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British ArchaeologyClassics and Mediterranean Archaeology Home PageCOMBINED CAESAREA EXPEDITIONS
The Council for Independent ArchaeologyDino Russ's LairDinosaur Provincial Park
Duke Papyrus ArchiveFAQCareer in Archaeology in the U.S.Field Museum Online
GIS and Remote Sensing for Archaeology: Burgundy, FranceThe Indiana Jones WWW PageInstitute of Nautical Archaeology (INA)
Internet ArchaeologyNational Park Service: Links to the PastArcheologyNative American History and Archaeology Resources on the Internet
The Oriental InstituteUniversity of ChicagoPan-American Institute of Maritime Archaeology (PIMA)Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (UCL)
RADIOCARBON WWW ServerReeder's Egypt PageROMARCH Roman Art and Archaeology
Royal Commission on Ancient Historical Monuments of ScotlandRoyal Tyrrell Museum Web SiteSAAwebSociety for American Archaeology
The Skull PageSouth Dakota ArchaeologySouthWestern Archaeology
Stone PagesT.W. RutledgeU.C. Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
UK Archaeology on the Internet