640K ought to be enough for anybody.
Bill Gates, 1981
Get your beverage and snacks ready. This category has so many sites to check out, you'll be sitting at your command post for days! Offering more than 800 sites, you will find everything and more about computers, including companies, desktop publishers, hardware, software, networking, multimedia, and more!
Provides product information, technical support, and drivers for manufacturers of computer peripherals equipment. Includes full product line and background along with purchasing information. Also provides contact to Alps components division.
Provides company background, training information, product listings, employment opportunities, sales information, and distributors list for this manufacturer of programmable logic devices and computer-aided logic development tools. Sight also includes an electronic access contact sight for technical support and general product information.
Provides A+ Performance Engineered systems, networks, applications, and services. Includes product information, service listings, press release index, and technical information.
Provides USR 28.8 v.34 digital modems, full digital IDSN, Web services, and Web site design. Includes full product information, technical support, service listings, software, and sales contacts.
Provides information on ALPHA-based, NeXTSTEP, Linux/BSD UNIX, Windows NT, SPARC-based, and other custom design systems that they sell. Also provides online custom design form, company background, policies and detailed additional product information.
Provides information on Apple's latest products and also supplies software updates. Although the rumor mills are flying about this company's fate, Apple's Web site obviously is full of information on new products and software enhancements. Check out this site for the latest on Apple technology.
AST introduces their new "direct line" to technical support. This well-organized site provides quick access to bios upgrades, patches, technical support, e-mail, and file indexes.
Home site for Belhaven Group companies that produce computer hardware, system sales, and provide Internet services. Provides links to group companies such as Behlhaven Instrumentation and Control, Belhaven Applied Technologies, Belhaven Systems, and One World Communications.
Distributes of many various computer products including superconductors, storage subsystems, digital optical equipment, and various software packages. Provides technical support, product information, company profile, and services listings.
Supplies and sells computer systems, network products and services. Provides product background, corporate profile, and online career opportunities with Beyond 2000. Includes information about WebCentral services.
CGI is an IBM company that designs and delivers custom produced hardware, software, and applications packages created to serve client needs and structures. Specializes in Lotus Notes sales automation and the creation of networks, groupware, and work applications. Provides lengthy company background with detailed listings of services and products offered.
Distributes and provides support for Hewlett-Packard and Oracle hardware, software, services, and other miscellaneous products. Includes lengthy company profile, Oracle news, HP updates, and hardware and software products listings. Also provides contact numbers and e-mail addresses for all of North America.
Designs, produces, and provides disaster recovery software, systems integration services, and risk consultations. Products include CLASS, and ComPAS disaster recovery products. Includes complete listing of services offered that range from disaster recovery consulting to computer leasing.
Access Compaq's Web services for corporate information, worldwide service center directories, technical support, and press releases on Compaq's newest Web servers and pricing.
Specializes in computer training in Microsoft and Macintosh computing. Includes full schedule of classes and training courses offered. Also includes information about on-site training.
Specializes in computer training and custom programming. Includes company profile, contact information, and philosophies utilized in services. Includes links to Web pages created by Cunningham & Cunningham.
Produces file servers, multimedia systems and workstations both for networks and stand-alone situations. Includes online price quotes and contact information.
Provides a wide range of technical repair services for everything from hard drives to printers. Also provides technical support services, spare parts, and a wide array of other services. Includes services offered, contact information, job opportunities, and data exchange.
Produces DES Database Excellerator products that improve speed and performance through their solid state design. These products are compatable with Sybase, Oracle, or RBDMS networking systems. Includes services offered, product background, and specifications. Also includes contact information.
Supplies sales for connection products such as interface cables, adapters, and printer share equipment. Includes detailed product catalog with technical specifications and contact information.
Supplier of second hand IBM mini- and main-frame equipment to countries in the Middle East and Africa.
Researches, develops, and produces custom designed software and hardware for the scientific and medical fields. Includes technologies packages for data acquisition and data analysis for disciplines such as neuroscience, psychology, biology, neurology, and many more. Includes application types and contact information.
This manufacturer of high-performance multi-processor upgrades for Macs provides a simple, graphical Web site for registering products, downloading updates and related Mac software, or learning more about Daystar's product line. Also learn about their new Genesis system of Mac-compatible systems
Develops and produces applications for data management, telecommunications, interactive media, and multimedia. Includes Internet design, communications, video conferencing, digital library, and many other products. Includes work samples, art gallery, and contact information.
Aside from Digital's typical Web services, such as technical support, current product information, and International center addresses, is their own search engine—Alta Vista. Add this to your list of favorites in case your current search engines disappoint.
Designs and produces connectivity products and services. Distinct's line includes TCP/IP Developers Kits (SDK), TCP/IP Applications, and other related applications and hardware. This site includes product specifications, technical support, ordering information, and listings of international resellers.
Provides a wide range of services in interactive technology. Includes Internet access, CD-ROM creation, custom software design, animation, and video services. Also includes contact information. The best part of this site is a link to "Gigabox!", an online games service provided by Downtown Digital. Gigabox includes trivia games, top ten lists, and contests. It's a neat site.
Produces NETPrint and JETXPrint network print servers along with other printing and peripheral products. Includes product specifications, technical support, company profile, and news. Also includes purchasing information and a resellers list.
Designs and produces "DigitEyes" family of digital and analog video cameras and other related products. Includes lengthy product technical background and company profile. Provides ordering and contact information.
There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.
Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
Produces Internet connectivity products specializing in access provisioning. Provides information about the Internet Protocol Adapter (IPAD) access products. Includes product specifications, corporate profile, technical support, and contact information.
Provides a wide range of Fortran services. Includes testing, training, and other services especially for Fortran 90. Also supplies information about The Fortran Journal.
Provides online Help, CAD, and desktop conferencing products. This site also explains the corporate structure of Fujitsu Japan, a $30 billion per year company.
Provides low price computer hardware, software, and networking products. Provides links to their electronic catalog, pricing and ordering, warranties, company information as well as other cool sites such as computer manufacturers and information and general sites on the subjects of art, government, Internet, and so forth.
Buy computers over the Internet. Provides computer upgrades, network installation, and new systems. Provides links to descriptions, pricing, ordering information, and a link to the computer dealer page.
The leader in desktop hardware and network servers provides a multi-lingual Web site that is much more international than most other computer manufacturers. Jump from this site to learn about HP's Latin American division, their newest systems in other countries, and technical information on HP printers.
Business and technical information for planning and disseminating distributed multi-vendor application solutions. Provides links to the home page, problem solving, demos, and Lotus Notes software.
Offers desktop conferencing products to businesses and organizations. Provides links to Person-to-Person info, ordering info, a search engine, an introduction to desktop publishing, and testimonials from Person-to-Person clients.
Manufacturers of Massively Parallel Computing (MPP) systems and developers of software for these systems. This site provides technical information on Meiko products, announcements, and reviews. Find out how MPP systems are beginning to replace Massive Mainframes by clicking on News, Reviews, and Announcements.
Produces high-capacity, high-performance storage products, including AV-optimized hard disk drives, RAID subsystems and controllers, and video-on-demand systems. This basic Web site includes the standard product information, tech support, recent news, and company profile information.
What's new at Xerox? Check out the Research link to the Palo Alto Research Center and find out about Xerox's latest projects.
Describes their energy-saving Nightware product for computer printers.
Designs and produces cognitive automation, communication, recognition, and industrial recognition products. Specializes in products that process handwritten documents, surface inspection, quality control, and other repetitive work. Includes product technical specifications, example applications, and contact information.
Produces and provides systems engineering products and services. Specializes in system appraisal and custom design. Includes services offered, company resources, clients listings, and contact information. Provides company organization, news, and employment opportunities.
Produces SmarTerm PC connectivity products, and Intersect wireless ethernet and token-ring network bridges. Includes company profile, product specifications, trade show attendance dates, technical support, and press releases. Also provides new product information.
Produces custom developed software and networking. Also provides WWW services, graphics creation, scripting, and consulting. Includes company profile, resources, listing of services and products offered. Also includes clients with links to sites created.
Provides home site for PRC, a large government and corporate computer contractor and service provider. Designs and manufactures many products in many technologies. Produces custom designed software, image solutions, systems integration and large network design services. Includes services offered, markets covered, products utilized, and contact information based upon client needs.
Provides a wide array of network, Internet, server, and security products and services. Includes services offered and contact information.
Provides computer technology and information database solutions for science agencies through the development of data collection and analysis support systems. Includes listing of clients and projects. Provides services offered and technologies utilized.
Provides database programming, Web site creation, and computer consulting services. Creates software products and custom designed applications. Includes products and services offered.
Produces networking, Firewall, security, system, and software products. Offers consulting, training, and development services. Includes detailed product background and service philosophies. Provides corporate profile, press releases, trade show attendance dates, links to related sites, and technical support services.
Provides world-wide home site for Seiko Epson who produces a diverse line of products spanning the technical world. Includes vast information about all of Seiko Epsons' divisions, products, and companies. Includes a corporate profile and contact information.
Provides business computer design, set-up, and management services. Includes services offered, technologies utilized, links to related sites, and contact information. Also includes online network evaluation and price quotes.
Designs and produces high-technology speech recognition and text conversion computer products. Includes information about The Phoenetic Engine speech to text converter and the SpeechNet client/server software family. Provides complete product line and technical specifications. Also includes press releases and white papers.
Specializes in communications solutions and consulting for the health care industry, media, and legal fields. Provides system design, custom software, network management, and much more. Includes a search index of services provided and products offered.
Manufacturer and installer of fault-tolerant storage solutions for use in client/server, online transaction processing (OLTP), large database, multimedia, and imaging applications. This Web site has so many news items, product and language links, and platform and contact links that you're not sure where to click.
Provides custom storage system creation, client/server proprietary server, and Web site development services and products. Includes product features, services offered, and contact information.
The home page from the creators of the new Java Web language is a must see for Web fanatics. Click on their Search icon to access Java information quickly, or to find info on specific topics. The monthly e-zine SunWorld Online provides a wealth of information about Web servers, diagnostic software, and recent Net information.
Produces a large catalog of tutorial, reference, handbook, and network products. Includes software, books, and manuals. Provides online catalog, contact, and ordering information.
Provides a wide range of products and services for companies networking, connectivity, and system problems. Includes company profile, technical partnership, product background, and services offered. Also includes clients listings and contact information.
Produces WinTwin and WinAPPC connectivity products. Includes technical specifications, company history, and contact information.
Provides a wide range of services and products including hardware consulting and support, Web site design, corporate Internet access services, and much more. Includes client listings, company profile, and contact information.
Designs and produces business solutions software, hardware, and applications. Provides custom system design and consulting services. Includes listing of services and products developed. Also includes detailed company profile and contact information.
Produces add-on performance products for PCs, workstations, and laser printers. Includes information about add-on memory, acceleration devices, and other products. Includes reseller listings, technical support, and contact and ordering information.
Develops a wide range of technologies and products. Includes information about the AMX Pagemaker, BitBOPPER audio and visual effects products, and the Artwalker project (an online art gallery). Provides a detailed company background and profile.
Manufacturer of rack mount, mobile, and benchtop PCs for use in industrial applications. See what it takes to make a PC virtually bullet proof, read about their latest systems, or order a free catalog. You can also contact customer service and technical support.
Provides Web site design and marketing services along with Turbosales custom software packages. Services offered include site development, advertising, and page management. Includes information about Turbosales specialized software.
Produces communications solutions for companies using a wide range of technologies, systems, and services. Includes company philosophies and communications background. Also includes contact information.
Produces UniPress software for Web publishing and site maintenance. Also provides WWW site services including page development, training, and consultation. Includes detailed listing of services and products offered along with technical and client references.
Produces PC components and other products for Linux configuration needs. Includes information about the VA Linux System catalog, ordering details, and links to Linux sites on the Web.
Provides custom system, network, and software design and engineering services. Also provides consulting, training, and systems testing services. Includes information about Department of Defense systems Validity supports. Also includes client links and contact information.
Produces automated call back and call routing devices and systems. Includes information about the AutoConnect and AutoRoute lines. Provides product details, reviews, downloadable overview, and contact information.
Provides information about the Dragon line of voice recognition systems. Includes system and application technical specifics, downloadable demos, customer testimonials, and contact information.
Produces video output and video capture products. Includes information about the VGA-CTV graphics controller and the VGA-TV video output graphics card. Includes company profile, links to resource sites, and contact information.
Provides custom business information software solutions, application and network integration services. Also provides Web site design and training services. Includes company profile, detailed service background, and contact information.
PC clone manufacturer for business environments. Find out about their rack mount, notebook, and desktop Pentium systems.
Scaleable parallel computing, high-performance I-WAY networks, and High-Performance Computing and Music research are currently under way at this federally funded institute. Another fascinating research project is the CAVE, a ten-foot cube that provides a stereo optical, real time, virtual environment. Check out how this works!
A lengthy glossary of computer-oriented abbreviations and acronyms, updated three times a year (January, May, and September). This page takes a while to load because of its length, but its thoroughness is worth a bookmark or a printout.
One of four supercomputing centers funded by the National Science Foundation. This center experiments with powerful parallel processing structures in a number of disciplines, including aerospace engineering, economics, epidemology, physics, and visualization.
If you think your desktop Pentium is powerful, check out Cray's latest desktop systems, some of which are wireless.
A detailed discussion of the history of computing presented in a slide show format. Find out about Charles Babbage's infamous "Difference Engine," Blaise Pascal's revolutionary "Pascaline," ENIAC, and the Altair computer. A thorough and well-designed trip through computing history.
Download large GIF photos of famous, early computers, such as the ENIAC, EDVAC, ORDVAC—a fascinating Web site.
Lists upcoming Gigabit Workshops and IEEE white papers and reports on gigabit computing. Includes links to other gigabit networking projects, researchers, and sites.
Founders of the Computerworld Smithsonian Awards, which have honored individuals who creatively used information technology (also known as IT) to improve humanity. Check out the Applications of Technology Information link and the Interviews link to find out how recent winners of this award used IT in their projects.
Joint initiative by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to encourage the use of intelligent systems in UK business. This site describes the technology transfer clubs, special interest groups, demonstration projects, and latest news of the ISIP program, which strives to incorporate these pattern-recognition agents in standard software development toolkits.
Provides information in the form of text, images, sound, and animations on more than 10,000 National Science Foundation research projects. All the sites listed on this Web page have used NSF facilities to conduct research. Download computer animations of Comet Shoemaker-Levy impacting Jupiter, theoretical 3D models of action inside the sun, and many more fascinating images.
The MIT AI lab's research ranges from learning and vision and robotics to development of new computers. Check out the Our Research link to read about projects in Machine Vision, Robotic Touch, Virtual and Enhanced Reality, and SodaBot software agents.
This program works with American businesses and universities to accelerate the development of high-performance computing technologies for use in future NASA Earth and space missions. Find out what a teraflop is (a trillion floating point operations per second), and the size of a petabyte, which is equivalent to 2,300 years of digitized video!
Find out how NCSC promotes the use of super-computing at North Carolina schools. Read about their new Cray "flyer" computer, and find out more about research being conducted with their equipment.
Find out more about the 25th anniversary of the computing center that invented laser printers, graphical user interfaces, ethernet technology, and Object Oriented Programming languages. Check out personal pages of PARC researchers and employees and find out about current projects, such as nano-technology and machine vision. A prerequisite for any true technophile is to download the map to PARC's campus.
Take an online tour of this recent Smithsonian exhibit, which includes the original ENIAC computer, WWII German ENIGMA encryption devices, and high definition TV. Download a slide show of the exhibit, and read what famous scientists, such as Robert Ballard and Seymour Cray, have to say about the age of information.
Group of researchers and students who develop software for supply chain/logistics/vehicle routing applications using geographic information systems (GIS). If you like puzzles or demo software and you're running Netscape 2.0 in Windows 95 or UNIX, click on the Software Demonstration button for an example of their software. Cool maps!
Provides research and produces SPECTRA6 quantitative analysis systems. SPECTRA6 is utilized in data analysis of radiation from stellar sources and related thermodynamic properties. Includes contact information.
The largest computer museum in the U.S., based in Boston, Massachusetts, continually updates and expands this Web address with information on new exhibits, museum clubs for adults and kids, upcoming events, and behind the scenes of their most popular exhibits.
Provides a calling card that you can use 24 hours a day-seven days a week and call for computer help. Page provides different packages, including the Action Call Gold Card.
Provides a complete list of services, products and support to be used with ISDN products. Site includes a full equipment catalog, consulting services, Internet accessing with ISDN, and Web site of interest o ISDN subscribers.
Develops 32-bit, object-oriented applications. Amadeus also designs Internets and firewalls. Provides listings of software, Web services, company background, their clients, development information, and listings of public Internet introductions.
Provides computer sales, consulting, networking, and Internet access and support. Their ftp site provides a small collection of the best shareware
and freeware available.
Installs, implements, and integrates business computing systems. Specializes in working on fast and tight time frames. Includes company profile, lengthy service listings, and representative work with clients. Also provides consulting and investment information.
Provides Internet consulting and services including animation, Web site design, and bulletin board setup. Includes company background and services offered by CCI Consulting.
