WindowMagic Version 2.0 [Shareware] This software package is SHAREWARE. This means an author or programmer has prepared software which you are free to copy, and share with others, but the author requests a REGISTRATION FEE for you to continue LEGAL use and receive additional benefits. If you received this software from a shareware vendor or computer club who charged $3 or $4 you have only paid a DISTRIBUTION or HANDLING FEE to produce an EVALUATION disk of which NO PORTION goes to the author of the software. You are encouraged to use the software and, pay the final REGISTRATION FEE to the author to become legally registered and receive further benefits specified below. Unregistered users may examine, search and evaluate the program. Registered users will recieve: * Over 3800 Icons sorted in Icon Palettes, * Technical support * Eliminates annoying NAG screen * Notification of New Products and special update pricing Paying the registration fee brings by return mail the UPDATED Program, and the Icon Palette Libraries. MORE .....................................................>>>> NEXT PAGE Page 2 of 2 Current Version of Windowmagic ? ____________(See "About WindowMagic") Who provided your copy of WindowMagic? (Compuserve, BBS,Shareware Dealer, etc.) __________________PH ( ___) ___-____ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Qty Sub-Total WindowMagic 2.0 ___ @ 49.95 ________ WA State Tax ___ @ 2.46 ________ Ship Handling U.S. ___ @ 3.00 ________ Foreign ___ @ 6.00 ________ Total in U. S. Funds _____________________ Disk Size: 3.5 __ or 5.25 __ SHIP TO: NAME _______________________________________________________ COMPANY _______________________________________________________ STREET _______________________________________________________ CITY ____________________STATE_________________ZIP__________ COUNTRY ________________ PHONE (____) ___ -____ PAYMENT: Check Enclosed _____ VISA ____ Mastercard _____ Name on Card ______________________________________________ Account Number ______________________________________________ Expiration Date ___/___ Signature ___________________________________________________ WinWear 14150 NE 20th # 346 Bellevue WA 98007 Phone Orders (206) 882-1530