Creating Install Disks for the Price Guide 12/05/96 On the CD-ROM , there are disk images for copying the Price Guide application to four formatted 1.44MB floppy disks. You will need four empty formatted floppies. These installation disks will let you run the Price Guide without the CD-ROM. Go to the MACD directory on the CD-ROM to find the directories for the disk images disk1..disk4. Copy the contents of each disk image to your floppy. Do not copy the disk image directory, just the contents of the directory. Hence, the install files will be located off the root of the floppy. Be sure to label each of your floppies so you know which disk number they are in the installation. To use the Install disks, insert disk 1 into your floppy drive and run the SETUP.EXE from File Manager or Windows Explorer. The setup routine will prompt you for the other disks. CREATING PROFILE DISK Once the Price Guide application is installed on your computer, you will need to create the catalog to your computer's hard drive. If the computer you installed the Price Guide to has a CD-ROM drive, then you will need the Price Guide CD-ROM to create the catalog. Once the catalog is created, you won't need the CD-ROM to view the catalog prices. However, without the CD-ROM in your computer, you will not be able to view the product information, ADDITIONAL INFO, and README contents. If the computer you installed the Price Guide to does not have a CD-ROM drive, then you will need to create a floppy with your pricing . Follow the steps below to create a floppy with pricing. **************************************************************************************************************** NOTE: The steps below must be followed on a computer using the CD-ROM. You must run the application from the CD not, the hard drive. **************************************************************************************************************** 1.) From the main screen of the application, click on the button: CREATE PROFILE DISK. You will be prompted for a PIN and install drive for your floppy. Make sure your Power Disk CD-ROM is in the drive. 2.) Enter your PIN and change the install drive letter if it is other than the "A" drive. Make sure you have an empty formatted floppy inserted into your drive. Click on the OK button. The application will copy your pricing profile from the CD-ROM to your floppy if you've entered the correct PIN. CREATING CATALOG WITH PROFILE DISK ******************************************************************************************** Note: To use the profile disk, you MUST REMOVE the power disk CD-ROM. The application must be run from the hard drive not the CD-ROM. ******************************************************************************************* 1.) To install the catalog to the computer without the CD-ROM drive (assuming you have already run the setup from install disks) ,click on the button CREATE CATALOG from the main screen. The application will prompt you for your PIN. 2.) After entering your PIN, the application will ask you if you have a floppy provided from your distributor. Select NO when you get to this screen. 3.) Next, you will be asked if you have a profile on disk. Select YES and insert your profile disk into your floppy drive. The application will create the catalog based on the profile disk you created.