Consults, creates, and supports businesses in the creation and maintence of World Wide Web pages and a home site. Provides ample company background with full listings of services offered. Includes links to sites created by Clara Vista.
Provides consultation specializing in customized software development in various system languages including DELPHI, C++, Pascal, and many more. Services include development and integration for Windows, LAN, and TurnKey systems. Includes example work done for OSHA.
Provides Internet and media-consulting services to environmental and natural resource based companies and government agencies. Services include Web page, communications, system, and database design and development.
Personal computer and network consulting company.
Provides consulting, technical support and sales for Digital Equipment products. Alsor provides software applications in warehousing distribution. Includes company profile and product specifications with current news on each.
Provides computer consulting services and custom computer products for the scientific and technical areas for businesses and government agencies. Includes listing of services offered and specialized software systems. Also includes information about Applications for Rural Communities (ARC) and Compusult Integrated Data Access Systems (CIDAS) specialized software.
Provides computer systems consulting and training for Australia and the Asian Basin. Includes full service listings, group profile, press releases, and contact information. Also includes stock reports and investment information.
Offers training and support for the home user and small business owner in the St. Paul and Minneapolis areas.
Specializes in custom software applications, Web site design, and network creation. Includes links to pages CooperSoft created and search engines. Provides contact information.
Provides consultation services and products specializing in network communications, database systems, and Internet access integration. Includes client and technological partners links. Also includes full service listings and corporate profile.
Provides and produces network and Internet consulting along with custom designed applications and software. Includes consultation information on firewalls, ISDN services, Internet access, connectivity issues, and specialized applications creation. Also includes company profile and contact information.
Provides consulting software development, relational database creation, and Internet relations. Specializes in object oriented software, graphical user interfaces, and databases. Includes listing of services offered, technologies utilized, and clients. Also includes company profile and contact information.
Consultant for Windows NT/Novell real-time database interfaces. Check out the link to the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado.
Provides computer consulting and training services. Specializes in software design and groups applications training. Includes courses listings, company news, and hiring opportunities.
Provides and produces Internet consulting, custom Internet software development, and systems integration services. Includes service listings, current projects, and contact information. Also includes career opportunities.
Provides a home site for ESDX, a nonprofit management information technology association for companies specializing in health, environmental, and safety. Includes association news, abstracts, members, and cases featured. Also includes links to member companies and a search index.
Provides consulting on a wide range of computer system needs. Consulting services include client/server application development, WWW publishing, Folio Views Infobase Technology uses, and much more. Provides technical partner listings, links to sites created, and contact information.
Provides software consulting services in C and UNIX, specializing in communications and porting. Also offers many aviation links, including current weather observations and forecasts.
Provides for the professional user links to download Folio's award winning Web retriever, access to their computer products buyer's guide, educational services, intranet seminars, and an application for their beta test program.
Company to rewrite and convert your DOS/Fortran programs to make them compatible with win 3.1/win95. Provides link to download a financial engineering demo written in Fortran 90 and converted to Win 3.1 or Win95. Consultants possess over 20 years of experience.
Provides professional consulting and educational services in networking. Can fine tune an existing network or design from the ground up. Provides links to complete profiles of consulting and educational services and well as information on their more popular classes: Internetworking on the Internet and design optimization of networks.
An employment site for computer consultants. Provides links and descriptions to consulting positions, some permanent, as well as the Galaxy Office and staff. Send your resume.
This is the personal home page of Bdale and Karen Garbee who do pro bono consulting particularly for Amateur Radio and Amateur Satellite Services. Provides links to their current undertakings.
Genoa Technology will design and develop test solutions for manufacturers of computer printers and facsimile devices to assure interoperability. Links are provided to testing services, products, training classes, publications, and so forth.
http://www.heeg.de/english/Welcome.html (English page)
Distributes products and services in object-oriented methodologies. Links to new products such as VisualWave as well as object databases, development environments, services and training courses offered. Employment opportunities also listed.
An Internet consultant who can recommend the best connection for your business, the best access provider and arrange for a server to fit your needs. Will design your Web site and get your business up and running on the Internet.
A small business in Perry, Florida offering several computer-related services to businesses and individuals such as Accounting Systems, Internet Access, Desktop Computer Systems, and Networks.
Develop hardware and software solutions for semiconductor, networking, and graphics systems companies. Provide tech support and productivity enhancement. Provides links to clients, courses, professional associations, and company information.
Will install a new network or upgrade your existing one. Primarily in the New York and New Jersey area. Will develop the best system for your needs. Provides links to Halo Test Center, Training, Novell, and Artisoft information, as well as contact information.
Sells, services, and leases a full line of computers, peripherals, and equipment from manufacturers such as Apple, IBM, Compaq, NEC, AST, and Texas Instruments. Offers free technical support, fast delivery, warranties, and more.
Consulting firm based in Sacramento, California for the Macintosh user, database solutions written in 4th Dimension or Panorama. Current consulting projects include sports teams off the coast of Africa and recreation districts in California.
Web Consultants offering Internet/Intranet, Graphic Design, Multi-media, Catalog and Newsletter design, and much more for your business. Provides links to clients' pages, services, pricing, Java, plug-ins, animation, and other groovy sites.
A large application cross-platform developer. Links to their consulting services, add ons (commercial and freeware), and other useful pages.
Telecommunications and computer consulting for your business or organization. Provides links to company profile, projects, clients, lab, and employment opportunities.
Basic and extended WWW services, e-mail, and technical and future oriented consulting for your business or organization. Provides links to clients, projects, and other information.
Helping your business utilize the full capacity of information technology. Inacom offers your company desktop management, LAN design, training, consulting, and much more. Provides access to company profile, tech links, and what Inacom can do for you.
The International Telecom Center is for anyone, business or individual, who would like to advertise their goods and services on the Internet. Browse the store or check out their advertising and consulting services.
Home page for this large, multinational computer consulting firm and software developer for client/server environments. Uses FOCUS EDA/SQL, and LEVEL5 in their work.
An IBM subsidiary that helps its business customers manage their information technology more efficiently or develop new services. Links to services, publications, and career and contact information.
A custom programming, training, and consulting firm for your business. Links to services, company background, and experience.
Offers consulting, application conversions, and training services. This site includes Windows NT Server Setup and training in Seattle, Washington and Windows 95 Setup and Training in San Jose, California and Seattle. Site also provides numerous links to many search engines on the Net.
Educational and consulting services to support the computing environment. On site courses offered. Some client/server products offered are Microsoft/SQL server, Oracle, Java, UNIX, and more.
The personal home page of Chris Jewell with a link to Jewell Consulting, which provides software solutions for businesses. Uses object-oriented technology and familiar with AS/400 systems.
Tool and utilities for OS/400 and VM used by system professionals. Links to JimWare, product catalog and ordering, other interesting links, and search engines.
A brief home page with a link to the consulting page and information about "what JM Consulting knows." Will answer your PC questions or questions about Chicago restaurants!
Oklahoma City company providing Internet access, Web services, and any computer related solutions your business requires. Mac, Intel, LAN, WAN, networking, telephony, and many more solutions.
Kitchen Wisdom, a one-time publisher of cookbooks, now offers software development and consulting based on their own problems with desktop publishing. Provides consulting for UNIX, Internet connections, and will run a free custom network diagnosis on your system.
Company specializing in Web and Internet applications, business re-engineering, systems analysis, project management, and more. Contact them for your consulting needs.
Qualitative and quantitative research skills for the high tech industry, helping to develop usable hardware and software products. Look through their survey and market research, client references, and more.
Networking solutions, hardware and software troubleshooting, hardware repair, telecommunications, training, and phone support for the Mac user.
For your Internet presence needs, training, consulting, software and Web page development.
A virtual marketing and consulting firm for all your company's Internet needs. Links to their services, customers, upcoming events, other links of interest, and more.
Company providing businesses the assistance needed to connect to and exploit the Internet. Check out their FTP Archive, product info and catalog, and services.
A software company specializing in system integration and modeling and object-oriented graphics. Their software features MedaEdit Personal, MetaEdit+, and MetaEdit+ Method Workbench. Access to products descriptions, press releases, ordering info, and more.
Network consulting and troubleshooting for many environments including Windows, Novell Netware, Windows for Workgroups, UNIX, and others, plus many platforms and languages.
Client/server consulting firm with links to services, jobs, awards and news, company, and contact information.
A training provider for individuals who work with mainframe computers, midrange, and PC computers. Will also deliver basic writing and speaking skill training. Check out their long list of training offerings and client testimonials.
A company providing client/server solutions as well as custom photography (because of the owner's hobby). Links to current consulting projects and software solutions—and recent photographs from Yosemite Park.
Danish telecommunications and computing consulting firm with an English language Web page. This site provides a few links that describe Netplan's services. Descriptions are nicely done although a few translation mistakes occur. Can you find them?
Provides Web site consulting, advertising, home site design, and database creation. Includes services offered, company profile, resources utilized, and links to Web sites created. Also includes WWW use statistics and facts.
Provides a wide array of Internet services including consulting, publishing, Web site creation, Internet research, and systems installation. Includes client listings, technical archive, and services offered.
A company dedicated to creating "Customer Based Solutions" via education, consulting, task insourcing services, and integration. Their core services include information and systems management, applications solutions, and education services.
Unusually plain home page for a huge government contractor that provides computer system integration, software development, facilities management, and energy-related engineering services. Find out about PRC's corporate culture and strategy, and learn more about recent work.
New York City area computer consultants specializing in Web page design, remote technical support, and network setup consultants.
Provides consulting and custom software development services. Specializes in UNIX-based, database management systems. Includes information about CA-INGRES and CA-UNICENTER products. Also includes contact information.
Employee owned research and development company based in San Diego that specializes in energy, environment, information technology, health care, telecommunications, and transportation. Click on an industry of interest (telecommunications, for example) to read about SAIC services or to learn more about recent client work.
Personal resume of Shaun Bliss who lists himself as a database consultant specializing in application and design in the client-server Internet environment. Will design Web pages or administer your Web site. Includes a long list of skills.
Provides Oracle and Microsoft consultation services. Specializes in software, project management, and methods development. Includes links to Midwest Oracle Users Group Papers and contact information.
Provides a wide range of consulting and other services. Includes Web site design, AutoCAD design, Internet provisions, and connectivity solutions. Includes products and services offered listings along with links to clients sites.
Software and management consultants, and custom software developers based in Austin, Texas. This simple site discusses Sterling services.
Provides home site for STS (Scientific Technical Services) which provides system consultation and custom programming services. Includes company profile and contact information.
Provides corporate computer consulting and reporting services. Includes listing of clients, reports made, seminars offered, and publications created. Provides contact information.
Provides training, education, and testing services on many different computer systems, languages, and applications. Includes course dates, classes offered, and services provided. Also includes business partners, company profile, and contact information.
Provides computer system consulting services and products to the banking, transportation, and manufacturing industries. Includes information about systems development, database management, and custom software applications design. Provides listing of clients served and contact information.
Provides database, a WWW site, integration consulting, and services. Includes client and services offered listings. Also includes information about WWW development software used in formatting, writing, and production.
Provides consulting and custom systems design services. Specializes in OMNIS consulting and custom applications development. Also includes Web page design services.
Provides consultation, information, and products about IBM compatible enterprise systems. Includes listings of Xephon publications, services, and information about IBEX mainframes. Also includes contact information and links to other enterprise system sites.
Provides consulting services and products for companies utilizing MS-DOS and especially Paradox based systems. Includes information about custom database set-up and advantages. Also includes technical specifications and background of work done.
Download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat or check to see if a patch or update is available for Photoshop or any other Adobe product. The Customer Spotlights page includes articles detailing how Adobe products are used by various companies—a great way to get ideas for your next project.
An excellent site for desktop publishers and programmers who want to learn more about the Post-Script language. If you have been using PostScript for years and still aren't sure how it works, or if you want to learn more about the language, check out this site. Includes topics on graphics, transformations in PostScript, and more. Check out the Funky Stuff link for info on modifying the printout of a document.
Provides products, brochures, and tools for desktop publishers and newspaper publishing. Provides links to other desktop publishing pages and college newspapers. Also provides a key word search engine.
Fun site from the manufacturer of the ZipDisk, a removable diskette that is popular with graphic designers and page layout staff. Although your only choices are Cool Products, Tech Stuff, and New Stuff, you can still find out about Iomega's products, access tech support, and read all the news that's fit to print.
The leading font program for the Mac and PC includes a Web site featuring product updates and free downloadable PostScript and TrueType fonts created by Fontographer designers. This site also includes the usual product support links and new features information.
Sit back and pop a cold one while this image-heavy page crawls across the Web. Puts small businesses on the WWW in Spanish and English. Find out how much this service costs, and what other clients have signed up.
Creates desktop publishing, graphics, and multimedia software applications tools. Includes information about the QuarkImmedia graphics viewer, QuarkXpress publishing software, and other applications. Includes technical specifications, links to related sites, product reviews, and contact information.
Produces desktop publishing and graphics software and products. Includes a company profile and information about PagesPlus, ArtPacks, and DesignerPage software. Provides product features, reviews, and technical specifications.
Provides desktop publishing services and products. Includes services such as design, production, scanning, and product lists. Also includes links to other graphic sites and contact information.
A straightforward company page featuring a helpful search engine for finding that elusive Xtension, a file library FTP link, a discussion group list, and even a phone directory for Quark's employees.
A fun and helpful site packed with Quark Xtensions, FAQs, and Quark-to-HTML converters. Check out the Easter Eggs link to learn about hidden Quark features and funny additions, such as the deleting Martian. The Interaction section is invaluable if you want to get an expert's opinion on a Quark problem you may be having.
Developers of 3D technologies, virtual environments, and artificial inhabitants. Provides information about 3DS BonesPro IPAS, AnimaTek's World Builder landscape editor, and other products. Also provides lists of development services and technologies for sale.
One of the best stops for everything Freehand. Besides the standard links to Usenet groups and mailing lists, this page includes links to Freehand demos and updates, bugs and problems FAQs, information on enhancing Freehand, and FAQs for fixing printing problems.
Creates tools, software, and media for environment designers. Provides company background, extensive product information, great buildings showcase, technical support, and press release library. Includes great detail about DesignWorkshop technical background and features.
Creates tools, software and media for environment designers. Provides company background, extensive product information, great buildings showcase, technical support and press release library. Includes great detail about DesignWorkshop technical background and features.
Develops Web site logos and custom company logos. Provides online portfolio with examples of work done for clients.
Producers of BeyondPress software that enables conversions from Xpress to HTML. Provides product overviews, reviews, links to sites using Astrobyte software, downloadable evaluation tools, and information on Japanese versions of their software. Includes links to reference and learning of HTML.
Provides Web site design, graphic design, and server set up. Includes listing of services offered with a questionnaire to provide pricing. Includes portfolio of work accomplished with links to sites created.
Produces Textures, LaTeX, TeX, and font software. Also produces technical manuals that goes with their products. Provides technical support, company news, upgrade information, and relevant links such as CTAN, the "Comprehensive TeX Archive Network".
Produces CAD products including systems, hardware, and software. Includes lengthy product descriptions, company history, technical support, press releases, features in trade magazines, and online order forms. The product and company backgrounds are extensive and informative.
Provides information about CadSoft's EAGLE software, which allows you to design printed circuit boards. Provides the usual technical support and online product descriptions, but also includes an exhaustive world-wide list of distributors, and a link for downloading updates, new drivers, and a free, fully functional demo version of EAGLE.
Produces MecDesign software applications for MicroDesign, MicroStation, and PowerDraft systems for use in the mechanical design and engineering fields. Provides online demonstrations, product descriptions, technical support, developmental business partners, and tutorials.
An online independent resource site for Corel users who need to find service bureaus or special Corel files, learn tips, or talk with authors. The site encourages you to visit the discussion groups first, which are organized by topic. CorelNet also sponsors live discussion events using Global Stage software.
Cimio's ConvertX CADCAM data exchange software enables you to freely exchange CADCAM data among AutoCAD (DWG and DXF rev 10-13), CADDS3, CADDS4X, CADDS5, CATIA V3, I/EMS, IDEAS drafting, Medusa (rev 5, 6, 7, 12), and Microstation environments..
Produces and provides full service computer graphics services including animation, and interactive production. Includes studio equipment and staff listings. Also provides computer graphics created for many commercials and companies.
Produces ELA Office and ELA Office Batch, Windows based OCR, and image database software. Office Batch eliminates the need to type and file forms; you simply scan in the forms and Office Batch reads them. ELA View and ELA Network are advanced document imaging systems that can handle tens of thousands of documents per day.
Produces simulation and virtual reality products. Also produces a computer graphics industry newsletter Real Time. Provides consulting and specialized software design. Includes information about systems integrations research, visual stimulation real-time systems, and other software products.
An FTP site that includes every free patch, update, and enhancement for every version of CorelDraw. Also included are updates for using Kodak PhotoCD in CorelDraw and special filters.
Provides full service computer and traditional graphics services. Includes Web site creation, brochures, T-shirts, and layout and design. Also includes company logo creation, four-color process separations, and camera ready artwork. Site provides full service listings, samples of work done, and contact information.
