January 2nd 2000 - January 18th 2000
A two week, three credit program of fieldwork in biology or geology in a tropical marine setting. Environments to be studied by snorkeling and walking include beach, intertidal, coral reef and associated shallow water habitats. Studies will include evening lectures and an independent research project.
The Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador, the Bahamas. San Salvador is at the eastern end of a chain of 700 islands and cays that form the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
Total cost of $2,000 (excluding tuition), including roundtrip travel from home to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, to San Salvador; room, board and use of Field Station facilities; incidental personal expenses on the island (entertainment, snacks, shopping, etc.); and snorkeling gear. Participants must purchase their own snorkeling gear and arrange travel to Ft. Lauderdale.