A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
studyabroad.com lists telephone numbers as if they were being dialed from
North America. A prefix of "011" indicates a telephone number
outside North America. For studyabroad.com users outside North America,
replace "011" on our listings with the appropriate international
access number and dial the number as shown. North American numbers have
an international country code of "1"
Remember that calling internationally can be expensive. Your long distance
carrier generally bills peak hours from 8am-5pm as Day rate, 5pm - 11pm
as Evening (slightly reduced rates) and 11pm - 8am as Night (cheapest).
The rates are based on the local time of the caller, not where the phone
rings. By taking into consideration the time difference in various countries
you can save lots of money by calling during off-hours.
Code | Country |
93 | Afghanistan |
355 | Albania |
213 | Algeria |
684 | American Samoa |
33 | Andorra |
244 | Angola |
809 | Anguilla |
809 | Antigua |
54 | Argentina |
7 | Armenia |
297 | Aruba |
247 | Ascension Island |
61 | Australia |
672 | Australian External Territories |
43 | Austria |
994 | Azerbaijan |
TOP | |
809 | Bahamas |
246 | Barbados |
973 | Bahrain |
880 | Bangladesh |
375 | Belarus |
32 | Belgium |
501 | Belize |
229 | Benin |
809 | Bermuda |
975 | Bhutan |
284 | British Virgin Islands |
591 | Bolivia |
387 | Bosnia and Hercegovina |
267 | Botswana |
55 | Brazil |
809 | British V.I. |
673 | Brunei Darussalm |
359 | Bulgaria |
226 | Burkina Faso |
257 | Burundi |
TOP | |
855 | Cambodia |
237 | Cameroon |
1 | Canada |
238 | Capr Verde Islands |
1 | Caribbean Nations |
809 | Cayman Islands |
238 | Cape Verdi |
236 | Central African Republic |
235 | Chad |
56 | Chile |
86 | China (People's Republic) |
886 | China-Taiwan |
57 | Colombia |
269 | Comoros and Mayotte |
242 | Congo |
682 | Cook Islands |
506 | Costa Rica |
38 | Croatia |
5399 | Cuba |
357 | Cyprus |
2 | Czech Republic |
TOP | |
45 | Denmark |
246 | Diego Garcia |
809 | Dominca |
809 | Dominican Republic |
253 | Djibouti |
TOP | |
593 | Ecuador |
20 | Egypt |
503 | El Salvador |
240 | Equatorial Guinea |
291 | Eritrea |
372 | Estonia |
251 | Ethiopia |
TOP | |
500 | Falkland Islands |
298 | Faroe (Faeroe) Islands (Denmark) |
679 | Fiji |
358 | Finland |
33 | France |
590 | French Antilles |
594 | French Guiana |
TOP | |
241 | Gabon (Gabonese Republic) |
220 | Gambia |
995 | Georgia |
49 | Germany |
233 | Ghana |
350 | Gibraltar |
30 | Greece |
299 | Greenland |
809 | Grenada/Carricou |
671 | Guam |
502 | Guatemala |
224 | Guinea |
245 | Guinea-Bissau |
592 | Guyana |
TOP | |
509 | Haiti |
504 | Honduras |
852 | Hong Kong |
36 | Hungary |
TOP | |
354 | Iceland |
91 | India |
62 | Indonesia |
98 | Iran |
964 | Iraq |
353 | Ireland (Irish Republic; Eire) |
972 | Israel |
39 | Italy |
225 | Ivory Coast (La Cote d'Ivoire) |
TOP | |
809 | Jamaica |
81 | Japan |
962 | Jordan |
TOP | |
7 | Kazakhstan |
254 | Kenya |
855 | Khmer Republic (Cambodia/Kampuchea) |
686 | Kiribati Republic (Gilbert Islands) |
82 | Korea, Republic of (South Korea) |
850 | Korea, People's Republic of (North Korea) |
965 | Kuwait |
996 | Kyrgyz Republic |
TOP | |
371 | Latvia |
856 | Laos |
961 | Lebanon |
266 | Lesotho |
231 | Liberia |
7 | Lithuania |
218 | Libya |
41 | Liechtenstein |
352 | Luxembourg |
TOP | |
853 | Macao |
389 | Macedonia |
261 | Madagascar |
265 | Malawi |
60 | Malaysia |
960 | Maldives |
223 | Mali |
356 | Malta |
692 | Marshall Islands |
596 | Martinique (French Antilles) |
222 | Mauritania |
230 | Mauritius |
269 | Mayolte |
52 | Mexico |
691 | Micronesia (F.S. of Polynesia) |
373 | Moldova |
33 | Monaco |
976 | Mongolia |
809 | Montserrat |
212 | Morocco |
258 | Mozambique |
95 | Myanmar (former Burma) |
TOP | |
264 | Namibia (former South-West Africa) |
674 | Nauru |
977 | Nepal |
31 | Netherlands |
599 | Netherlands Antilles |
809 | Nevis |
687 | New Caledonia |
64 | New Zealand |
505 | Nicaragua |
227 | Niger |
234 | Nigeria |
683 | Niue |
850 | North Korea |
1 670 | North Mariana Islands (Saipan) |
47 | Norway |
TOP | |
968 | Oman |
TOP | |
92 | Pakistan |
680 | Palau |
507 | Panama |
675 | Papua New Guinea |
595 | Paraguay |
51 | Peru |
63 | Philippines |
48 | Poland |
351 | Portugal (includes Azores) |
1 787 | Puerto Rico |
TOP | |
974 | Qatar |
TOP | |
262 | Reunion (France) |
40 | Romania |
7 | Russia |
250 | Rwanda (Rwandese Republic) |
TOP | |
670 | Saipan |
39 | San Marino |
239 | Sao Tome and Principe |
966 | Saudi Arabia |
221 | Senegal |
381 | Serbia and Montenegro |
248 | Seychelles |
232 | Sierra Leone |
65 | Singapore |
42 | Slovakia |
386 | Slovenia |
677 | Solomon Islands |
252 | Somalia |
27 | South Africa |
34 | Spain |
94 | Sri Lanka |
290 | St. Helena |
809 | St. Kitts/Nevis |
508 | St. Pierre &(et) Miquelon (France) |
249 | Sudan |
597 | Suriname |
268 | Swaziland |
46 | Sweden |
41 | Switzerland |
963 | Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) |
TOP | |
689 | Tahiti (French Polynesia) |
886 | Taiwan |
7 | Tajikistan |
255 | Tanzania (includes Zanzibar) |
66 | Thailand |
228 | Togo (Togolese Republic) |
690 | Tokelau |
676 | Tonga |
1 868 | Trinidad and Tobago |
216 | Tunisia |
90 | Turkey |
993 | Turkmenistan |
688 | Tuvalu (Ellice Islands) |
TOP | |
256 | Uganda |
380 | Ukraine |
971 | United Arab Emirates |
44 | United Kingdom |
598 | Uruguay |
1 | USA |
7 | Uzbekistan |
TOP | |
678 | Vanuatu (New Hebrides) |
379 | Vatican City |
58 | Venezuela |
84 | Viet Nam |
1 340 | Virgin Islands |
681 | Wallis and Futuna |
685 | Western Samoa |
967 | Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of) |
967 | Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen) |
381 | Yugoslavia (discontinued) |
TOP | |
243 | Zaire |
260 | Zambia |
263 | Zimbabwe |
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