Designs and produces graphics software and applications. Includes information about SocketSet, PhotoLab, and Image Xpress ScanPrepPro products. Includes technical specifications, downloadable samples, technical support, and an art portfolio. Also includes press releases and contact information.
Produces commercial logo designs, 3D graphics, and other related computer design work. Includes online portfolio and examples. Also includes graphic secrets, company awards, 3D links, and contact information.
Provides sales on graphics equipment and software. Includes product specifications and contact information. Also includes links to other graphics related sites.
Provides industry news and information on a number of topics that tie with computer graphics, multimedia design, lithography, and other visual forms. Includes links to online zines, career opportunities, graphics businesses, portfolios, and numerous tips.
Provides home site for Digio Media, a full service graphics firm based in Seattle, Washington. Includes links to clients and staff credentials. Also includes a performance lab with examples of work done.
Produces graphics software, applications, and products that are used in architecture, Web design, and computer animation. Specializes in the use of OTVR virtual reality technologies from Apple. Includes services offered, work examples, and contact information.
Produces the Unigraphics CAD/CAM/CAE System family of applications and products. Also provides a wide array of consulting and services with the creation of automation systems, training, and custom system design. Includes technical information, client's success stories, and products under development news.
Provides home site and information for the Electronic Design Automation industry. Includes publications directory, services, and listings with links to all member companies. Also includes resources information, job listings, and contacts.
Designs and produces real-time 3D graphics systems for simulation and virtual reality needs. Includes company product catalog, technical specifications, and examples of real-time movies along with other graphics. Provides contact information and links to related sites.
Download working demos of the award winning Fractal Design Painter or Dabbler—an easy to use Paint program—or learn more about new Fractal products, such as Poser. A must see is the Art Gallery, a collection of amazing artwork created with Fractal products.
Experiences designers, artists, and technicians will take your business file or document and convert it to another format, create slides, develop advertising media—anything that can be done! Provides links to services, prices, new media, technical info, and so on.
Check out VuePrint image viewer for Windows to print or download Internet images. Links to more product info, tech support, and "fun things to do."
High performance graphics—the Desktop RealTime Engine series— for GFLOPS throughput used by movie directors to engineers. Access to links about product information, application and development, and technical information.
An imaging data management company for your business needs. Provides links to product information, training, AutoDesk software, CAD information, publications, and conferences.
Makers of 3D Fax, considered by John Dvorak to be one of the most amazing software products of 1994. Download a free working demo of this unusual product, which enables you to send password-protected digital files from your PC's fax modem to any other fax-modem-equipped PC. Find out how this amazing product works by accessing the 3D Fax Product Information area.
Find out about Intergraph, a Huntsville, Alabama company, that makes high-end 3D drafting and design workstations and software. Learn more about their new TDZ multiple-Pentium Pro systems, which use Windows NT and the OpenGL standard for 3D graphics. To see what Intergraph systems are capable of, search for Golden Mouse in their search engine. Amazing!
The Lightscape Visualization System is the "most powerful visualization application on the market today." View images, models, and see the possibilities for your graphics needs.
For the high-end professional market, imaging software and technologies for designers, production specialists, photo labs, and photographers. Check out their new software, live picture network, other cool links, and more.
Home page for the main competitor to Abode Illustrator. Check out the Macromedia's Gallery to see what Freehand designers have created with this powerful program.
If you're in the digital color graphics industry, this site will provide quality printing and imaging solutions for you. Offers a complete line of film recorders and support as well as news, announcements, and links to other sites.
"Virtual Relettering" for your boat. They will take the picture you send, scan it, and create a full size vinyl graphic that you can preview on the Internet in only a few days to see what it will look like on your boat. If you're in the Seattle area, they'll install it too. If you're not, they provide complete installation instructions.
CAD experts specializing in modeling, visualization, and CAD graphics on MaxVision Symbion Workstations. MaxVision will provide the support you need for your workstation, or do the work for you.
Integrated system design products and services, including hardware and software design, education, and training. Check out their many benefits for your business.
Graphic display solutions for personal computers, for the novice to the experienced user. Links to customer support, product information, and specifications.
Web site for Blueridge Technologies' Optix document management system. This page describes Optix features, such as COLD (Computer Output
to Laser Disk) and OCR (Optical Character Recognition); permits you to access technical support, and includes links to imaging-related sites.
Produces the LOOXS interactive graphics development system and applications. Includes product features, advantages, and system requirements.
Produces support software for the Pro/ENGINEER mechanical design system. Includes company profile, product specifications, consulting services offered, and investment background. Also includes resellers listings and contact information.
Produces CAD/CAM-based manufacturing design software, applications, and products. Includes information about EdgeCam, EdgeMilling, and other related products. Provides technical specifications and contact information.
Provides a wide range of multimedia design services. Includes examples of works done, resources utilized, and contact information. Also includes links to many related sites.
Designs and produces Expo (GRASP) animation graphics systems along with other related products. Includes technical support, pricing, downloadable demos, online Expo demonstration, and contact information.
Provides home site for Performing Graphics which specializes in real-time meetings pages and performance graphics. Meetings pages are sites set up for teleconferencing with graphics exchanged for companies. Includes articles about the utilization of graphics and icons. Also includes service listings including Web site design, and telefacilitation training.
Find out about this bizarre software, which converts objects in photograph into 3D objects on the computer. Visit their VRML pages (you need a VRML viewer to do this), read FAQs about the capabilities of this software, download demos, and link to other related pages. A fascinating site for photographers and artists.
A small but valuable site for Photoshop and Kai's users who want to try out freeware and shareware filters and other Photoshop add-ons.
The best jumping off point for Kai's Power Tool users. This site includes links to online galleries, tips and tricks for Kai's users, and newsletters full of Photoshop tips. The Background Gallery is a must-see for Web page designers.
Designs and produces the Snappy Video Snapshot digital image producer. The Snappy can take any image from a camcorder, VCR, or a TV and make a digital still for a PC. Includes detailed technical specifications and features. Provides downloadable demo software. Also includes company profile and upcoming product information.
Provides graphics design and production in new and old media. Includes services and products offered by Precision Graphics. Also includes a search engine of professional graphic resources.
Provides graphic design and other publication services. Includes service listings, artwork portfolio, and contact information for this small Toronto, Ontario firm.
Provides graphics services and products. Services include Web site creation, custom graphics production, and access service. Also includes sales of Sitescapes graphic templates for WWW publishing and Rainbow color selection applications.
Supplies graphics and 3D production services, including computer animation, morphing, modeling, and 3D layout. Includes company portfolio and links to WWW sites created. Provides services offered listing and contact information.
Collection of links to every known scientific visualization site on the Web. Each Web page from related universities that have such projects is described and compared to other Web sites. Very helpful for scientists interested in modeling their experiments.
Besides the usual complement of product specs, customer support, and reseller directories, this Web site includes Silicon's unique Extreme Tech, Serious Fun, and Surf Zone links. Check out the Serious Fun link to download freeware, join SGI's Surf Zone club (a 3D Web navigator), and SGI's Image gallery.
Developers of Harvard Graphics and the new ASAP WordPower program, which lets you create presentation quality graphics from text files. Check out the ASAP Webshow Gallery for downloads of presentations created with SPC products.
Provides graphic design and production services for advertising, Web publishing, and more. Includes example graphics created, portfolio of artwork, and company profile.
Provides a wide array of graphics and related design services. Includes detail color scanning, Web site creation, graphic design production, and digital proof services. Includes services background and contact information.
Provides a wide range of graphics and Web publishing services. Includes 3D artwork creation, Web site design, writing HTML, and much more. Offers links to sites created, example artwork, and contact information.
Provides graphic design services along with Web site creation, and electronic logo conversion. Includes service particulars and clients served. Also includes sample artwork and links to sites created. Site provides Web starting point with links to many different pages.
Creates Web sites and provides graphic design services. Includes client list and contact information.
This site includes an online catalog, press releases and resources on new products, links to Internet clip art, and a mountain of shareware and freeware for the Mac and Windows platforms.
Produces desktop 3D graphics and virtual reality software. Includes information about the 3D Web site Builder, WalkThroughPro, and other graphics tools. Provides company history, product background, and contact information.
Provides graphic design, Web site creation, digital imaging, and other services. Includes clients listing, example work, and company contacts.
Produces computer design software and tools for engineering, prototyping, and simulations applications. Includes information about the Paradym XP Simulation Accelerator and other products. Provides company profile, press releases, financial information, office locations, and contacts.
Provides sales for 50 Series Hardware in the United States and Canada. Also provides licensed hardware and software, consulting for Prime users, and the offering of a self-developed multi-host RAID7 that can run simultaneously on Prime or other CPU platforms.
Provides sales, set-up, service, support, and consulting for small to medium sized technology companies that are moving into international markets or looking to expand export business. Also provides information on the use of Sparc Clone Workstations, hard drives, and other products.
Click on one of APC's Uninterruptible Power Supply products to read about its features and capabilities. You can also view a picture of each product, download demo software, and leave questions for their marketing department.
The colorful home page for this successful manufacturer of video accelerator boards and multimedia products provides links to Public Relations, and provides information for investors and developers. The Products section discusses in depth ATI video products. Click on Current Drivers to download the latest ATI drivers.
Producers of memory converters, HYPERcable printer cables, and LASERBuddy printer forms. This site is currently under construction, but will eventually feature technical support. Includes product features and pricing.
This long list of computer hardware-related Web sites has hundreds of links to such companies as DEC, Cray, Creative Labs, Epson, and GammaLink. If you can't find the company you're looking for here, it doesn't exist! A thorough site.
Provides online catalog for Black Box, who produces and sales data communications and digital connectivity products. Includes a searchable catalog, technical support services, online reference guide, and product background information. Also provides capability to receive hard copy version of catalog through the mail.
Develops and manufactures VMEbus boards, controllers, disc modules and other related hardware along with software supports. Provides detailed product background, press releases, and news clippings about BVM and their products.
Produces SCSI and ethernet connectivity and host interface products such as serial port controllers, modem, and terminal servers. Includes product benefits and pricing information along with listings of support services. The site also provides technical support and a customer feedback column.
Produces multi-screen video adapters for Windows and Microstation products. Enables to run different applications on separate monitors from one PC. Includes product specifications and technical support. Also provides ordering information.
Produces computer hardware specializing in Pentium Processor CD-ROM notebooks. Includes company news, technical support, and contact information. Provides links to mobile technology sites on the Web.
Nicely organized site lists computer hardware manufacturers on the Web. Other categories and links on this page include Computer Software, Vendors, and Supplies. Worth a visit!
MegaMall site for computer hardware new and used. Many different brands and types offered. Provides an A-to-Z search index and ordering information.
Produces Novell authorized microcomputer products and services. Includes product reviews, service, ordering, and contact information. Provides background for the GAN family of workstations.
Provides exchange for buying and selling of digital circuits. Includes listing of products on hand and services information. Also provides CyberBell Online Trading database.
Provides digital video boards for PCs. Provides links to product listings, products specs, image files, software, service and support info, and special offer and ordering info.
One of the most successful computer hardware manufacturers in the U.S. provides a number of links on their Products page. Find out more about HP's computer equipment, including laptops, palmtops, printers, desktop and tower computers, servers, monitors, and more. This site also provides links to HP's Medical, Chemical, and test measurement equipment.
Simm memory/CPU distributor for home or office. Motherboard and multi-media upgrades, Web consulting. Provides links to product info, prices, upgrade kits.
An Internet monitor repair center for monitors used for CAD workstations, graphics design, and medical imaging. Provides pricing and order information. Also offers monitors for sale.
Offers video output (I/O, JPEG CODEC) cards and teleconferencing cards for company needs. Provides information on software support, sites of interest, and product inquiries.
You specify what you want—will build a computer system to fit your needs. Novell certified technicians on staff. Access to hardware descriptions, order and pricing information. Also use their search engine for other computer manufacturers and suppliers.
Wide area networking products including new and refurbished hardware. Links to products, specials, hardware and other resources of interest.
The king of computer hardware provides an easy-to-use "quick navigator" for developers interested in a specific Intel CPU or technology. This page also provides important news, links to Intel's online magazine, and specific language information for programmers.
Hardware and software for the technical desktop. Software for engineering, publishing, mapping/geographical systems. Links to products and services, user groups, news, and related search engines.
Read about Maxtor's 2.5" and larger hard disk drives, which range in size from 837 MB to 2 GB. This page provides links for their notebook and desktop products, FAQs, and retail sales outlets.
If you're looking to upgrade your memory on your home or business computers, Memory USA will buy, sell, or trade memory for competitive prices.
Service and support for the PC hardware including hard drive and modem tech support guides. Find out more about their products and services as well as browse links to "hot deals" and other sites of interest.
Provides information on MIPS' RISC-based UNIX computers. Read about MIPS' powerful computers that use the MIPS RISC chip. Extensive detail on available products and services, including training and services, documentation, and training.
Produces the 225mHz PowerTower Pro desktop system, the fastest desktop currently being made. Includes PowerTower technical specifics, magazine reviews, technical support, reference materials and ordering information. Also includes company profile.
Designs and manufactures printed circuit boards. Includes company profile, services offered, technologies utilized, and corporate philosophy. Provides investor information, trade show appearance dates, job openings, and future technology previews.
Produces interface boards and data retrieval products. Includes product background and benefits along with listings of popular boards. Provides ordering information.
Produces multi-layer circuit boards for the telecommunications, military, microwave, and other industrial technology needs. Includes company profile, services offered, price quote form, and contact information.
How is Samsung involved in electronics? The question should be, "What aren't they involved in?" Find out about Samsung's 1 GB RAM chips, their latest semiconductor plants, camera operations, and computer CD-ROM drives. The company also makes chemicals, the world's largest ships, and even office buildings!
Produces 486 notebook computers, and 17" and 15" color monitors. Includes technical specifications, features, and contact information.
Produces enterprise-wide storage systems. Includes product technical information, customers listings, and contact information.
Produces the SPARCbook family of portable notebook computers and the Alphabook 1 software development notebook. Includes product specifications, technical support, resellers listings, and contact information.
The company that introduced parallel computing to the world now is also a software developer. Find out more about their CM-5x parallel computer products, including the massive CM-500, which can have up to 4,096 separate super-SPARC processors!
Provides information and features on the TouchWindow monitors. TouchWindow monitors are screen interaction enabled. Includes detailed product background and ordering information.
Provides online sales and service of a large catalog of computer hardware. Includes distribution of BIOS upgrades and sales of motherboards, hard drives, and computer systems. Includes detailed catalog and ordering information.
Produces a large line of color monitors. Includes product features, company profile, reviews, technical support, and resellers listings.
When the grammar checker identifies an error, it suggests a correction and can even makes some changes for you.
Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 User's Guide
Produces Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server, a software add-on you embed in C++ and other programming languages to create logic-based intelligent agents and intelligent components, which are used in software that relies on artificial intelligence. Amzi!'s products assist programmers who need to create software that configures, schedules, diagnoses, advises, recognizes, lays out, plans, understands, or teaches. Downloadable demos and tutorials are provided to show how this Prolog-based programming language works.
Download FAQs and online books about C programming. This site also provides many C utilities and compilers.
A great resource for C++ beginners and intermediate users. This site includes information on upcoming conferences, free C++ software and reviews of commercial packages, and a number of tutorials for the beginner.
Provides UNIX training and other advanced language training for Fortune 500 companies and the Federal Government. This site lists upcoming classes, their structure, and how they fit into certification programs. CONSULTIX teaches the following languages: C, AWK, Bourne shell, and Korn shell languages, UNIX System administration, UNIX security, and Linux (the UNIX look-alike system).
Enter the name of the free (public-domain) compiler, compiler generator, interpreter, or assembler you need and the search engine will find it. You can also search by category.
Provides two C++ Neural Net libraries for C++ developers in PC-DOS, Windows, NT, and UNIX—IBM, HP, SUN, SGI. Also provides contract and custom software development and project management services to business, scientific, and research interests.
HyperC is a programming language used to program parallel computers from Hyperparallel Technologies. Provides links to features and characteristics, technical information, and programming examples.
An amazingly spartan page with a number of downloadable scripts written in Perl. There's no home page button or anything else except PERL scripts. This site is only for the serious PERL tinkerer.
A detailed page for C++ beginners. Includes reviews of dozens of C++ books, TXT, and FAQ files; recommends C++ packages for a number of platforms, and discusses the best way to start learning this important language. Although the site is rarely updated, the information is still relevant and valuable.
Develops the Powerada compiler for the Power PC.
Learn about the Rigal language, which uses atoms, lists, and labeled trees for data structures. Download published papers, see code examples, and read FAQs from the University of Latvia's ftp site.
Develops software translators, converters, and provides translation services in a number of languages. This company also makes fertility forecasting software for hospitals. Download demonstration programs of these conversion and migration tools.
An online library that provides a number of FAQs and entire books online that you can download to teach yourself C++, ANSI C, UNIX, HTML, vi, and e-mail. All the documents at this site are public domain or freeware. An excellent site for novice programmers in any of these languages.
FutureBASIC is a powerful BASIC programming language for the Macintosh. This site includes source code, utilities and demos, chat groups, and articles on this easy-to-use language.
