What is an immediate scan?
Immediate scans let you scan any part of the computer in search of viruses any
time you wish.
Immediate scans offer the possibility of choosing which area or areas you want
scanned. The scan begins at the moment you order it. These characteristics
make immediate scans especially apt for checking new files you may receive on any
support medium, such as a diskette, e-mail or an Internet file download, to be
sure they are free of viruses.
If you are in basic mode, an immediate scan is done by choosing one of the
predetermined scans which come with the program. The objective of these
predetermined scans is to provide users with the most common scans previously defined, so
that their scanning work is made as easy as possible.
You can also select one or several areas of the section displaying items to be
scanned and press the Scan button to start an immediate scan of the areas you have chosen.
If you are in advanced mode, a set of predetermined scans is also available to
you. You can choose one of these or create a new scan according to your needs
at the time. You can also modify the scan options. These options allow you to
configure the scan to adapt it to your specific needs.
As in the basic mode, you can select one or several areas from the section
offering items to be scanned and press the Scan button to start a scan on the spot.