Using Online Resume Companies
Some online companies that have resume services only offer help with the resume itself. Others include posting services, and most offer a variety of career-related services, including additional articles. E-Span, mentioned earlier, offers a wide variety of online services. Other companies, such as About Work (, offer resume services as well. About Work's Resume 1 2 3 actually enables you to try the chronological and functional resumes so that you can decide which one works for you. Another site to try if you want to experiment with resume formats is IGuide ( IGuide offers three different formats for you to try, all taken from the two basic formats which were talked about earlier. You can either print a resume after you use IGuide's Resume Maker or you put on your home page. Still other organizations have great services available as well. You need to check with the companies yourself and find the one (or ones) that is right for you.
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