An organization of hardware manufacturers and COBOL software developers that provides information about COBOL developments. Read about the Great COBOL Debate that took place at DB Expo in December 1995 to see into the future of COBOL.
Contains a five year, searchable archive of BYTE Magazine. Enter a search term and Presto! Articles that include this word appear in an easy-to-retrieve format. You can download files and shareware mentioned in BYTE articles, and download BYTE's benchmark tests. A valuable site worth a bookmark in your browser software.
A colorful site with news for corporate network managers. This publication provides testing, reviews, industry news, and funny tidbits on the world of networking and information management.
Check out the top stories for the latest edition of "Computer Shopper," considered to be the monthly computer "bible" for computer buyers. Articles on the absolute latest in computer technology can be found in the CyberCentral area.
The slickest mag in the industry has a Web page with articles on the arts, politics, and technology. Before you can access much of anything, however, you have to join (free of charge). If you decide to sign up and are looking for something to do, check out the Arts and Renaissance articles first.
A must-see for the information unconscious. The background completely obscures the text on this page. Fun!
If you've ever been buried by catalogs arriving right before Christmas, you'll appreciate this site. Jim Huguelet provides an alphabetical list of addresses and phone numbers for magazines he receives free, yet never asked for. Several publishers that discovered this list requested to be removed; they are listed here, too.
Interested in the latest on Apple's future? Visit this site for recent information on Apple and all the rumors.
Provides home site for PC-TRANS, a trade magazine for PC users in the transportation industry. Site provides technical support, discussion forum, and bulletin board. Includes contact information for the group and the magazine.
PurePower magazine's Web page provides author contact, Powerbuilder tips, back issues, user group links, and new developments in the Powerbuilder community. You can also download the first issue free.
A colorful Web site for a magazine devoted to computer analysis software for scientists and engineers. Read articles from the latest issue, link to related sites and sites of software developers, such as IBM and National Instruments, or access chemical databases .
Lists a number of Web sites for e-zines and magazines about computers.
Home page for Ziff Davis, the publisher of PC Magazine, Computer Shopper, MacUser and MacWeek, Computer Gaming World, PC Computing, and many others. Like other online magazines, access to the really good stuff requires registering. If you decide to join, Ziff Davis creates a Personal Profile page you can use to customize the types of articles you want to see.
Read about Adaptec's infrared peripherals that let you transfer data from your PC to laptop without wires. Page describes setup, capabilities, different kits, and technical information. Plenty of detail on integrated circuits, reseller info, cables and connections, more.
Online publication about bar code and other automatic identification technologies. Includes extensive, original information and a collection of bar code shareware.
This site explains Columbia's MCL goals, which are to create small, wireless, mobile computers that are capable of being networked all the time, anywhere on the planet. This site lists the people involved, current research projects and their status reports, and source code files for downloading. The site also links to other mobile computing efforts at leading universities.
Informative page from Milne Jewelry Company about the amazing DataLink Watch by Timex, which provides wireless PC-to-watch communication.
Find out about the next step in mobile computing: wireless, two-way communication using the ARDIS Network. This network is already available in over 400 metropolitan areas in the US, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Be sure to check out the Coverage Maps link, which lets you zoom in on any ARDIS coverage area. Neat graphics!
A well-stocked page of links to every known Web site related to mobile computing. A description of each link is provided, and the links are divided into categories, such as conferences, journals, research projects, wireless providers, and organizations.
A straightforward site that provides news on mobile computing issues, information about companies involved in the mobile industry, and a feedback forum. The special Webcrawler search link is perfect for finding mobile computing-related info on the Web.
The source for laptops, hand-held computers, portable accessories, wireless, paging, pen-based computers, and any other mobile computing need for your home or office.
Software and applications to help you access resources from anywhere. Check out their wireless services and new software.
Distributor of a full line of mobile office products from a variety of brand name companies. Click on the company logos to view the products and services available for your office.
Home page for the manufacturers of the Psion Series 3a, a hand-held computer made in the UK that makes an appearance in Steven Segal's turbo action flick, Executive Decision. The Psion software archives contain free Psion software. Click on buttons to access third-party Psion peripheral companies, e-mail tech support, or join their developers group.
Afraid your notebook computer's hard drive will fill up on your next sales trip? Upgrade it or anything else in your computer at Road Warrior's upgrade center. This site also provides GPS and printer information and an online monthly e-zine.
Read about the future of mobile computing on this page, a special course given at Carnegie Mellon University. This page starts by presenting a survey of current products and technologies, then provides a number of links and information about research on speech synthesis, wearable computers, remote control devices, and wireless communication.
A well-designed site for Apple's Newton PDA. Access technical support, download Newton development toolkits and sample code, or read about Newton software and hardware updates.
Produces and develops digital media products. Includes client listings, case studies, company processes, and purchasing information. The visuals of this site are very well done. Includes writings about the digital medium covering all pertinent subjects from the technical to the philosophical aspects of the new media. This is a business site that is not only selling the product, but raising questions about the technology and it's direction.
Home site for the Oscar winning Auricle multimedia music composition tools. Professional composers and movie fans alike would find this site interesting. Provides product information, technical background, and pricing. Also provides information about how music for films are made, the art of film music, examples of where technology was used, and photo gallery of composers at work.
Produces interactive media products. Includes list of services offered and links to clients sites on the Web.
The "semi-official" source for information on AVM PC audio technical products. Includes product background, availability, support numbers, and trouble-shooting tips.
Provides Web and Internet services ranging from site creation to database programming. Concentration of services are based in Web marketing, publishing, and WWW server work. Site includes company profile, work done with clients, service listings, and pricing. Also provides listings of job opportunities with CA Natalie Associates.
Offers CD-ROMs that provide interactive, CD-ROM lessons and reference guides for popular applications such as Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Excel, and Windows 95.
Provides more than 3,000 CD-ROM titles at low warehouse prices. Check out the new weekly specials or download an online catalog.
Produces and replicates CD-ROMS along with handling sales of CD recording hardware and software. Includes formats and guidelines for data and label artwork for submission. Provides company background, services provided and links to other pertinent CD-ROM sites.
Provides and produces a wide range of computer based multimedia services and World Wide Web home page creation duties. Includes company background and full listings of services offered. On a humorous note, this site also provides links to various chicken sites.
Creates and Develops iFilm interactive film software products. Includes iFilmStudio digital editing software and iMotion seamless playback servers. These technologies are for use by filmmakers, game builders, and in the creation of interactive software. Includes iFilm samples, technology explanations, product background, client and portfolio listings. Provides "The Bench" an interactive movie. An interesting site for someone interested in multimedia technologies and their applications.
Provides site for a small network of San Francisco area artists who work in CD-Rom, Internet, and computer graphics technologies. Includes artist listings, gallery sampling of work, and collective projects. There is some nice artwork here done in the new media.
Creator of AudioReality, a 3D sound technology for entertainment, multimedia, virtual reality, and professional audio. Download free demos of Audio-Reality software and sample 3D spatial sounds, which can be played on any stereo system.
Designs and produces a wide array of multimedia hardware and software products for the individual to companies. Includes information about MPEGator, MARS, DVMPEG, and TeleGenesis products with full product specifications. Also includes technical support, downloadable software, and contact information.
Produces Genesis MP workstations, software, and applications that are used in media publishing such as 3D graphics and animation. Includes performance papers, technical specifications, full product catalog, and technical support. Provides company store, history, and resellers index.
Produces StDemo and ShowBasic Development Kit, two script-based Windows Demo players. This site explains the program's advantages over Windows Recorder and lets you download a copy of StDemo Player—a demo builder. Also includes an opportunity to watch a unique demo presentation of ShowBasic—a demo/tutorial/CBT/presentation development kit for Windows. If this is it what you need, order by e-mail or on the phone.
Specializes in multimedia, Web site page development, and computer graphics creation. Services offered include training, animation, CD-ROM, and home page creation. Includes links to sites created, graphics portfolio, CD-ROMs developed, and contact information.
Interested in the latest issue of the e-zine Digital Movie News? This site's Table of Contents link includes exclusive articles on hundreds of topics, including software reviews, interviews with movie makers, and conference information. The home page includes a number of FAQs for those interested in starting their own digital movie-making enterprise.
Produces and provides interactive games, 3D multimedia systems, EDGE PCs, EDGE magazine, and various Web services. Includes job opportunities, product and service information.
Provides wide array of multimedia and graphics services for use in Web page design, graphics creation, and video tape and CD-ROM production. Includes Internet and production services offered. Also includes technology demonstrations, clients listings, and information about electronic publishing. Provides contact information and company profile.
Provides a wide array of services including logo creation, packaging, interactive media, Web site design, and other multimedia productions. Includes examples of work, links to sites created, and contact information.
Provides home site for ETTA, an association of entertainment and technology companies. The goal of the organization is to merge together new technologies and entertainment. Includes links to member organizations and a shared information database. Also includes membership and contact information.
Provides digital media, graphics and sound production, to businesses and individuals. Provides links to animation, 3D, audio and video CD ROM production, desktop publishing, Web page services and promotional screen savers.
Workstation-based interactive 3D software that enables real-time visualization and inspection of large and complex mechanical and architectural CAD models. Web site outlines latest features of this accelerator and provides examples of how this product is being used by customers. A must-see is the Pictures and Animations link, which provides large images you can download of 3D environments. Be sure to check out the Frauen Kirche project by IBM of Germany.
Interactive Digital Media campaign for businesses and companies. Provides links to past projects, services, and contact information.
High bandwidth multimedia communications at peak performance. Check out Desktop Multimedia or Conversational Media™ for your performance needs. Links to support, marketing, contact info and much more.
Jack is a human modeling and simulation system developed at the University of Pennsylvania. Provides a 3D interactive environment for a variety of applications. Links to news, information, demos, and more.
Manufacturer of external SCSI storage devices, specializes in digital video, multimedia, and video conferencing, and offers services such as media integration, computer peripherals, value added services, set-up, tech support, training, and more.
Produces and provides multimedia and virtual reality technology products and services. Includes information about the Xpand family of products and other multimedia creation tools. Also includes service listings such as Web creation, Internet consulting, and training. Site provides art portfolio, links to sites created, downloadable demos, company profile, pricing models and contact information.
A company offering network support, software development, and optical disc manufacturing and distribution for your publishing needs. Find out more about the company's bio, events, press releases, clients, and more.
If you're into musical production via computer, then check out this site. Lots of product and ordering information, troubleshooting ideas, and new ideas to try. Check out their newsgroup or FTP site, too.
A treasure drove of sounds, images, and MPEG animations for adding to your multimedia presentations. The multimedia exhibit links are a must-see, although you can't use their images in your work.
Creative interactive and print media including advertising, packaging, exhibits and displays, photographs, announcements, and more. Links to demos, media, info, and jobs.
Download a free trial of Sony Music Video's Screeners, which are editable music video screen savers.
Small outfit that makes personalized CD-ROMs of music or data. This site is still under construction.
Interactive multimedia technology developer among North American, European, and Australian offices. Powerful solutions to government, businesses, and individuals.
Incredible 3D products for your home theater, computer, or game system. Links to demos, stores, reviews, and other cool sites.
Provides multimedia services including Web site construction, The Cyberlink multimedia newsletter, Web publishing, and graphic design. Includes contact information and links to related sites.
Produces CompuPic (CPIC) graphics software and media library CD-ROMs. Includes product background and contact information. Provides links to online multimedia forums.
Provides home site for Pinnacle Post, a multimedia graphics production company. Includes services offered, pricing, company news, and contact information.
Produces Living Album multimedia software that enables photo prints, audio, and video storage on floppy disks and CDs. Includes product technical specifications, reviews, and ordering information.
Provides home site for Ramworks, a multimedia graphics and publishing production studio. Includes information about Shockwave graphics software, clients listings, services offered, and contact information.
Develops multimedia technology products and software. Specializes in applications that enable multimedia presentations to work similar to television. Produces the Human Touch graphical user interface and Scala Interactive Television (ITV) software. Includes product features, corporate profile, technical support, and contact information.
Sealworks is a multimedia and Internet consulting and product company. Includes services, products, and resources utilized. Provides seminar dates, training services, and client listings.
Provides a wide range of multimedia services and products. Includes Web site development, multimedia database design, and graphics creation. Site includes links to sites created, artwork examples, and information about The Presence Engine online catalog creation software.
Offers multimedia production and related software development. Services includes Web site design, graphics creation, 3D modeling, and many more. Develops custom Photoshop, Quark XPress, HTML, and others. Includes company background, portfolio, and contact information.
Provides a wide range of multimedia services and products. Specializes in Java database development software and business site creation.
Produces the VideoShow family of multimedia presentation products. Includes company profile and information about the VideoShow HQ Multimedia System. Provides technical specifications and contact information.
Develops custom multimedia software, WWW sites, computer based graphic design, and other services. Includes company profile, artwork portfolio, WWW browser comparison, and contact information.
Provides multimedia services including Web site design, computer animation, 3D modeling, and video production. Includes company background, and examples of work done.
Provides a wide range of multimedia services including Web site creation, 3D graphics, computer animation, and other interactive media productions. Includes detailed company and personal background along with examples of work done.
Provides a wide array of multimedia services and products. Includes computer animation, 3D graphics, CD-ROM creation, Web site design, and other multimedia services. Site includes company history, staff background, work examples, product listings, and contact information.
Provides Web site construction, CD-ROM production, specialized interface creation, and other multimedia production services. Includes company profile, sites created, current projects, and links to many different sites.
Headquarters for the producer of such hot multimedia authoring packages as Freehand, Director, Fontographer, and Authorware. Choose Low Bandwidth at this opening screen if you are using anything slower than a 28.8 modem.
Produces Worlds Chat multi-user 3D environment and the Alpha World virtual place. Includes detailed company history, background, philosophies, and product information. Provides technical specifics, downloadable demos, resellers listings, and contact information. This is a very detailed business site that goes into the concepts surrounding virtual reality technologies. If interested in this subject, this site is highly recommended.
Provides multimedia services such as Web page design. Includes links pages to created by X Communications, the magic "8-ball", and linky links. From this site you can access quite a few music and entertainment pages.
Provides various multimedia services including computer animation and Web site creation. Includes designers notebook, links to sites created, animation portfolio, and contact information.
Provides company profile, news releases, product information, and hot topics list for high performance data systems company. Gives full background on Avanza switching architectures, and Alcatel platforms. Also provides information, enrolling procedures, and course listings for their Ashburn training facilities.
Develops enterprise network software products that allow organizations to integrate diverse computing resources into unified, global networks. Banyan produces TCP/IP products, UNIX/SMTP networking products, the StreetTalk naming service, and the popular VINES network operating system.
Firewall and network address translation products for your organization. Links to private link information, press releases, contact info, customer support, technical info, and more.
Develops and produces network, Internet, and communications products for everything from LANs to workstations. Specializes in ATM technologies and services. Includes information about ClearPath and the XL families of products for use with networks and Internets. Provides technical specifications and applications of CrossComm products. Also includes pricing and ordering information.
Produces and provides products and services for service engineering, network creation, server applications, and data security. Includes company philosophies and service listings. Provides company background and profile along with contact information.
Specializes in design and implementation of LANs, WANs, and multi-platform networks. Provides Novell service center and products. Includes listings of manufacturer relationships and contact information.
Researching the purchase of a new server for your business? This site from Digital Equipment Corporation includes extensive technical specifications on Digital's newest server products through the Network Products Guide link. An Application Stories link provides examples of Digital servers currently used in the business environment, and a Seminars, Training, and Events link lets you know when Digital will be demonstrating their products in your town.
Designs and produces hardware and software for network access, communications, and time management. Products specialize in the managing of data between computers and peripheral equipment. Includes detailed product listings, upgrade programs, technical support, and company profile.
Produces routers and other products for networking PC s, Macintoshes, and UNIX networks. Includes product specifications, technical support, and contact information.
Florida Atlantic University offers a one month CNE immersion program through its certified Novell Education Center. This page explains the core courses you will take toward CNE certification taught by veteran CNI Frank Moore, the registration process, lodging, costs, and benefits of the program. Also covers additional courses such as Microsoft certification training.
HDS Network Systems manufactures and sells multimedia X Window stations, and creates software for these systems in a multivendor open-system environment. HDS X terminals offer analog and digital video, IP Multicasting, and live TV/cable displays.
Developers of color management and client/server software, including Helios EtherShare, PCShare, EtherShare OPI, and Helios ColorSync 2 Xtension.
This cool site provides information about integrated network solutions such as LAN and WAN for your business. Will work with an existing network or develop a new one. Links to WAN and LAN info, support, and company info.
A site with links to Intel products and information for your business. Networking, video, conferencing, or Internet are some of the options.
Products for mass storage and high speed networks. Links to products, support, news, and employment opportunities.
Offers Test Suite software products that test SNMP network hardware, such as routers, printers, hubs, servers, and UPSs. Find out about their products, download a free SNMP test suite demo, and contact IWL staff.
Bridges and routers to solve you network security problems. Pictures and links to products and information, applications, pricing.
Manufacturer of Sammi that enables you to integrate network applications without writing any network or graphical user interface code. Several links to learn more about Sammi, including current users, tech support, employment opportunities, and more.
