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Pokémon Snack Attack!

Pokémon RollsGrocery stores across the country have been invaded by Pokémon, in the form of Pokémon Punch Red Rolls. In case you're wondering, Pokémon Rolls have been designed to taste like fruit punch, not Pokémon (just imagine munching on a Muk-flavored fruit roll)!

Each box of Pokémon Rolls includes one of five Pokémon trading card game cards. If you're lucky, you might find a special gold-bordered Meowth card, only available in boxes of Pokémon Rolls.

As an extra bonus, the backing paper of each Pokémon Roll features trading card game tips.

Pokémon RollsHere at Pokémon World, we decided to sample some of these Pokémon Rolls to see if they could stand up to our high culinary standards.

We found the Rolls to be soft and chewy, with a delicious tang that was not overly sweet. The Pokémon Rolls occasionally stuck to our teeth, but we determined this to be a positive quality in the world of fruit snacks.

We were pleased to find a Bulbasaur trading card in our box, although we must admit we were hoping for a gold-bordered Meowth. Well, we guess it's unfair for food critics to expect special treatment.

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