summer
Legal History at Cambridge: Study Law, History and Political Science.

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University of Malta
Foundation for International Studies, St. Paul Street
Valletta Malta
Phone: 011+356-237-547 or 011+356-234-121
Where: Valletta, Malta
Banking Law and Financial Markets: Covers various issues in the fields of banking law and financial markets with a particular focus on Europe. Languages: mostly Italian.

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University of Miami - School of Law
London Summer Program, P.O. Box 248087
Coral Gables, FL 33124-9973 USA
Phone: 1-305-284-3656
When: Summer

University of Mississippi - School of Law
Director of Summer Sessions
University, MS 38677 USA
Phone: 1-601-232-7361
Where: Cambridge
When: Summer
Description: If you are looking for a well-established, academic program set in an intimate and tranquil environment at the center of a vibrant English university city, you will find it in the Cambridge Summer Session. We offer an exciting curriculum; distinguished Cambridge lecturers; convenient, worry-free living arrangements; and central location in Cambridge.

University of Richmond School of Law
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173
Phone: 1-804-289-8187
Where: Cambridge
When: Summer
Summer in Cambridge: The purpose of the program abroad is to afford students an opportunity to live and study in surroundings providing maximum exposure to and understanding of the English common law system, which serves as the basis for much of our own law.

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University of San Diego - School of Law: Foreign Law Programs
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492 USA
Phone: 1-619-260-7460
Where: London
When: Summer
Institute on International and Comparative Law: Law relating to international business. Internships are available in London. Open to persons currently enrolled and in good standing in any law school in the world, and to graduates thereof. Graduate students and professors in international relations and international business may be accepted.

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University of San Diego - School of Law: Foreign Law Programs
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492 USA
Phone: 1-619-260-7460
Where: Oxford
When: Summer
Institute on International and Comparative Law: Examine and compare English & American law. Oxford one-on-one tutorials available. Open to persons currently enrolled and in good standing in any law school in the world, and to graduates thereof. Graduate students and professors in international relations and international business may be accepted.

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University of San Diego - School of Law: Foreign Law Programs
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492 USA
Phone: 1-619-260-7460
Where: Paris
When: Summer
Institute on International and Comparative Law: International law and business courses; internships are open to students who have completed at least 2 years of study and speak French fluently enough to do business in French. Open to persons currently enrolled and in good standing in any law school in the world, and to graduates thereof. Graduate students and professors in international relations and international business may be accepted.

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University of San Diego - School of Law: Foreign Law Programs
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492 USA
Phone: 1-619-260-7460
Where: Florence
When: Summer
Institute on International and Comparative Law: Courses focusing on law related to creativity (patents, copyrights, etc.) Open to persons currently enrolled and in good standing in any law school in the world, and to graduates thereof. Graduate students and professors in international relations and international business may be accepted.

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University of San Diego - School of Law: Foreign Law Programs
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492 USA
Phone: 1-619-260-7460
Where: Dublin
When: Summer
Institute on International and Comparative Law: Courses specializing in human rights. Open to persons currently enrolled and in good standing in any law school in the world, and to graduates thereof. Graduate students and professors in international relations and international business may be accepted.

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University of San Diego - School of Law: Foreign Law Programs
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492 USA
Phone: 1-619-260-7460
Where: Moscow/St. Petersburg
When: Summer
Institute on International and Comparative Law: Study abroad in Europe - open to persons currently enrolled and in good standing in any law school in the world, and to graduates thereof. Graduate students and professors in international relations and international business may be accepted.

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University of San Diego - School of Law: Foreign Law Programs
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110-2492 USA
Phone: 1-619-260-7460
Where: Barcelona
When: Summer
Institute on International and Comparative Law: Courses emphasizing European Law. Open to persons currently enrolled and in good standing in any law school in the world, and to graduates thereof. Graduate students and professors in international relations and international business may be accepted.

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University of Tulsa College of Law
3120 E. 4th Place
Tulsa, OK 74104
Phone: 1-918-631-2451
Where: London
When: Fall 2000
Autumn in London: Fall semester program for U.S. law school students offering courses in U.S., comparative and European law from an outstanding U.S. and British faculty. The program will offer internships with British lawyers, American London based law firms and other British legal institutions.

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University of Tulsa College of Law
3120 E. 4th Place
Tulsa, OK 74104
Phone: 1-918-631-2451
Where: Dublin
When: Fall 2000
Summer Institute in European and International Law: The Summer Institute in European and International Law will focus on three aspects of international and comparative law: European law, environmental law, and the law governing families. Ireland provides a fertile backdrop for the study of each of these.

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University of Tulsa College of Law
3120 E. 4th Place
Tulsa, OK 74104
Phone: 1-918-631-2451
Where: Buenos Aires
When: Fall 2000
Summer Institute in International Law: The Institute in International Law will focus on comparative law, business law and international human rights. Argentina provides a fertile backdrop for the study of each of these.

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This page last updated: 3/21/2000, at 12:21:27 AM

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