Manufacturer and distributor of Fore Systems ATM switches, adapters, and routers. Our products include a stackable ATM ethernet bridge and stackable ATM video codes. Links to products, support, and employment information.
Based in the San Francisco bay area, the leading Novell network integrator. Check out the long list of services provided by their CNEs.
Lancom Technologies provides all the courseware you need to become CNA or CNE certified. Provide this courseware for your students or yourself at reduced costs.
Produces a wide array of products for network servers from workstation connectivity to peripheral management and more. Includes product database with technical specifications and support. Provides service listings, contact information, technical partners, and links to related sites.
Client/server solutions for SGI platforms and Mac. Create a WAN or get your business up and running on the Internet.
Data, voice, and video integration solutions including WAN, LAN, consulting, network engineering and design, management, and maintenance.
An inexpensive, high-speed network provider based in sunny California. Myrinet is their LAN based on Mosaic technology and they offer a variety of products, performance info, client info, and more related to Myrinet.
A manufacturer and service provider for all your individual, business, and institutional computer needs. Check out their corporate profile, services and support, product info and press releases, promotionals, and more.
High performance Web servers for Windows 95 and Windows NT, featuring Commerce Builder and Communications Builder. Links to sites that use Commerce Builder, downloading and purchasing information, product information, support and technical info.
IDEAL computers, servers for LANs and WANs. Lots of product specs and information provided for your organization.
Computer and consulting services for your network installation or troubleshooting. Links to product service and information, the benefits of networks, and more information.
A neural network simulation environment that supports any neural models. Check out their product and simulation demos, press releases, screen shots, and more.
Design, manufacture, sale, and support of multimedia networking solutions for corporations. Links to their products, features, user groups, investors, and more.
Provides a wide range of telecommunication services and products. Includes information about wireless, enterprise, and broadband networking products. Also includes company profile, solutions index, and contact information.
Nortel offers secure networks to ensure privacy. Check out their networking solutions and their training programs to benefit your organization.
The persistent leader in networking software provides information on new products, technical support questions, online manuals, and different networking solutions for business and government. Choose the smart country page for your location to see a neat map of all the countries in your continent. You will end up with information about Novell training courses, conferences, and other events in your city. Neat!
The Network Technology group can help your with a small or large project, providing your with network technology solutions and training. Check out their list of products and services, including upcoming conferences.
Application developer for HP's OpenView Network Management platform. Download a demo program describing Onion Peel products, including RoboMap for HP OpenView, and ROVE for HP OpenView.
Maker of CDVision, a server-based CD-ROM manager that can accommodate up to 392 SCSI CD-ROM drives and multiple users. Download a 30-day full-user version, or practice your German by reading the Deutsch version of this page.
Produces PC-DOCS open document management systems for enterprise networks. Includes product background, press releases, case studies, and sales information. Also includes trade show appearance dates, job openings with PC DOCS, and technical partners listings.
Produces the WaveSwitch family of network connectivity products along with other Ethernet switches, converters, and software. Includes product specifications, technical support, and ordering information.
Creates Internetworking products, applications, and tools. Includes information about the SWITCHStak 500 Ethernet switch, ROUTERXchange 7000 network router, NETXchange400 Ethernet bridges, and the RETIXVision network software. Provides technical specifications, press releases, and contact information.
Provides background and contact information for Rnet real-time message distributor systems. Includes product features and a listing of customers using Rnet.
Makes Replix Network Fax Software for enterprise-wide networks. This simple site provides traditional services, such as product and price info, technical support, reseller database, and support information.
Provides network design, management, and evaluation consulting services. Includes online essays and articles dealing with computer networking problems and solutions. Also includes job opportunities and contact information.
Provides a wide array of networking services and products. Includes services offered, product listings, and contact information.
Provides many different services and network system solutions for corporate, government, and defense clients. Includes company profile, philosophies, and services offered. Also includes client listings and contact information.
A Canadian Novell Netware network reseller and installer. Practice your French on their French version of this page, peruse their links to network-related publications, or find out about their product line.
The UniSQL server will manage object-relational data better than relational systems, used by leading engineering, telecommunications, health care, manufacturing, and defense groups. Find about their many products and services.
Software developer of relational database managers for client/server environments.
Includes detailed company profile and product line technical specifications. Also includes technical support, online product registration, and technical partners. Describes their FDDI technology, including a Gigabit Ethernet-capable LAN switch, due in 1997
Describes the Yost serial device wiring standard. Find out why this standard is superior to null modem cables and the many different types of connections that are possible with this standard.
Buy your computer hardware and software from the Austin Direct catalog. Low prices on computers. Access to product information, pricing, and ordering.
Provides listings of graphics based and other software that CJC Graphic Design sells. Includes product background and contact information.
Online computer superstore. Check out their Clearance section to see if that old computer game you could never find is still available. Provides a customer service link to help you out if you can't find a specific computer-related product.
Sells computer books. Click on Browse Our Full Database and search for a specific author or topic to find all the books in print. A free book search and e-mail ordering are available.
Provides sales and support for a wide range of computer systems including workstations, network systems, and other peripheral goods. Includes details catalog with product specifics and ordering information for the world.
Provides sales and background on a myriad of computer products from hardware to peripherals. Includes a search index with pricing and technical specifications. Also provides a directory of computer resources that outlines many computer products.
Provides online sales for a wide array of computer products from power protection to network connectivity and all points between. Includes a shopping search index and ordering information.
Provides sales on new and use networking products including WAN, LAN, and 3270 equipment. Includes contact information, current sales, and product specifics.
Sells integrated systems and networks, PC hardware and peripherals, and provides rentals and service on new and used equipment.
Provides sales on a wide range of computer products from PCs to games and all between. Includes browsing and search capability indexes. Also providing online sales information.
Deals in used and refurbished communications and networking equipment. Product lines include everything for LAN and WAN networking systems. Also includes modems, ISDN, transceivers and many more items. Includes sales, buying prices, and ordering information.
Provides sales of PC components and accessories for individuals and resellers alike. Includes product information, technical support, and contact information. Specializes in custom built PCs with DAKCO's STEELBLUE Economy Services.
Provides sales, pricing, and consultation for data communications products and equipment. Datalink carries a wide array of products from many companies. Includes catalog with product description, online price quote service, and contact information.
Publishers of books specializing in database architecture. Find out about their self-published A Practical Guide to Writing and Publishing Your Own Books.... and Marketing on the Internet.
Provides online computer store that offers nearly anything for the home computer user or businesses. Includes product search field, category search index, and ordering information. Also provides local store and contact information.
Provides home site and information for EMJ, an international distributor of computer hardware, software, and peripherals. Includes information broken down into offices in Canada, the United States, Brazil, and Hungary. These sites includes company background, technical support, product information, catalog, and ordering information.
Provides sales and repair of tape and optical drive systems. Includes products offered, service listings and contact information.
Distributes and sells surge protection equipment and communications products. Includes product catalog which provides technical specifications and ordering information. Also includes a detailed company profile.
Offers computer hardware, software, and networking items from Hawaii.
A "shopping mall" divided into 16 categories. Categories include travel, computer products, gifts and flowers, clothing, health, real estate, and more. An unusual site.
Buy computers and computer products over the Internet. Provides links to inventory, descriptions, prices. Put together the system you want for your home or office.
Mid-range computer system reseller and largest computer system rental in the UK. Provides links to digital and HP products, refurbished products, software and PC offers, purchase and rental pricing information. For the small business owner.
A wholesale distributor of microcomputer products to South Africa. Provides links to reseller's guides, online ordering, specials, computer publications, other vendors, product descriptions, and support.
Computer engineering firm for businesses, individuals, and organizations in the Northeastern Pennsylvania area. Allows you to customize the computer system you need for the lowest price.
A laser printer toner cartridge re-manufacturer based in Pennsylvania. Pricing and order information provided. Other cartridge services available also.
Laser printer, fax, and copier supplies at low costs for your home or business. New and re-manufactured products available. On site laser printer repair also available.
Based in Roanoke, Virginia, toner cartridge re-manufacturing, computer supplies, and laser printer equipment company for your home or office.
Will find that hard to locate mass storage or networking item for you corporation. Check out their large product line, networking equipment, adapters, CD-ROMs, and more.
A computer reseller offering products, desktop support, development, educational and technical support. Access to any of their products, departments, and employment opportunities.
A growing site specializing in buying, selling, and advertising new, used, and hard to find computer hardware equipment. Check out their catalog, products, sales, and more.
One-stop shopping for Lotus upgrades and enhancements, software suites, books, and video products.
Macintosh reseller providing a digital catalog of Mac products. Choose Cool Links if you'd like to give your eyes a workout.
A computer reseller and solution provider in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Check out this site if you're wondering how neon light blue text looks on a Web page.
This is the page for the campus computer store at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Purchase computer software and hardware directly from MicroStation. UIC faculty, staff, and students are eligible for manufacturers' discounts.
A computer reseller based in Winnipeg, Canada. If you need a part for a "dinosaur," check here first. Or if you want to purchase an "off lease" or reconditioned computer at a reasonable rate, you can do that too. Some even come with warranties. Also carry a full range of new computers and upgrades.
Browse the MacWarhourse or MicroWarehouse catalogs, or search all available catalogs for computer equipment. Links to information on educational and government sales, security, shareware and product/software demos, and more. Order by 11 p.m. for overnight delivery.
If you need parts for your computer, this is the site to check out first. Offering parts for a long list of computer manufacturers, you can download their catalog and place orders for overnight delivery.
Memory storage devices and video displays and cards for sale at low prices. Provides support and service for the products sold and gives discounts to its business customers and their employees. Check out their catalog and ordering info.
Computer consulting, repair, upgrading, and training in the Lake Tahoe area. Also a full service computer store for purchase or rent. Check out their monthly specials.
Brand name computer products, supplies, ergonomic aids, peripherals, and more for the workplace. Browse their database, or if they don't stock something you want, they will get it.
A computer hardware recycling center that will buy, sell, or trade your used computers. They also offer a full line of new computers for sale.
Online sales of computers, computer products, memory, new and used equipment. If you know what you want, they can get it for you.
International software and hardware supplier, Novell reseller, IBM, Compaq, and HP computer system retailer. Check out their Designer Series Software ©.
Provides sales on a wide array of computer hardware, software, peripherals, and products. Includes indexed catalog with updated prices and ordering information.
Provides sales, support, and distribution of networking, connectivity, voice and data integration products. Includes product index with technical specifics. Also includes ordering and contact information.
Provides online catalog and sales for Printer Works. Specializes in computer printers, parts, service, and peripherals. Includes an indexed catalog with technical specifications. Also includes reference links by manufacturer and model for parts acquisition.
Provides sales, service and support of Novell Netware, custom software development, computer upgrades, and Web site design. Includes listing of services offered and contact information.
Provides sales and distribution of a wide array of computer products including hardware, software, applications, and peripherals. Includes upgrades, processors, notebooks, power supplies, and many more in SBI's online catalog. Also includes ordering information.
Provides online catalog sales of computer peripheral products. Includes product specifications, contact and ordering information.
Provides online catalog sales and upgrades of Spectrum PC and Kingston Technology products. Includes detailed catalog, technical support, and secure ordering.
Buys and sells used computer equipment. Includes online catalog of products for sale and buying prices for equipment. Provides online ordering information.
Provides sales, support, and service of a wide catalog of products. Also provides Internet services and computer publications. Includes online product and service index.
Authorized reseller of SGI, Novell, DEC, IBM, and other companies' systems. TSI also manufactures custom business PCs. Find out their monthly specials, search their 30,000-item catalog, configure your own 486 or Pentium system, or check out links to the company's favorite sites.
Offers online buyer and seller services. Includes exchange services and sales. Provides online catalog, exchange rules, press releases, and online index of used computer prices.
Provides a vast online catalog of various computer connectivity products for use with PCs to network size systems with all points in between. Includes product specifications, technical support, equipment reviews, and pricing comparisons.
Provides sales of a wide range of real estate related software, hardware, and peripherals. Includes a search indexed online catalog with technical specifications of each product. Also includes secure online ordering and contact information.
Currently the most powerful search engine available. Digital Equipment's Alta Vista search engine contains text from more than 22 million Web pages. To narrow your search, make sure you read the Simple Query and Advanced Query information, or you'll wind up with more information than you could ever handle.
Specializes in translation and creation of Web sites in Japanese. Includes samples of sites created. Provides list of Amris Ltd. other services.
A well organized Internetwork with links to many great sites under many subjects. Features MultiPlayer Game Server software and Internet access. Includes subscription information for the interested.
A recent arrival to the online access world is AT&T's Interchange Online Network. This new service requires special software, although the Web pages are visible in any browser. You can download the software at this site, sign up for a free trial membership, then take advantage of such powerful business services as CNN, Dow Jones, the Thomas Register, and TRW databases.
Provides wide range of Internet services for both corporations and individuals. Includes subject links to hundreds of sites under a myriad of subjects. Also provides list and links of corporate clients, user home pages, and Internet background information.
Provides Internet access and various services for business and individuals alike. Based out of New York City, BrainLINK offers Web site creation and Internet support services. Features business and special interest sites that are bases on BrainLINK along with many other links on various subjects.
Provides Internet access, consultation, and Web site creation for both individuals and companies. Services include Firewall and proxy set up, training , software development, and many others. Includes many links on various subjects that are from all around the world.
Distributes and sells computer hardware. Includes every thing from motherboards to modems and more. Includes special rates for resellers and online ordering information.
Designs and produces custom made communications networks for various companies in industry, utilities, and finance. Includes information about ComVAN family of network products. Provides technical specifications, company profile, and listings of services offered.
Provides an array of online services with sales of related hardware and software. Services include world wide Web marketing, dial up, and high bandwidth connections. Also provides Internet tutorials, technical support, and company profile. Contains links to customers pages.
Provides a wide range of Internet and World Wide Web services. Includes dedicated and dial access services to companies, Web site creation, and technical support. Site includes Internet starting points, hot sites, an art gallery, and "The Psychic Dancehall" music site.
Provides Internet access and provider services specializing in security and privacy for their customers. Includes sign-up information, company policies, prices, and starting point for the Internet.
Computech is an online service provider for the inland northwest. Provides links to newsgroups, public service pages, Web classes, and clients' Web pages.
Provides Internet accessibility for individuals and businesses with a wide array of services. Includes dedicated access and dial-in access provisions. Site includes services pricing and contact information.
Provides services and products that allow any restaurant or bar to become online cyber cafes. Includes advantages, background information, product specifications, and links to cyber cafés around the world. Also provide Internet access and Web services for companies wishing to become "cyber".
Provides computer training and Internet access for LANs. Includes course listings, technical support, DGL Search Engine, and product catalog. Provides contact and ordering information.
Provides Internet access, service and products for individuals and companies. Includes Web site creation, dedicated access accounts, notebook computers, and Pentium computer sales. Also includes full product and services index that includes pricing.
Provides miscellaneous Web services including server, Web site, frame relay , 14.4 and 28.8 connections. Includes links to search engines and a bevy of other sites.
Provides computer consulting, WWW marketing, Internet starting point and network services. Includes links to many different business and leisure sites.
Provides a wide range of business services on the WWW. Includes business site creation, marketing, and advertising. Also includes links to many sites created by emaNate and contact information.
Provides services and products in the electronic publishing arena. Includes information about Virtual Journal, a WWW publishing system. Also includes technical specifications, services offered, and contact information.
Provides Internet related services, products, and consulting. Services includes access for individuals as well as businesses with a wide array of types of connections. Also provides Web site creation, server connections, and software configuration. Includes service listings and contact information.
Provides a wide range of Internet publishing services including page creation, document, and multimedia formatting. Includes service listings and contact information.
Provides home for the Excite Navigation Services and search engine. Includes company background, press releases, and magazine articles about Excite. Site also provides City.Net, a comprehensive set of links to community sites all over the world.
Flamingo Communications is an Internet provider for California's South Bay area and its Web page includes local sports, weather, and television listings. However, it also provides the basic user with links to Web browsers and libraries, "cool sights," public service pages, national weather, and sports.
Florida Online provides a service to help computer hobbyists develop their own home pages. Several examples are given, from the Florida Online Internet surf team's individual home pages to business pages and family pages.
Provides online service for your business. Will design Web pages, provide Web space, dial up numbers. Also offers Internet training courses. Links to business message boards, hot sites, and search engines.
A Public and commercial service based on Green Bay, Wisconsin. Provides links to search engines, software archives, businesses and info, pages of their clients, as well as local news and weather.
Directory of home pages indexed by Hot City Networking. Provides links to BBS, users, and other Web news.
A database of more than 4,000 questions and answers about computers and computing. Simply enter a search term and press Submit Query; related questions and answers will appear on a follow-up page. Very simple to use.
Telecommunications services for businesses and individuals based in Spain. Offers online service, game connections, software.
An Internet user group in New Zealand. Access to home pages, software and support, charges, membership info, news and other services.
Telecommunications transport services at low costs for your business located in the Southern United States. Links to and information about services offered.
A Sweden based communications product developer and manufacturer. Links to many products, ordering info, news and press releases, contact info, and more.
