Startup Form1 Form15 MoviePicture Movie MMControl @ Form_Load Form_Click Form2 Form1 Label2_Click mmcontrol1 Command FileName hWndDisplay MMControl1_Donet NotifyCode Label1_Click Label1F Text1 Text1_Change Text1_Click Form_Resize Height ScaleHeight Width ScaleWidth Picture1 szTitle vwrFromMVB SetWindowLong HwndFromVwrj VwrCommandz cmdOptNone Picture1_Click( Movie6 Movie_Done[ MCI_MODE_NOT_OPEN MoviePicturey Form_Paint szRoot MB_ICONEXCLAMATION Form_Activate caption JumpTopic Startup Controller< Form_Unload CancelG Title Form_KeyPressY KeyAscii MoveWindow HwndFromV hwndVwr ThenVwrCommand Form_LinkOpen SetWindowPos HWND_TOPMOST SWP_NOMOVE SWP_NOSIZE FirstTime style GetWindowLong GWL_STYLE WS_BORDER WS_CAPTION StartViewer fViewerStarted ViewerStarted fMovieRepeat. Form_Click PositionTopic(`main', 0, 0, 1023, 1023, 1, 1) Form_Load Keep the user occupied with a nice movie while wea get viewer started and load the titlev startup.avi Form_Resize Form_Unload close Movie_Done StartViewer By now we're up and running and the startup form is visible\) It's time to find the viewer title or start it up afreshb roadshow.mvb HideButtonBar() Can't load title Once viewer has been started we want to remove the caption bar, get rid of the menus and buttons ande position it full screen. Note that we always use cmdOptNone to VwrCommand, we don't want any display until all is done.C When all is done, jump to the front page HideButtonBar() HideMenuBar()