Your decision to complete part of your undergraduate education in another country is a significant choice. Study abroad is an exciting adventure that can literally change the course of your life: It will provide you with knowledge that you can't acquire by staying home. In the course of a single semester, you will probably learn more about yourself, your home and your prior education than you have learned in any other one semester. Most students call their semester abroad "the best experience of my life."
Choose your study abroad program carefully. Try to find a program:
We believe that Brockport's overseas academic programs offer the best value in study abroad available anywhere. Compare what our programs offer with those of other accredited American colleges and universities (and with other programs too). In the past five years, more than fifteen hundred students (from over 150 colleges and universities throughout the US) have chosen to participate in a Brockport study abroad program.
The information on the following pages provides only a brief overview of our programs. We hope it provokes as many questions as it answers. For the answers to those questions, for more information, or to be put in touch with a former participant of a Brockport overseas program call us (toll free) at 1-(800) 298-SUNY.
John J. Perry, Ph.D.
Office of International