Program Objectives |
Program Features |
Location and Facilities |
Application Deadline |
Field Trips
Orientation |
Faculty and Administration |
The Brockport Ghana Program |
2000-2001 Term Dates
Fall 2000 Semester: mid-August 2000 - mid-December 2000
Spring 2001 Semester: late January 2001 - early June 2001
The Brockport Program at The University of Ghana is a one-semester program offered in both the Fall and Spring semesters which is designed to provide an opportunity for American undergraduates to become, during their semester of participation, University of Ghana undergraduates. They will attend the same classes, live in the same housing, and participate in the same social, cultural, athletic, sporting and academic extracurricular activities as their Ghanaian counterparts. The Brockport/University of Ghana Program is best described as a "Full Integration" overseas academic program. In this aspect, the program is markedly different from overseas programs where American students are taught in classes which enroll only American students.
For the Fall 2000 Semester: | 1 April 2000 |
For the Spring 2001 Semester: | 1 November 2000 |
For Full 2000-2001 Year: | 1 April 2000 |
Late Applications are received on a space-available basis only. Since this program has an enrollment limit of twenty participants per semester, an early application is recommended.
2000-2001 "Cost of Program":
Semester: $6,200
Full Year: $12,400
WHAT IS INCLUDED in the "Cost of Program"
Pre-departure orientation materials, TUITION (at SUNY and at the University of Ghana), the ISIC card, Brockport's Added Value Services, an on-site orientation program, field trips, and HOUSING (in University-owned residence halls). Acceptance fee is an additional $200).
WHAT IS NOT INCLUDED"Cost of Program" | Estimated Cost* |
Health Insurance * * | $210 per semester |
Meals | $500 per semester |
Textbooks | $125 per semester |
Personal Expenses | $700 per semester |
Local Travel | $350 per semester |
Round Trip Airfare | $1,500 per semester |
* * SUNY regulations that require participants in Overseas Academic Programs have "adequate" insurance coverage. Students whose current health insurance is not "adequate" wil be required to purchase it.
Each participant in the Brockport Program will select an individual program of study from the more than 600 courses available to overseas students. Typically, this will be done prior to departure through the Office of International Education at Brockport (in consultation with the student's home department and the Office of International Student Services at University of Ghana). Normally, a participant may expect to earn a total of between twelve and sixteen credit hours for his/her semester's work at The University of Ghana.
A participant in the Brockport Ghana program is expected to carry a course load equivalent to that of a University of Ghana undergraduate degree candidate. However unlike a Ghanaian degree candidate, a Brockport program participant may choose her/his courses from the course offerings that are available in more than twenty disciplines--from African Studies to Management, Third World Studies, Economics, Religious Studies, and Anthropology.
A typical academic program will consist of fifteen credit hours of course work (earned typically in five three-credit hour courses, but other combinations are possible). All credits earned in the Brockport University of Ghana Program will be counted towards SUNY undergraduate degree requirements for graduation. Non-SUNY students and students who wish to use these credits for their academic major and/or minor should consult with their home campus academic departments prior to participation. Letter grades for the courses taken will be transmitted to the participants' home campus registrars via the Brockport transcript supplement at the conclusion of the semester.
A one-week Orientation Program is a compulsory part of each semester's program, and is mandatory for participants in the Brockport University of Ghana Program. Students are expected to arrive in Accra in time to begin their studies with this introductory course. The Orientation Course includes field trips and excursions and continues during the semester with a schedule of organized activities.
Each semester Brockport's University of Ghana Program organizes several field trips (to such places in Ghana as the city of Kumasi and southern cities of Cape Coast and Elmina). The cost of participation in these field trips is included in the "Cost of the Program."
Participants in Brockport's program at University of Ghana are housed in the University's Residence Halls. These on-campus accommodations facilitate the integration of participants in this program with faculty and students as well as within the academic and social life of the University of Ghana during the course of their participation. There are five halls of residence (one housing men only, one housing women only and three co-ed residence halls). Participants in Brockport's Program are housed in double rooms. Each of the University's halls of residence has its own dining facilities. The cost of housing (but not meals) is included in the "Cost of the Program," listed above.