Welcome to the page which wishes to be web's largest anime lyrics archive!
If you had been here before, you'll notice some major changes. Now this page is cgi managed and powered and will be easy to update and more versatile. Now you can browse
though all the lyrics or search the ones you're looking for.
Notes & instructions:
"Japanese" means the original japanese lyric (romanji and/or kanjis). It can also be in english if the lyric is originally in english.
"English" means the lyric in japanese and its english translation. Also used for the english lyrics of a series.
"Spanish" means the lyric in japanese and its spanish translation. Also used for the spanish lyrics of a series.
"Other" is used for french and italian lyrics.
In order to view the lyrics, click the "View lyrics" button and DON'T use
the "enter" key because you'll get an error. Thanks
Lyrics for Ranma and Sailor Moon are under reconstruction. They'll be back soon. |