of one term's fees if even one of twenty-one verifiable promises are not met.
We believe we offer the best overseas study program in Britain. So far as we know, no other program is able to offer students all the following five important guarantees:
In the unlikely event we fail to meet even one of these guarantees a student who has received the guarantee in writing after requesting it with their application will be given a full refund of all fees paid for that term. If a student is considering other programs in Oxford, he or she might wish to ask if that program can match these guarantees.
We have been advertising this offer for three years and so far as we know no other educational institution in the world offers a money back guarantee.
We are so confident that our Visiting Student program at the University of Oxford is the best overseas program in the world that we have been offering a $1,000 prize to the first reader who sends us the name and description of the overseas program which is of the same academic quality and offers even the same level of overall benefits. We sincerely would like to know if such a program exists, and if one does we will cite it on this website and in future publications.
For more information please CONTACT US