Packing: Don't carry everything in one place! Never pack essential documents, medicine-- anything you could not do without--in your checked luggage. Put them in your carry-on bag.

Cash: Never carry large amounts of cash. American Express travelers checks are a good idea. Have three lists of checks. Leave one at home. Carry one list with your checks and carry one list separately from your checks. Keep two lists up-to-date as you cash checks. Keep the receipts for your checks separate from your travelers checks. For the small amount of cash you need, try using a necklace pouch or a money belt.

Credit Cards: Take only the cards you will use on the trip. Keep separate a list of, cards, numbers, and emergency replacement procedures.

Insurance: Since it may be necessary to contact your insurance agent(s) while abroad, keep all names and phone numbers, as well as your policy number(s), with you, in a safe place.

Luggage: Mark all luggage, inside and out, with your name and address. If you have an itinerary, put a copy inside each bag. Keep a list of what is in each bag and carry the list with your other documents. Mark your bags in some distinctive way, so they are easily found. COUNT YOUR PIECES OF LUGGAGE EACH TIME YOU MOVE! Try to travel light, it's safer and less cumbersome!

Medicines:Take all you need for the trip. Take copy of your prescription(s), with the generic name of the drug(s). Keep medicines in original drugstore containers. Take extra glasses and your lenses prescription with you.

Passport: Carry with you--separate from your passport--two extra passport pictures, passport number, date and place issued, and a certified-not photocopied-copy (not the original) of your birth certificate or an expired passport. If your passport is lost, report to local police; get written confirmation of the police report and, take the above documents to the nearest United States Consulate and apply for a new passport.

Ticket: Make a copy of your ticket or, list your ticket number, all flights included, and name and address of issuing agency, and keep this list separate from your ticket.


Overseas study programs recognize their responsibility to do their utmost to provide a secure and unthreatening environment in which you can safely live and learn. Responsible campuses and programs consult regularly with colleagues around the country who are involved in the administration of study abroad programs; with resident program directors of programs; with responsible officials of foreign host universities; with contacts in the U.S. Department of State and other governmental and non-governmental agencies and with other experts, including faculty who are well-informed on issues and events. It is in no one's interest to risk your safety and well-being.

The ability to communicate almost instantaneously worldwide via fax machines and electronic mail enables campuses (and parents) to obtain and share information quickly and accurately, in the event of an overseas emergency that may have repercussions for study abroad programs and students. In short, most campuses and programs have in place an effective system of consultation and consensus-building in order to make proactive and reactive decisions concerning the safe operation of their programs.

CRIME, VIOLENCE, AND TERRORISM: Most countries in the world have less street crime and personal violence than is potentially present in urban and suburban American. Indeed, in many countries U.S. students report when they return that they had never felt safer in their lives. this does not mean that there is no crime and that your safety is assured--because of, or in spite of, the fact that you carry a U.S. passport in a perhaps statistically more peaceful local environment.

The simple fact of your being a foreigner and not knowing quite what is and isn't safe behavior--not being certain where and where not to go or how to act--increases, at least somewhat, the possibility that you can be victimized by petty crime, such as fraud, robbery, theft, or even physical attack. Further, in certain places and at certain times, it is very possible to get caught in the midst of forms of political strife which may not be directed at you personally or even at you as an American, but nevertheless can be very dangerous.

With regard to the threat of terrorism, in those few sites where even remote danger might occasionally exist, program directors work with local police and U.S. consular personnel and local university officials in setting up whatever practical security measures are deemed prudent. In such places, you will be briefed during orientation programs and reminded at any times of heightened political tension about being security conscious in your daily activities. Terrorism is a twentieth- century reality and is not likely to diminish (or increase) significantly. To succumb to the threat by reacting in fear may well be the objective that terrorists seek to achieve. Nevertheless, there are certain rather obvious precautions that American students aborad can take. Among these are the following:


Do your homework, listen and heed the counsel you are given, and remain vigilant. Here are some essential Do's and Don't's which will serve you well: