Upgrading the antivirus (Intelligent Upgrades)
In order to perform Intelligent Upgrades, it is necessary to have installed all of the antivirus components (by
choosing Complete Installation at the time of installing). In addition, it will not be necessary to have an
open Internet connection before beginning the Upgrade process. Once you have done this, the steps you must take to carry out an Intelligent Upgrade are as follows:
- Select the Intelligent Updates & Upgrades option in the Panda Antivirus 6.0 (Home Edition or Platinum) group under the Programs section in your Start menu.
- The program will automatically check the update status of both the virus
signature file and the antivirus itself. It will check to see if there exist more
updated versions of the virus signature file and complete antivirus.
- You will be offered the possibility of updating the virus signature file, the
antivirus or both, depending on the results of the previously described checks.
If you wish to go ahead with the update, you need only press the Update button.
- When finished, you are given the optional choice of restarting your computer
so that the changes made in the antivirus can take effect.