An excellent site that compares each of the major online information providers and national Internet service providers (ISPs). Price, software features, access speeds, exact costs per hour, and subscription packages are compared and presented in a simple list. This is a must see site if you are considering a national ISP or online service, such as AOL or CompuServe.
The perfect site for the miserly Web surfer. Jumbo! offers thousands of freeware and shareware programs in such categories as business, games, personal, programming, utilities, and graphics. Searching for your favorite shareware title is easy. Click on the category and find it alphabetically. New programs are added every day.
A Fortune 500 company and wholesale distributor of computer software and hardware products, based in California. Access to their products, placing an order, and how to become a customer of Merisel.
A well-organized Web page that offers links to a number of software archives and repositories on a number of different subjects. Lets you search the directory by subject area.
Provides Web consultation, access, and page design. Includes listing of services offered, company philosophy, and contact information.
Tired of your e-mail address constantly changing? POBox Email Service provides an electronic mail forwarding service. Includes service features and online ordering.
Provides self page creation on the WWW with Qpage services. Includes background info about Qpage and Qpage Deluxe. Also includes ordering and contact information.
Provides Internet access services, Web site creation, and links to almost anywhere in the virtual world. Includes company background and links to local servers from Malaysia to Hawaii to Oregon and beyond.
Provides an online site for the exchange of ideas and information as virtual creations can exist. Contains home pages from all over the world and anonymous FTP archives.
Provides Internet management and access services for businesses and individuals. Includes listing of services offered and pricing information. Also includes links to many sites, company news, and newsgroup information.
Provides online access and Web site design services. Includes links to sites created and services offered. Also includes contact information and a glossary of Internet terminology.
Provides Internet access services for Canada. Includes links to many different Canadian sites. A great place to start if looking into information about business, travel, government, and culture up north.
Produces the E-Publish line of electronic Internet publishing products. Includes company profile, product background, downloadable demos, and links to other related electronic publishing sites.
Provides a wide range of Internet services including access, site creation, maintenance, and consultation. Includes services offered, pricing, links to sites created, and contact information. Also includes links to many sites under a table of contents.
Provides a wide range of Web services including Web site creation, access, and virtual mall services. Includes technical services, links to sites created, and contact information.
A popular, helpful site that provides a number of FAQs, reviews, and lists of computer performance-related information. Find out which manufacturer has the fastest motherboard, or choose a particular category, such as chipsets, to read about ways to improve their speed.
Provides WWW access services and Web site design for businesses and individuals. Includes links to many different sites and search engines.
Provides Web and multimedia services including Web site design, CD-ROM production, and a wide range of training courses. Includes listing of services offered, company resources, and contact information.
Provides Internet access solutions and related services and support. Includes Web site creation and maintenance along with Internet training services. Site provides clients listing, company news, and contact information.
Web site for USAGroup's TRG open forum, which presents major issues impacting higher education. This Web site includes a feedback forum, links to universities that are expanding students' access to information technology, and studies of students' knowledge of computers.
Provides a showcase and links to many different commercial sites. Includes search index and a subject browser.
Provides Internet access services and Web site creation for businesses, organizations, and individuals. Includes services offered, pricing, and contact information. Also includes links to many sites and search engines.
Provides Web site services including page design, Internet access, publishing, and more. Includes service specifics, pricing, links to sites created, Web news, and contact information.
Provides Web site pagination and publishing services. Includes service details, pricing, and samples of work completed.
Provides a wide range of Web publishing services including Web site design, artwork creation, graphics manipulation, and more. Includes links to clients sites, company resources, and contact information.
Online guide to everything Macintosh, including FAQ lists, vendor contacts, software, Web sites, mailing lists, upcoming events, reviews of Mac-related books, periodicals, and more.
Provides Web publishing services, Internet consulting, marketing, training, and research services. Includes featured listings of services offered, pricing, links to sites created, and contact information.
Provides Internet access services for businesses and individuals. Includes indexed links and search engine access. Also provides Web site development and maintenance services.
Touts itself as the one stop necessary for all your Windows file needs. Search for Windows 95 and Windows NT files and home pages.
Provides WWW services such as Web site creation, Internet training, and consulting. Includes online portfolio of graphics work, links to sites created, and listing of services offered. Also includes links to related sites and contact information.
FTP site containing all the updates for Apple software products. If you need to update your version of Apple System 7, or need a patch for a Windows printer driver, look here first.
Download a working demo of Executor, a 100% native software Macintosh emulator for DOS, Linux, and NEXTSTEP. Enter a specific Mac program, such as Illustrator 5.5 in the Online Documentation link search engine to find out if it has been tested on Executor.
An incredibly detailed compendium of every known OS research project worldwide. If you're interested in the future of computer operating systems, check out the Full Alphabetical List of OS Projects, which describes dozens of OS research projects currently underway at universities and companies such as Sony, Sandia, Bell Labs, and Sun.
Provides FAQs, online books, articles, and reviews about UNIX and the Internet for those who are new to the language or the 'Net. An excellent resource for the budding UNIX guru and future Web master.
The OPENSTEP development language from NEXT provides businesses with an object-oriented environment for creating custom client/server applications on any platform. This site explains NEXT's advanced environment, their product line, and lists authorized sales centers. Click on About NEXT to see screen shots of each of their products in use.
Information for newcomers to the Warp operating system and support for existing users. This page has dozens of links to e-zines, technical support, Usenet groups, and developers conferences. Newcomers should click on the billboard on this page
to download a free working demo of the Warp operating system.
Are 16-bit operating systems still available? You bet! IBM's recent update to PC-DOS includes built in Stacker compression, memory optimized commands, built in REXX programming language, and more. This page describes at length version 7's endless number of features.
Lists every upcoming book on Windows 95 and Win95 software. If you don't see a title here you may eventually need, you're probably a Microsoft programmer! All the book titles are organized by category, such as Excel 95, Winword 95, and PowerPoint 95.
Lists in order the 30 most popular UNIX programs downloaded from shareware.com's Web site. To download your own copy of any of these programs, simply click on a filename. This list usually includes the best freeware/shareware UNIX software available.
Well-designed site provides hundreds of the most recommended Win 3.1 and Win95 Internet programs. Simply find the type of software you're looking for and click on the program Xiaomu recommends. This site is broken up into a Win3.1 and Win95 section and further divided into the different types of communication on the Internet (FTP, Telnet, IRC, WWW, and so on.)
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.
Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943
Enter a monthly drawing for a free computer and check out Acer's newest product lines, such as the Aspire. The Windows 95 Information link provides a search feature to help you find information on specific Windows 95 topics—a very helpful feature for Acer owners.
Contains information about Acorn Computer Products. Includes links to Acorn Education, which provides a special program for schools.
The home page for this billion dollar PC manufacturer requires that you choose from one of 24 countries! The next screen provides choices based
on your type of business, such as education, government, home office or a large or small corporation. After a few more screens, you can examine Dell's latest servers, portables, and desktop computers.
Humorous Web site for this computer retailer. Take a survey, check out their online catalog, enter a few contests, and read the latest technology news. Their catalog features more than 8,000 products.
Even if you don't have a Gateway, this site is so well-designed and visually interesting that it is worth a hit. Click on some great graphics to access and join the Gateway club and the kids club. Be sure to visit the Cow Zone, a strange, enjoyable page with contests and cow trivia.
Home page for IBM U.S. personal computers. Click on Aptiva, Servers, ThinkPad, Desktop, Monitors, or Options to access the type of hardware desired. Click on Options to access the support section and use searchable database to find patches, software updates, and popular utilities in IBM libraries.
A colorful page describing the special features of the Aptiva line of PCs. This site also includes links to a searchable database of over 5,000 files and a helpful support library of questions and answers.
A simple home page for an extremely successful computer company. Find out about Micron's other products, such as SRAM, DRAM, PCBs, radio frequency ID, and field emission display (FED) products used in camcorders. Click on Micron Electronics to access their Web site for Micron computers.
Besides the common technical support, product info, and news releases, the Research and Development link, Trade Show info, and Career Opportunities may satisfy that insatiable information thirst.
Computer repair for many manufacturer's laptops, monitors, printers, PCs, and more. Links to pricing and rate information.
Besides the support, product catalogs, and company news, Packard Bell's unique Home PC User Survey provides important information on trends in home PC use. This link includes charts and articles revealing who is using home PCs (a surprising number of older adults) and how their use is changing with the addition of new technologies.
PC clone mail order manufacturer. If you're looking for a new system, try out Swan's unique Confi-O-Matic. Choose the features and hardware you want for your PC, and out pops a price on such a system.
American Power Conversion is a builder of power surge protection devices. Site provides company background along with a guided tour about power and its capability to damage computers from PC's to networks. Includes a thorough list of customer references, business partners, technical support, and an online "Determine your Risk" quiz.
Informative site discusses how you can protect your privacy and security on the Internet using remailers, encryption software, file wipe utilities, and pass phrases. Download all the software you'll need to keep your computer secure.
Designs, consults, and programs security systems including featured TurnStyle Firewall system. Provides ample information and reviews about TurnStyle. Includes trade show attendance listings, product information, dealer and distributor listings.
Produces and markets Byte Box protective enclosures for computers and other technical equipment. Includes technical specifications and purchasing information.
Created by the Association for Computing Machinery, Security Day is intended to remind computer users of the need to see if their computers or data are at risk. This page explains the origins and purpose of Security Day and provides addresses to important figures in public office.
This site includes a detailed discussion of PGP that introduces cryptography to newcomers (the cryptography FAQ goes into more detail). Also included is the actual program for the DOS, MAC, UNIX, and OS/2 environments.
Designs and produces a wide array of power surge protection products. Includes background of products including technical specifications and applications. Provides company profile, ordering information, and technical support.
This site contains information on dozens of security related topics, such as viruses, risks, privacy, conferences, public keys, and trust. The page includes information on security publications, patches, training material, software tools, and alerts.
Excellent site for computer users interested in protecting themselves from Net weasels and Big Brother. This Wired magazine archive of government documents, legislation, articles on wiretapping and cryptography, and Internet groups provides useful news about security and the right to privacy.
IRE specializes in Internet and remote access security. It provides advanced security options, based on standards-compliant encryption technology, that enable you to "confidently" use the Internet and public phone lines instead of expensive private providers.
One of the hottest security topics these days is setting up a shield or "firewall" Web server that separates the Internet from a company's network. This site provides more information than you can probably handle in one sitting, including diagrams of Firewall topologies.
Maker's of the best-selling VirusScan software for Windows 95. Check out McAfee's other products, sign the Guest Book, download 30 evaluation copies of all their software, or read the latest press releases.
The Main Menu for this organization lists conferences, online seminars, and books about computer security; hot links are available for Internet firewalls, virus information, and late-breaking alerts. The Cool Stuff section provides free directories and tutorials created by NCSA; the Hot Links section lists hundreds of important Web sites concerned with security.
Network security and Firewall systems to protect your valuable information. Check out their disaster recovery plan and information. Links to products and professional services, customer information, and frequently asked questions.
An independent provider of network management, anti-virus, and security software. Check out the many products and companies they represent, including McAfee, TBAV, and others. Downloading information provided.
Develops network security software for use in government and business applications. Includes company profile, product specifications, and articles about their EAGLE Firewall family of products. Includes technical partners listings, network security library, and contact information.
Provides online information about computer viruses and security issues. Also provides background of the Dr. Solomon line of computer security and auditing devices including the Anti-Virus Toolkit and Audit. Includes links to other virus related sites and contact information.
Specializes in security and authentication products for network servers. Includes information about the LOCKout family of identification products. Also includes information about WebTrack security applications and more. Includes technical specifics and product features. Provides investment, technical partner, and contact information.
Provides a wide range of consulting and systems security information and services. Includes information about the COMSEC system, INFOSEC papers, and TEMPEST program management.
UNIX security resource with information on PGP, security IDs, anti-virus, and disaster recovery planning. Site also discusses U.N.C.L.E. staff and services.
Produces digital authentication products and services. Includes information about the Digital ID Center which provides validity services of identification cards. Also includes facts about the Certificate family of identification products.
Produces encrypting tools and software. Includes product facts, technical support, pricing, and ordering information. Includes press releases and reviews of ViaCrypt products.
An invaluable resource for Webmasters and employees setting up Web servers. This 120K(!) FAQ includes solutions for protecting documents, creating secure PERL scripts, creative effective, fair user logs, security concerns with JAVA, and reviews of different operating environments. Recently converted to HTML format.
Develops and markets PC-Install, an installation program for developers and consumers. Also produces PC-Loan, a graphical analysis tool for analyzing mortgages, car loans, and other types of money borrowing.
Provides Silicon Grafics Workstations, software sales, support and services for the United Kingdom. Site also provides a full product guide.
Provides information, sales, and support in association management software. Also provides Internet services ranging from page creation to Internet training to Java development.
Provides information, sales, technical support for FORTRAN 77, Fortran 90, and C/C+ software. Also provides download product information, Absoft Fortran Newsletter, and "Fred's Link O' The Week".
Manufactures peripherals for IBM RISC System/8000 workstations. Site provides information about products, support and technologies used. This includes downloadable software, product guides, and links to IBM technical tips and techniques.
Provides information about custom designed software, little language design, and Newton Products. Includes information about AMIGO, a software application English/Spanish dictionary and reference translation system for Newton Software.
Provides software development, training, systems consulting, and engineering for federal agencies and other companies. A.P.I. is a certified Microsoft trainer, and has a highly certified staff of engineers and developers. Also provides a list of contracts, partners and affiliates.
Provides products and services specializing in quick-turn, high layer count, multi-layer, dense packaging, advanced technology. Site also provides a general price quote service online, PCB problems survey, technical updates, and employment opportunities at Advanced Quick Circuits.
Provides products and services specializing in quick-turn, high layer count, multi-layer, dense packaging, advanced technology. Site also provides a general price quote service online, PCB problems survey, technical updates, and employment opportunities at Advanced Quick Circuits.
Provides design and production of custom software packages. Includes a full history of the company, technology background, customer listings, technical library, and a list of hot links to related technical papers and economic sites.
Provides information and history on Aladdin Knowledge Systems and their products. Includes corporate and investors forum, Next Generation smartcard development information, FAST team merger background. Also provides links to HASP protections systems and HOPE programming environments.
Provides background, software demos, methodologies, training, and support information for AliahTHINK. Includes features such as computer-based training, AliahSTRATEGY evaluations, and free software.
Provides company background, product information, services listings, technical support, AlphaCONNECT news, and AlphaSEARCH for more specific questions. Also provides Alpha stock information and employment opportunities.
Developers of Anyware software that utilizes Java technology. Provides company background, product information, technical support, alliances, demos, and overview of Anyware's capabilities. The graphic design and artwork of this site is very well done.
A monthly report that compares 45 different compression programs (archivers)for speed and compression sizes. If you work with graphics and often have to archive or transfer them, click on the bitmap graphic test to see where your archiver stands. WinZIP, for example, is one of the slowest and most average compression utilities.
Produces computer-aided design software for drafting and design companies. Features background and technical information about Vellum 3D CAD software packages. Includes technical support, service, company history, lengthy product information, and customer satisfaction notices.
Produces problem solving and custom designed developmental support software for Microsoft systems. Also produces database building and Web site creation packages. Site provides company background, problem solving listings, product information, clients list with links, and technical development partners list with links.
Provides information, technical support, company background, and distributors list for this manufacturer of support products for Fast Ethernet and Ethernet networks. Includes listing of trade shows Asante will be attendance.
Produces multimedia applications software, graphics accelerators, and other related products. Provides feature and specifications for all ATI products. Also provides driver information, press releases, and developer relations information.
Produces the EMISSARY line of desktop Internet software and products. Includes company profile, product technical specifics, and contact information.
Software development company that creates applications for client/server architectures using an object-oriented development approach. Uses Powerbuilder, Lotus Notes, and proprietary software to develop corporate solutions.
Produces Pro Circuit Builder software for the printed circuit fabrication industry. Provides sales, support, and product information.
Develops and produces CD-ROM servers and print servers. Provides product information, distribution network, company profile, and technical support services. Includes Axis T-shirt online contest.
Produces MicroStation and other engineering use software. Includes Mechanical Engineering, GeoEngineering, and Building/Plant Engineering lines of products. Provides extensive product information, technical support, listing of services, and the Bentley Gallery of images created with their software. Also provides links to Bentley Europe, Mid-World and Africa online.
Provides software, training, and consulting. Includes work with VAX, ALPHA, UNIX, and Windows NT. Also includes lists and links of Berstein & Associates' clients.
Develops BEST/1 Performance software and systems. Provides product information, sample graphics, technical support, and company news. Also provides contact addresses for BGS Systems world wide, including e-mail links.
Produces customized software and integration packages. Provides downloadable software samples, and links to clients sites. Also includes hiring information.
Produces developmental software packages and tools for use with Java, Motif, and Windows. Bluestone provides training, technical services, and consulting. Site includes corporate profile, services background, and product information.
Produces OMNIS products for developmental client and server applications. Site provides downloadable software, product information, technical support, consulting, and training services.
A worldwide developer and vendor of software for the automation of applications and data on different types of computers in host-based and open systems environments. This site includes the latest news on applications and application suites BMC uses with clients, a calendar of free seminars in specific cities, and includes forums for questions and answers with BMC Software's research and development staff.
