Multisession CD



Multisession allows your CD-R or CD-RW drive to continue writing to CD-R or CD-RW media that already has information on it, and who's session was not "closed". (This feature is for data CDs only.  Not audio CDs).

  • When you insert a new piece of CD-R media into your CD drive you'll be able to write to it as normal.

  • If you insert a previously written to piece of media, you'll get the following message:

"The disk is NOT blank. Do you wish to add additional sessions to the disk?"

  • Choosing YES will cause the Create CD window to open and your Playlist tracks will be listed.

  • Choosing NO Will cancel the append and prompt you for a new CD.

When you choose YES to append to a  CD ROM the true size of the inserted media will be shown, including any existing data.  Blue indicates existing data (mainly for use with multisession burns), green/red indicate space to be added to the media.  Green is used when the proposed additions fit in the remaining free space.  Red is used when the proposed additions will not fit on the disc. If red is present simply remove some of the files to be burned.


After you've perfected the Playlist to be burned, click the Create CD button to begin.