Manual Track Info



If the CDDB does not return track info from your CD, then manually enter the information using the following steps.

  • Click on the Track name (typically 'Track 1', 2, 3 etc...) next to the check box. Once highlighted, the courser will blink on the right side of the highlighted track.

  • Hit the Delete key on your keyboard.

  • Type in the Track name in the now empty track field.

  • Hit Enter, the name you typed will be saved and the next track will be highlighted and ready to edit.

  • To change the Artist Name or Album Name in the display window use the same steps as above, clicking on either the Artist Name or Album Name.

Copyright protection

Use the same steps as above however when it's time to enter in a symbol (typically at the end of the track name) use the following ASCII codes to do so:

Hold down the Alt key on the keyboard while entering in the following number sets (enter the numbers only)

  • 0174 («)

  • 0169 (⌐)

  • 0153 (Ö)

Also See