Designs and produces custom software, tools and systems that are used in the medical field for information storage and billing. Also produces document imaging technology systems. Provides product and service information along with hot links to other medical sites.
Supplies technology products and software application consulting. Produces ART*Enterprise client/server retrieval software tools for systems building. Provides product background, service listings, and work done for clients.
Creates modeling and simulation software for the use in system and network design. Produces COMNET III, SIMPROCESS, MODSIM III, and SIMSCRIPT II.5 simulation tools and language. Provides information and background on these and other products. Includes company profile and listings of trade shows that CACI will be in attendance.
Creates and markets network support software and workstations based upon Linux operating systems. Provides company profile, product specifications, technical support, online network documentation, development resources, and a link to Linux online reference. Also provides dealer and reseller information for the world.
Produces connectivity products for Windows and communications software for Macintosh. Includes vxConnect and vxServer for Microsoft Windows computers and mxConnect and mxServer for Apple Macintosh computers. Provides product specifications and contact e-mail addresses.
Produces Batch Job Server, a batch job management program for Windows NT. Download a free working version of the program, access technical support, or order the full version of the program.
Develops and produces software applications including the Candle Command Center for Distributed Systems. This system can be configured to be used with UNIX, Oracle and Sybase, Windows NT, NetView for AIX, and Netware. This nicely organized site provides ample product information, company history, and customer support. Also includes job listings with Candle Corporation.
Develops and produces monitoring software that works with hardware systems and applications of networks, intranets, and the Internet. Caravelle's WATCHER family of products and services are toolkits that monitor and report systems online availability, speed, and performance. Provides company background, product specifics, and technical support. Includes downloadable demonstration software.
Produces CastCAE software for use in engineering applications such as tool and die, moldings, and other casting creation. Includes details about CastCAE 2.0's new features. Provides information about CastCHECK structural analysis design software for the metals industry.
Specializes in custom designed software for business or home use. Also provides data conversions. Includes e-mail and telephone contacts.
Producers of QuicKeys, WebArranger, and other software for use with Macintosh and Microsoft computers. CE Software centers around use with e-mail and Web service applications. Includes company background, product information, press releases, and technical support services. Includes links to different areas within the company from sales to employment opportunities.
Develops financial planning corporate software. Also offers financial software consulting. Site provides information about products such as CEO*Plan, CEO*PlanPlus, CEO*Risk, and CEO*Demographics software. Also provides company history and product reviews.
Developers of mainframe software, such as MVS/Quick-Ref and MVS/Quick-Ref for Windows, which enable you to access online message descriptions and programming information on VMS systems.
Develops and produces AIPS (Astronomical Image Processing System) software packages for tasks use in the gathering and processing of astronomical data. Specializes in software for radio astronomy. Includes software specifications, samples of image processing, and links to other astronomy sites. Provides ordering information.
Produces software, applications, and other tools like CompExec for use in finance, human resource, and consultant offices and firms. Includes editions for the desktop and office. Provides product background, company profile, downloadable software, and a guide to human resource related Web sites.
Produces shareware for DOS, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows 95. Includes catalog listing of products, free downloadable software, product specifications, and technical support. Includes hot links to many different sites like the Louvre, Sherlockian Holmes page, and many more.
Develops and offers software, training, and technical support for business and education under many systems, especially Macintosh. Includes company profile, product catalog, and listing of services offered. Also includes a hot link listing of sites ranging from Hawaiian weather forecast to pictures on Mars.
Provides software designed for public and educational institutions. Budget Director manages grants & contracts; C-Quest creates exams, quizzes, and questionnaires; and CC-Track manages tasks.
Designs and produces "groupware" packages for companies for use in desktops and networks. Includes articles and press releases about Collabra and groupware systems. Provides product information, pricing, downloadable demos and evaluation software. Collabra Software, Inc. has been acquired by Netscape Communications Corporation. Web site is in transition.
Produces SnapBack network software for disaster recovery and live backup. Includes background and technical specifications on the SnapBack family of products. Provides company profile and contact information world wide.
Develops and produces CANDLE software development platform products. Includes listing of products and services available. Provides extensive background and technical specifications for the Candle Authoring System and it's related software products. Includes downloadable shareware and software demos.
Produces and offers desktop and network product development including PDM products for data management and CAD/CAM software for automated design companies. Includes detailed product information and services offered listings. Provides Computervision stock and investor information.
Produces UNIFACE applications development software along with products for custom designed products. Includes company profile and in depth overview of products and services provided. Also includes Compuware news and upcoming trade shows.
Provides information about Plug-n-Play connectivity software products. Includes brief synopsis of Connectivity Custom Control Pack for network communications capabilities. Also provides contact information.
Produces Internet-Connect networking software packages for accessibility to the Internet. Includes product specifications, downloadable demonstration software, and contact information.
Develops and produces software applications using Delphi Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment for Windows. Includes company profile, clients listings, and personal background of Cornelius Concepts key officers.
Specializes in payroll and human resources software for client/server (Windows) and the HP3000.
Produces environmental, health, and safety compliance software. Includes information about the Regulatory Compliance CD-ROM that includes registration with the Federal Environmental and Safety Authority (FESA). Provides links to other related sites.
Produces Easy Time Payroll software for automated payroll systems. Includes product information, download sample software, and ordering information. Also provides links to Game Cheats, IU Music Resources, and Grendel's Archive sites.
Designs and produces the PROGRESS line of software, applications, and products for professional IS organizations that are system databased in Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, ODBC, and DB2/400. Includes product and service background technical information. Provides technical support, press releases, and ordering information.
Produces the SYNCHRONIZE cross-platform task scheduling management software family of products. Includes lengthy product background and technical information. Also includes downloadable sample software, company news, and ordering information.
Develops and produces custom designed software and applications packages. Provides a large company profile and product information background. Includes downloadable software and company philosophies. This includes the "Loser User Awards", a strange yet enlightening groups of quotes and e-mail, dealing with copyright infringement and company ethics.
Produces CVS simultaneous file configuration software family. Includes tutorials, product specifications, trade publication articles, and contact information. Also includes links to FTP and WWW sites that related CVS products.
Produces AutoFix family software and other products for computer self maintenance and reference. Includes information about Oil Change for Windows 95 and First Aid 95 software. Provides technical specifications, product information, and ordering contacts.
Specializes in software support applications for CVS, including porting new platforms and custom enhancements. Includes product specifications, free software, and company profile.
Provides commercial support and maintenance for free software. Includes working with G++, GDB, PRMS, and GAS. Site includes many different types of downloadable "Groupware", technical support, and manuals. Also includes company profile and contact information.
Developer of Flexx, accounting software for client\server environments. Check out the JavaMania choice to download pre-built Java applets from Databyte.
Develops and produces file translation, conversion, and connectivity software applications for interaction between Macintosh and PCs. Includes information about MacLinkPlus, MacOpener, Conversions Plus, and other translation products. Provides technical specifications, resellers information, distributors contacts, company profile and news.
Designs and produces medical laboratory computer applications and products. Provides company profile, technical specifications, and support. Includes links to other New Zealand companies and sites.
Designs and produces connectivity software, applications, and products. Specializes in gateways that link Lotus Notes and cc:Mail to IBM SNADS and NJE mail systems. Produces the Gateway family of products. Includes company profile, technical specifications, and links to other related sites.
Produces K-Free software that monitors free memory, disk space, and system resources. Includes product background and ordering information.
Makes products for the Macintosh, Windows, and Newton computer. Download demos of their Calculator Construction Kit, Calx for Newton advanced calculator.
Provides consulting and development of custom software for UNIX, Windows, or DOS. Includes service listings and contact information.
Produces the Creative Partner family of software for Macintosh and Microsoft computers that enable distribution of data for collaborative work across networks and beyond. Includes product specifications, company profile, technical support, and contact information.
Designs and produces Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) and development software for UNIX-based computers utilizing the X Window System. Includes lengthy company profile and product technical specifications. Provides related links and contact information.
Produces environmental awareness and education software. EarthAware is an environmental literacy educational tool for use in schools and the home. Includes product background and ordering information.
Produces GIS geographic information system technologies and desktop mapping software. Includes full product information along with reviews and press releases. Includes technical support, career opportunities, technical partners, and ordering information.
Produces FastApp Internet software and other application tools for intranet development, management, security, and tracking. Includes company profile and product technical specifications. Provides downloadable demonstration software, Web search index, and contact information.
Produces ImagingGIS software and products. Includes product specifications, customer testimonials, company profile, ordering information, and upcoming trade show appearances. Provides technical support, upgrade information, and new product news.
Designs and produces an extensive line of development tools, systems, and software applications. Includes information about Action! interface development tools and specialized applications for needs as diverse as air tanker refueling and aircraft seat layout. Includes product specifications, company profile, and contact information.
Develops portable network LAN and WAN software for OEM systems products. Includes product catalog, technical support, dealers listings, and company profile. Also includes job opportunities information.
Makers of the distinguished shareware products, Peeper, 1st Alert, Space Hound, and File Ferret. Read about these products, download them, and see if they'll help your work.
Company describes itself as "the only System/370 Plug Compatible Mainframe manufacturer able to put the mainframe in a laptop." Provides links to various OPEN/370 models and configurations.
Computer software company offering Visual Basic and C programming, multimedia services, Web page design, as well as links to free software sites, shopping and points of interest on the Web, and much more.
"Supplier of Unicode based Internet enabled ActiveX" technology for windows and UNIX users. Links to ordering info, press releases, and other interesting sites.
Gemini Systems provides software for POS/Inventory Control/Accounting for the building materials industry. Provides links to the software, ordering info, testimonials, company info, and press releases of their most recent products.
GeneCraft manufacturers the Vector Detector, gene cloning software for Macintosh users. Provides links to information explaining intelligent cloning software, advanced features, ordering / downloading info, pricing info (academic discounts), and company info.
Generator is designed to be used with Microsoft Excel on IBM compatibles. It is a computer program designed to solve any mathematical problem you can define on an excel spreadsheet. Provides definitive links to genetic algorithms, what generator can do, demos to download, and performance and application information. This site is a link off the page listed below.
Offers industry standard software to environmental professionals who manage chemistry, geology, and hydrology information on PC compatibles. Provides 3D visualization capability. Links to sales representative.
GrafTek developed LabelView for Windows/DOS. It is a bar-code label design package for businesses and is easy to use. Provides links to a demo copy as well as to their other releases, most recently one that includes drivers for thermal transfer pictures.
This five star site provides software for two distinct groups: video professionals and graphic designers, and software for children. They are most known for their MORPH software. Provides links to other software products, pricing and ordering info, demos, beta info, and other Web sites of interest.
Provides symbolic processing, electronic publishing, and custom applications. Programs in C, C++, Dylan_, Lisp, ML, PostScript_, and Prolog.
Mathematical, statistical, and graphing and forecasting software distributor in Australia and New Zealand. Provides links to products, catalogs, product samples, and ordering and pricing info.
A software company based in Germany, provides client/server solutions for Macintosh, PCs, and UNIX/Risk based systems. Also provides color management solutions. Complete software descriptions and information provided.
Produces MasterMove warehousing and distributions software. Includes product features, technical support, and ordering information.
Project management software and services, training and consulting, for your project management needs.
Multimedia and windows software development for the home or business. Provides links to shareware products for your home business such as Santa, Valentine, and Easter letters software, and software to start and organize your home day care business.
Provides software to streamline the legal auditing process. Fee $aver will save your firm time and money. If you have a big job, Hummingbird will process it for you. Links to software, ordering and pricing information.
Company that designs, manufacturers, markets software applications for the personal digital assistant market. Provides links to the company, products, ordering, employment, support, other links, and news.
CORBA component software for Enterprise Information Systems for businesses and organizations. Several new links to company info, products and services, press releases, seminars and training, and more.
Multimedia and imaging components for any sort of Web publishing. Provides demos, product and announcement links. FXTools version 4.0 for special effects publishing on CD-ROMs, presentations, ads, demos is available. Product and technical information provided for other software as well.
Business software for point processing, reverse engineering, and rapid prototyping used by hundreds of companies. Provides links to product info, support info, current customers.
Offers program understanding tools for software developers working with legacy or complex software. Download a trial copy of Imagix 4D, get pricing info, customer support, other products and Web sites of interest.
Offers animation, multimedia, educational, and music software for the Mac user. Provides access to software demos and samples, artwork, calendars, other info of interest.
Home page for the developer of PEOPLE-PLANNER, labor management software, which projects business and labor requirements and creates optimum employee schedules. The Resource Center button helps you determine the best type of labor management software to use; Customers Say describes in detail how existing customers take advantage of People Planner software.
SGML and Web software for your business. Provides links to customer support, demos to download, business info, new products, tech info, and much more.
Desktop software for design engineers, cutting your design and production time incredibly. Software will interface with your system's hardware, for complete integration and multi-tasking.
A cool site for information management software for your business or organization. Watch their upcoming events scroll across the bottom of your screen. Access to products, services, support, customers, and more.
Information management software that uses SGML and SQL relational database technology, solving your open information exchange needs. LivePAGE will manage graphics, text, and multimedia in a relational database. Links to company info, products, services, contacts.
Independent software solution vendor for any level of business that needs products and services for business analysis, reporting, data warehousing, and more. Provides links to products, tech support, user group, bookstore, consulting and training, press releases and announcements, and demo software to download.
Creates multi-platform application tools for software and system development. Includes information about PowerFlex architecture and services offered by ISM. Provides corporate profile, product features, and contact information.
Provides software in order for your company to make the transition to filing your financial documents electronically, using the electronic data gathering and analysis system of the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Links to software and database information, and other useful sites of interest.
Software allowing your business to use Windows applications on many different platforms. Information links for Mac and PC users. Links to products, catalog, tech support, press releases, and more.
Provider of Eiffel, the method and language to revolutionize software by reusing software components. Links to many Eiffel related topics, training sessions, subscription info, downloading info, and much more.
Internet software development and consulting company experienced in JAVA applications.
If your organization or business is looking for an integrated, graphical adaptable software package with services for process improvement, check out the ProSLCSE™ products. Links to products and services, employee home pages, and other interesting links.
Business education software for computers based simulations. Links to simulations, products descriptions and ordering, newsletter, and more.
ISPW—Integrated Software Processing Workframe—will help increase the productivity of your application development and maintenance staff. Access to a technical overview, base system and options, benefits, FAQs, and more.
Based in Sapporo, Japan, a software company for the medical industry. Software to file, analyze, and transfer images. Links to company, software, staff pages, and more.
Manufacturing management software for your contract-driven company. Special services if you are an aircraft repair and overhaul facility. Links to product information, services, employment opportunities, and more.
Company in Australia that develops database software, specializing in structured and textual data high speed retrieval. Links to products, clients, demos, courses, and more.
Software solutions for the Mac, PDA, or Windows users who are existing Landware customers. Browse through their list of new products and press releases.
Windows based records management system for law enforcement agencies. Links to demos, features, tech support, and employment opportunities for law enforcement officers.
Software, management and training applications for law offices. Links to research sites, the news room, and more.
LEXIFILE is library automation software for PCs and can run on a LAN. Download a sample program or get more information and links.
Software to bridge standard kiosk operation and the Internet. Download a sample, read customer testimonials, get up to date news, and more.
Canadian-based life insurance software system for comparisons, surveys, quotes, and information necessary to agents, brokers, and financial planners. Download the demo or order the software.
Business productivity tools and software development on many operating systems and in many computer languages. Links to their products and support services.
VISUAL Manufacturing is integrated manufacturing software developed by Dick Lilly for one to one thousand users. Explore the specifications and benefits this software can offer you or your company.
HyperPage multimedia software integrates animation, video, sound, images, and hypertexts easily for use on the Web. Order a free demo CD or download other cool stuff.
Anti-virus software for your home or office. Links to products, support, and performance information.
A computer software company based in Seattle, Washington. Products include MIDI Pack (to create and manipulate data from Visual Basic), an Internet Pack with new controls, and IniCon OCX, and Wave OCX. Check out their site and download sample software.
For those in the field of computer aided engineering, software designed for finite element analysis and modeling. Links to products and support, technology, their featured "model of the month," and more.
Develops accounting software for DOS, UNIX, and Windows. Download a PowerPoint presentation of their latest Windows Macola package.
Computer software for the resort industry, timeshare resort hardware and software, consulting, support, and opportunities. Provides a long list of resort clients.
Creator of TimeTracker software for the Macintosh. All programs are shareware and are free to download. TimeTracker, an easy-to-use application for recording time tasks on the Macintosh, is also sup-ported at this site. Check out the latest updates to TimeTracker and find out about TimeSlice, a more powerful time-tracking product.
Basic computer solutions software, disaster recovery, and specialty products for Lotus ™ Notes.
Accounting shareware for Windows or DOS, including payroll, accounts payable/receivable, and general ledger. Click on the links to download.
MentorPlus specialized in navigational software for pilots. Links to their products, news, and job information.
Merlin Software features Proposal Wizard, a proposal generation software for systems integrators. Check out their Pro and Lyte versions, Mac and Windows updates, Beta testing, tech support, computers for sale, and other links.
