Job Descriptions
Probably the easiest way to take a look at the jobs out there and to get a handle on what a job actually entails is to look at job profiles. A couple of places to find profiles include the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( and the Exploring Occupations ( pages. The Handbook is a great source if you want to know a lot about a specific job, but the actual reports aren't online�you have to send in for them and they cost anywhere from $1.50 to $2 each. You can buy the whole set for $24. Look on the page for more information.
The Exploring Occupation's page is a great resource for getting in touch with a job. Here you can look up career information in a variety of fields, from Business and Management to Sport an recreations. You can also look at Occupational profiles, which are professionals' personal take on their profession. The page also locates for you descriptions of carious occupations, including Anthropology and English, an even Environmental Careers. Many different occupations are listed, so this could be a great resource if you just want to look up your dream job or if you want an idea of several occupations.