(To skip opening sequence from now on, press Esc once at the IT IS A TIME OF WAR.... screen and wait.) G E N E R A L H E L P Press any key to page through this help message. Press the ESC key to return to the game FUNCTION KEYS F1 Displays help message. Pause, Boss Key -------- Registered Version Only! F2 Ship Status F3 Music on/off F4 Sound on/off F5 Saves the game. F6 Restores a saved game. F8 Toggle joystick. F9 Calibrate joystick. ESC Ends game NUM LOCK OFF! STARBLADE CONTROLS ----------------------------- Keypad or arrow keys to move. [SPACEBAR]===>to fire Lasers [ENTER]=======>to fire Energy Torpedos (Start with 5 Torps) D.A.T.A. REMOTE CONTROLS ----------------------------- Keypad or arrow keys to move. [W] to shoot Lasers up. [A] to shoot Lasers left. [S] to shoot Lasers down. [D] to shoot Lasers right. ON EACH LEVEL, destroy all the Stargates to prevent Xorgian ships to enter the sector and TO PASS THE LEVEL!!!