There are several cards which are experiencing problems in windows 2000, this probably due to drivers for the cards.
The 3DFX Voodoo 3 and Banshee both will crash to desktop if 1152x864 resolution is selected, also the text will flicker if the 1024x768 resolution is selected. The ATI Radeon will also corrupt the text at a resolution of 1152x864 and higher. The S3 Savage 2000 will reset the machine after any track has been loaded, it is not advisable to use this card, however newer drivers should resolve these problems.
The Ati Rage Pro (with 4mb add on board) has issues in that the trees have coloured blocks in them, also the light on the back of the car are incorrectly rendered. This card has problems rendering transparent textures correctly, so in 2 player modes the cars may not ghost correctly.
If you encounter any problems, please ensure that you have the latest drivers installed for your card. These should be obtained from the card or chipset manufacturer.
If you increase the settings of your display options and experience decreased performance and have the latest drivers, we recommend setting your Display options back to their defaults.