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About Rocket!

Mondo - Team Rocket Name: Mondo 01 - Mondo and Ditto!  By Slimu 1999
Voice: Takehito Koyasu
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
About Mondo:

R for Rocket!

Ever wonder how Jessie and James manage to get away after they've been thrown across the mountains, trapped inside a cave, or dropped into a deep canyon? Mondo's the answer! Mondo's a very good friend of Jessie and James, who always gets them out of jams, although he always looks up to them like they're his idols. Jessie, especially ~_^.
Mondo's job is basically Jessie and James' assistant. He brings them food, he gets them out of trouble; in general, he's their maid. Mondo also has a PokΘMon of his own, which would be Ditto.
Mondo has never appeared in the cartoon though. His only appearance I know of was in a Japanese CD titled "Shiroi Ashita da Rocket Dan" (A White Tomorrow - Team Rocket), which included 3 CD Dramas. These dramas are like PokΘMon episodes, except without visuals.
Anyhoo, Mondo is quite an exuberant little fellow ~_^. Whenever Jessie or James shout out for him, he's there in a few short seconds with a enthusiastic greetings to Jessie and James. In comparison of personalities between James and Mondo, it would seem as if James was actually normal!

Online Since August 31, 1998

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