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RE: Team Rocket Psycho-Analysis

By Curly Tots

Dear Author,

I must give you a hand up on your analyses of Team Rocket. They were very well thought up and put together. I found very few "flaws", or opinional discrepancies would be a better way to put it, in this document. Jessie's was right on the nose. I couldn't have put it better myself! She is in desperate need of reassurance, especially from her fellow members or TR, who really seem to be more of a somewhat disfunctional, but loving family than a team of bandits. Overall, you expressed them as two people and a pokemon desperately trying to fit in with a world of chaos that rejected them long ago, and are now trying to get back at them. In a way, it almost seems that more than just get back at this cruel world, they would rather just have a second chance. But then, I do mean almost, especially with Jessie and Meowth. Their marginal violence is constant in every episode.
As I said before, Jessie was expressed perfectly, as was Meowth. James could have been elaborated on just a bit, and if you don't mind me doing so, I think the "romantic at heart" paragraph should have more to say:

As we saw in a more recent episode, James was heir to a great fortune, in respects that he marry a vile, overbearing (more so than Jessie...?), uptight girl named Jessibell, who had a strange Georgian accent. Strangely enough, she shared a great amount of physical characteristics with Jessie, who is a toned-down version of this psychotic being. Jessibell shared plenty of emotional characteristics with Jessie as well, only she had lost that inner child that Jessie still clings to. Jessibell had *nothing* but low confidence covered up by an image of self-absorbent greed, which she had yet to realise. However, I detest. The romantic part of James was deeply shown in this example when he was finally returned to Jessie and a duplicate of Meowth. He showed to himself and the other members that he really did care about the team.
His inner child was discovered as he ran from Jessibell, knowing all to well that he was just not ready for something so commiting as marriage. He devotes himself to Team Rocket, but solely because it promises to take care of him, much like your average kid on the street who joins a gang because his own family cannot care for him. James ran from his family, and his fortune, because he knew that money was not nearly as important as a group of people who cared about him. Jessie and Meowth knew they had the team. They wanted the money because they still have yet to face their pasts and reasons why they joined a gang of bandits. James was forced to face his past, and much too soon, but he already knew how to grow up quickly, and faced it.
In the end, James returned to his "family", and a touching, romantic scene stole the show, and made them realise how vastly important they all are to each other.

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