Lynx 2.6
If you like the simple things in life and don�t care for graphics, Lynx�the premier character-based Web browser�is for you. But before you jump into a free download of the browser, make sure you�ve got the right version; otherwise you might be boarding an airplane without a propeller.
New users should get Lynx 2.6. It�s the most recent version of Lynx maintained by Foteous Macrides at Worcester Foundation for Biological Research. The final release from University of Kansas is Lynx 2.4.2, and KU has no plans to upgrade the version.
Lynx may read text only, but it still jumps through hoops like other browsers. Here�s the low-down on the features:
- HTML 3.2 and Netscape extensions
- Support for tables, frames and imagemaps
- Color
- Integrated Usenet newsreader
- Jumpfiles (Type in a word, and Lynx takes you to the URL that matches the search.)