Provides information about The Message Board System of programs and applications that provide conference attendance message and registration capabilities. Includes product features, customers served, and contact information.
If you are a professional programmer, check out MetaWare's software development kits with components such as assembler, compiler, debugger, and others. Links to technology descriptions, customers, tech support, and more.
Perfect Recall software allows you to store anything you find on the Internet and then load it into any other software package you prefer to use. Or load the images into another browser off-line.
The largest manufacturer of software for managing government contract costs and schedule reports in the U.S. Find out about training seminars, new up-dates to Micro Frame Program Manager and other products, access technical support, and learn about new developments at this successful software company.
Computer Aided Document Engineering along with document design and authoring make Microstar the provider of end-to-end document management solutions for your corporation. Check our what they can do for your company, as well as download their free software.
Developers of security and accessibility software, such as CyberPatrol, which protects kids from adult material on the Net, and CyberSentry, a program that monitors employees' use of the Internet. Down-load time-restricted working demos, read company publications and press releases, or read about their support of free speech. Their Route 6-16 link connects you to a list of Web sites that are safe
for kids and suitable for family interests.
Data broadcasting applications software and consulting, including SATX ™ file transfer software. Can be used to transfer data over any broadcasting network including cable television, Direct Broadcast Satellites, FM subcarriers, and others.
Software configuration management for client/server and Web development for your organization. Their Integrity Products help to manage teams across remote locations. Check out their demo software, sales, training opportunities, and more.
Check out their breakthrough WIZDOM-Pro that will change object-oriented technology to an effective development environment. Links to concepts, features, development facilities, product info, site licenses, and more.
This company offers a variety of software packages including PicLan Networking software and FULL-VIEW for windowing. Check out their full line of products and support.
Developers of Cognitive Processor software for technical support departments. Find out what cognitive processing is and how it is used in this software.
Object oriented applications for software developers. Download NeoLogic software or find out more about their products, support, success stories, information, and jobs.
Manufacturer of fashion software including B. Famous on Stage for the fashion or costume designer. Check out their product demonstration or order your own copy.
Develops and produces scientific and technical software for mathematical problem solutions. Includes online catalog and a detailed background of the NAG group. Also provides white pagers, reviews, and contact information.
Develops electronic design validation tools and related software applications. Includes technical specifications, demonstration slide show, and contact information.
Creates IRIS (Integrated Real Estate Information Systems) management software for portfolio tracking, contract, and client services. Includes product specifications and services offered by Peninsula. Provides company profile, contact information, and links to real estate related sites.
Produces information retrieval software that has graphical interfaces as well as textual. Includes detailed technical background and features on PL Web, PL Sync, and other Personal Library Software products. Provides downloadable demos, technical partners information, career opportunities, and clients using PL Web.
Creates educational software for schools and individuals. Includes product profile, company background, and links to many educational sites. Provides a media gallery, and online ordering information.
Produces custom designed software and consulting services along with a series of Pinnacle developed applications. Includes services and products offered with detailed specifications. Provides free demos, shareware, and links to many other sites.
Produces E-Glue annotation utility for Windows based systems. Includes product features and contact information.
Provides software and consulting for database, data replication, and data warehouse applications. Page includes information on their data replication, training classes, and professional services.
Publishes mixed-media CD-ROMs, books, and provides collections of free software. Includes company catalog, ordering, and contact information.
Produces custom designed automation and management software and applications. Specializes in process integration, environmental monitoring, and data acquisition systems. Includes technical support, job opportunities, and contact information.
Produces software for the chemical industry and scientific chemistry research. Includes information about the Prode Calculator graphical interface database tool. Provides company background, products catalog, and contact information. Also provides links to related sites.
Provides information and demos of FileView developers utility software and applications. Includes technical specification, technical support, pricing, and ordering information.
Developer of Q-Yield, analysis software for semi-conductor engineers, provides technical product information, information on obtaining free working demos, training information, and links to other semiconductor sites.
Produces analysis, planning, and training software specializing customization for client needs. Includes product and service background with articles about Quality America's business and development philosophies. Provides information about training services, foreign distribution, and contacts world-wide.
Provides custom software design, process improvement, and language creation consulting, services and products. Includes in depth company philosophy, services, and background.
Provides custom software design, process improvement, and language creation consulting, services and products. Includes in depth company philosophy, services, and background.
Produces the Netbase Suite, VistaPlus, and many other families of output and database management software tools. Includes product technical specifications and features along with performance reviews. Provides company profile, technical support, services offered, and contact information.
Develops and produces UNIX-based custom software, applications and systems. Also provides systems integration and consulting services. Includes technical references, product specifications, and services offered listings.
Provides home site for Robert McNeel & Associates developers of Rhino modeling software and other development and rendering products. Includes technical specifications and features, technical support, and training information.
Develops custom designed software applications and products. Includes clients list, company philosophy, and contact information. Provides detailed accounting of company resources and allocations.
Designs and produces interactive educational software for schools and individuals. Includes information about Major League Math software. Provides company background, link to education sites, and contact information.
Produces the SST Server, Open Edicom, and GMS SMS families of communications software. Includes technical specifications, company background, and online product updates.
Develops tools and applications in data management for storage, management, and information access. Provides extensive product information. Also provides company background, trade show appearance dates, and information for doing business with Arcada.
Develops and produces custom screen saver packages. Includes downloadable samples, licensing information, and available packages. Provides many artwork examples and dealers information.
Creates client/server platforms, software and systems for a wide range of companies. Includes information about Sequent SMP systems, company philosophies, resources, and clients. Includes detailed company and product background.
Provides home site for Shana Corporation and the Informed line of form creation and processing software and products. Includes company profile and product background. Also includes job opportunities and links to technical partners sites.
Produces SILOS III Simulation Environment logic EDA software. Includes company profile, product background, demo software, press releases, and contact information.
Produces environmental, health, and safety software and products for companies. Includes consulting information, custom systems development, and product background. Provides clients listings, technical partners, and contact information.
Produces communications and connectivity products. Includes information about AudioVision video phone software, HotFax for Windows, and HotDisk products. Includes technical specifications, online ordering, and contact information.
Designs and produces the VersaTest and Relate testing, simulation, and support software and products. Includes technical specifications, client listings, and contact information.
Provides consulting and software products for newspapers and other periodicals. Includes information about Layout-8000 products. Also includes company profile, customer, and contact information.
Provides custom software development, Web site creation, and Internet training. Includes listings of services offered, products utilized, company philosophies, and contact information.
Produces Internet software systems like CyberSitter adult material filters, Re:PLY e-mail applications, Re:PUBLIC client Internet software, and other products. Includes technical specifications, company news, technical support, and online ordering.
Produces the Excellence Series of business software and other office products. Includes information about inventory and management software products. Provides technical specifications, features, and ordering information.
Provides software development, corporate management, systems engineering, and other technology services. Includes listing of services offered, technologies utilizes, SPARTA resources, clients, and contact information.
Produces Keystroke point-of-sale software and products. Includes product specifications and features along with downloadable demonstration software. Provides dealers and contact information.
Provides a home site and information about Cycle-Based Simulation software that validates logic designs. Includes information about the SpeedSim line of simulation software. Also includes information about support products for Windows NT and Linux operating systems. Provides detailed company profile and contact information.
Provides information about SST Inc.(Systems, Software, and Technology). Produces Winsock debugging tools and the TraceStock family of products. Includes technical specs, ordering and contact information.
Develops and licenses software text formatting tools and products. Includes information about the Stonehand Composition Toolbox formatting library. Provides technical reference and contact information.
Provides bar code design and printing software for the personal computer. Includes a corporate profile, product fact sheet, and industry newsletter, Automatic I.D. News. If you're lost, click on the Where is Eau Claire, Wisconsin link to see a nice map and learn about this exciting little city.
Provides data acquisition and analysis software applications solutions and products. Includes company history and facts about WorkBench products. Includes ordering information and distributors for the United States and international customers.
Produces the Subtleware product line for use with Windows systems. Products are used for creation of database applications and database creation. Includes product specifics and contact information.
Provides Windows NT utilities, such as event log, fault tolerance, virus protection, and batch job programs. Order online or link to other Windows NT sites.
Produces QuickTime VR interactive media software and Custom Kiosks applications. Includes technical specifications and discussions on virtual reality. Provides ordering information.
Provides custom software development and training services. Specializes in Java client/server applications and C++ operation services. Includes training service listings, company profile, and contact information.
Provides information about Spyglass Inc.'s SurfWatch adult material filter software. SurfWatch helps to filter out adult oriented and explicit Web sites for families and organizations. Includes product specifics and contact information.
Develops client/server, research, and development software for the health industry. Includes company profile, products offered, and contact information.
Produces software for accounting needs, desktop publishing, and Web design. Also provides custom software development and programming. Includes services offered and contact information.
Develops Windows software for connecting to IBM AS/400 computer system. Find out about their software products, access tech support, read the latest news, and read about new products.
Produces the TotalNET line of network operating and systems integration software. Includes TotalNET features and technical specifications, Internet access services, training schedule, and contact information.
Produces ready-made data and document management software on CD-ROMs. Includes information about the TrackFlow 9000 task management software. Provides product specifications and contact information.
Provides custom software development and consultation services. Includes technical partners information, company resources, and contact services.
Produces the TECS WebServer line of software and products. Includes company profile, product technical specifics, and contact information.
Provides network engineering, systems integration, custom software design, and database development services. Includes list of services and consultation available.
Produces e-mail interoffice message software. Includes product specifics and ordering information.
Produces Sauna thermal design and electronic equipment modeling software. Includes product features, online technical support, pricing, and demo information.
Develops and produces software for the mobile communications and retail sales industries. Includes information about the ThinqNet Mail Gateway, Instant Wireless, Sales Traq, and other software products. Provides technical specifications, press releases, and contact information.
Developer of application development and information management software. Read about their Nomad, Ada, and TeleUse language products, contact technical support, or examine their Site Index to find exactly the information you need.
Produces business software and applications for data management solutions. Includes information about the Metamorph and Texas families of software. Provides company profile, product background, job openings, and contact information.
Makers of Schedule Wizard Sports Scheduling Software, easy to use software for creating round robin schedules for any type of sport. Download a demo of this product, a trial version, or check out links to other sports-related Web pages.
Download free demo copies of their Dinosaur database for kids, Memory game, and Quit Smoking scheduler.
Produces Razor integrated problem tracking and management software system. Includes online technical manual and contact information.
Produces TeamTalk group information sharing applications and Cypress authoring tools. Includes product specifications, company profile, and contact information.
Developers of Novell Envoy, a document viewer, Tumbleweed Publishing Essentials, and other electronic document viewing products. Download the Envoy plug-in for Netscape or other Tumbleweed products, talk to the Web master, or read the latest news on Tumbleweed products.
Provides the world-wide home site for Ubi Soft, developer of educational and entertainment software and applications products. Includes product background, technical support, trade show appearance dates, and contact information.
Produces the Unibol 36 and Unibol 400 native environments for open systems families of products. Includes technical specifications, product support, and contact information.
Produces business applications and software for use with the Open Enterprise Workgroup environment. Includes information about onGo workgroup software products and the Uniplex line. Provides technical specifications, world-wide resellers listings, and contact information.
Produces Lotus Notes workgroup software and other database applications. Includes product specifics, company philosophy, Web publishing services, and clients listings.
Produces the CRT windsock terminal that supports Telnet and roglin protocol. Includes technical specifications, online product registration, and contact information.
Produces storage maintenance and management products. Also produces FirstWatch high availability management software. Includes company profile, technical white papers, and contact information.
Provides product features, technical support, and contact information about VersaFax software. VersaFax is a fax command line interface broadcasting and transmission tool.
Produces LabVIEW and VisualBasic systems integrations software and tools. Provides custom software development services. Includes product features, service listings, links to related sites, and contact information.
Produces database and distributed object connectivity software. Includes information about the VisiODBC sereics and the Visibroker for Java and C++. Includes company profile, product features, technical partners listings, and ordering information.
Specializes in the creation of software and applications for use in credit union automated loan systems. Includes information about the Inhouse system and LoanLink automated system. Provides detailed product background and contact information.
Develops Windows software developer and image systems integrator. Includes information about the V-Image Remote System and PiXCL Tools interpreted language products. Includes online FAQ files, technical support, and ordering information.
Produces PC investment monitoring, ordering, and management software. Includes information about Stock Watch 2000 and other investment applications and products. Provides ordering and contact information.
CA's Web site lets you leave messages for CA consumer relations, examine CA products, read press releases, and even check on the company's financial situation. Their Search This Site function simplifies searches for a specific topic or product.
Develops installer programs for several computer platforms. Visual Release for Windows lets you develop a sophisticated installation (setup) program. Download a working demo, read about HPI's installers for other platforms, or send e-mail for technical help.
Select a specific software package using Microsoft's Select a Product field, or select one of 16 countries to see a Web page in your language. The home page for the king of software includes daily news releases, free downloads of their Explorer Web browser, directories of Microsoft partners and resellers,
and lists of upcoming events.
Produces embedded development software and tools. Includes detailed information about the Tornado line of products. Site provides white papers, product reviews, company profile, and ordering information.
Produces Missive messaging software systems and Jnet connectivity products. Includes product technical specifications, company news, and links to related sites.
Develops, produces and installs portable data terminals and software products. Specializes in real-time warehouse and inventory management software. Includes client list of installations and contact information.
Produces C++ libraries and utilities for applications creation. Includes company background, technical partners, product technical specifications, and contact information.
Home site for design, development, and manufacturer of signal processing equipment for telecommunications signals. Provides company background, product information, and press release file. Includes Applied Signal Techology job opportunities and college recruitment information.
Manufactures SmartLink telecommunications products. Provides company profile, technical partners, support information, and a very comprehensive product line classified by telecommunication needs.
This organized site provides hundreds of links to Web pages on Usenet groups, FAQs, ftp sites, mailing lists, research labs, recognition engines, telephony, and text-to-speech vendors. A valuable resource for businesses interested in this technology.
Sells Windows-based tools for building computer telephony and voice processing applications, such as interactive voice response, fax-on-demand, and voice mail. If you're interested in the world of telephony, download one of several interactive tutorials free, or click on How to Get Started with Computer Telephony.
Produces Data Communications Equipment and Systems for both network and wireless markets. Includes product specifications, online data sheets, press releases, and contact information. Also includes technical updates and upcoming products release information.
Distributes of Apple, CAD, UNIX, networking and telephony products, and peripherals in Canada, the U.S., Brazil, and Hungary.
Detailed discussion of how Internet phones work, their strengths and weaknesses, things you can do with them, and answers to many other questions. This FAQ also lists many of the Iphones now available. Worth a download if you're interested in this technology.
Download a working demo of the latest copy of Internet Phone—the "phone" that lets you talk to other Internet users. Besides being one of the top 5 percent most-visited sites on the Web, this software is so hot that hundreds of phone servers have sprouted up on the Internet to handle the "calls."
Heard about ISDN but still not sure what it is? Click on the Start Here button to learn about ISDN in plain English. This site's detailed links compare ISDN providers, provide technical help for hooking up ISDN, and review ISDN hardware. An excellent site for the ISDN curious.
Information technology company located in Greece, serving Europe. Originally a manufacturer of circuit boards, the company has expanded to offer a variety of electronics needs including functionally tested through hole and SMD boards.
Physician to Patient voice messaging service to provide medical results quickly and securely to your patients by phone.
An "Intelligent Data Warehouse" and developer of the first SSA-Capable Tape Library. Check out their long list of products, what's new, press releases and product overviews, ordering information, and more.
Software for interactive communication systems. Check out their consulting services and product line for your organization.
Home page for a leader in two-way wireless data communication using cellular modems and the Internet. This site discusses Ricochet, their wireless Internet packet radio service, Metricon's cellular modems, UtiliNet, and Metricon's corporate structure. Their coverage maps show where the Ricochet service is available.
Communications products for the business or the home, including modems, terminal adaptors, access devices, routers, and other networking devices.
Computer communications and networking products, in particular, modems and multiplexers, to international markets. Links to technical and purchasing info, as well as product and contact information.
International telecommunications group located in Finland, providing mobile computing products, home and multimedia products, and networking solutions.
Need to upgrade the flash bios in your modem? Are you researching modems before you buy one? Practical Peripherals manufactures some of the fastest and most affordable modems for Macs and PCs. This site is for current modem owners and those who need more information on Practical Peripherals products.
Home page for MIT's research forum on communications. This page lists a number of MIT-related research papers, reports, and articles on future communications-related technology, such as HDTV, high-resolution imaging, Internet broadcasting, electronic media, and many other topics.
Produces and provides sales of telecommunications hardware, software, applications, and other products. Includes an online catalog, services offered listing, technical support, and technical discussions forum. Also includes training and repair services.
Produces DirectRoute WAN/ISDN routers and other frame relay line applications. Includes product technical specifications, support, company profile and contact information.
Specializes in software telecommunications products. Includes information about the WATER line of router products and DTS family of integration applications. Includes Tascomm profile, product specifications, and contact information.
Developers of Terminate, advanced DOS communication software for terminal and Internet communication, provides a visually interesting page. