To create a new .vsk file, first copy
the sample skin file "Sample Skin File.vsk" of the "Docs\" directory in the directory of
your skin, rename it the way you want and then edit it with a text editor such as
Notepad. You'll see six different sections: [header] gives general informations about
the skin, [back] defines the background of the skin, there are two ways to modify the
background, please choose one and only one, the [blocks] section defines the
different blocks of the game, [walls] allows you to use more than one picture for your walls,
in the [cursors] section you can change the cursors used in the game, and finally the
[sound] part allows you to change the level finish sound. Please beware, skin files are case
sensitive ! Picture formats allowed here are .bmp, .gif and .jpg, other formats such
as .png are not supported. Here's a little description of a typical .vsk file:
- @name
Type here the name of your skin
- @author
Type here your name or the name of the one who created the new graphics
- @version
Type here the number of version of your skin, if it's new type "1.0"
- @description
Type here a short description of your skin
- [BACK]
- @tile
If you use a background picture you would like to tile, type here the name of this picture (case sensitive)
- @bgcolor
If you don't have any picture and you just would like to change the background color, type here the color in Red-Green-Blue format
- @wall
Type here the name of the picture used as a wall (case sensitive)
- @object
Type here the name of the picture used as a moveable object (case sensitive)
- @object_store
Type here the name of the picture used as a succesfully filled-up storage location (case sensitive)
- @store
Type here the name of the picture used as an empty storage location (case sensitive)
- @ground
Type here the name of the picture used for the ground (case sensitive)
- @mover_up
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover, direction: up (case sensitive)
- @mover_down
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover, direction: down (case sensitive)
- @mover_left
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover, direction: left (case sensitive)
- @mover_right
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover, direction: right (case sensitive)
- @mover_store_up
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover above an empty storage location, direction: up (case sensitive)
- @omover_store_down
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover above an empty storage location, direction: down (case sensitive)
- @mover_store_left
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover above an empty storage location, direction: left (case sensitive)
- @mover_store_right
Type here the name of the picture used for the mover above an empty storage location, direction: right (case sensitive)
- @walltype
Enter 1 or 2. 1 is used for the basic wall mode: only 1 picture for the walls,
picture that you enter in [BLOCKS] @wall, but if you want to use multiple pictures
for the walls like in the "Björn Källmark's Sokoban" skin, set @walltype to 2. This
way the picture of the wall changes following what connections to other walls it has.
- @wall_x
In the "Sample Skin File.vsk" file d means down, u up, l left, r right. So Wall_d-l-r-dl means that this wall is
surrounded by 4 other walls: one under it, one its left, one on its right and
one on its down-left corner. Of course erase all these lines if you use
@walltype 1.
- @move
Type here the name of the cursor to use when you can move there.
- @push
Type here the name of the cursor to use when you can push the object there.
- @impossible_move
Type here the name of the cursor to use when you can not move there.
- @impossible_push
Type here the name of the cursor to use when you can not push the object there.
- @finish
Type here the name of the sound to use when you finish the level.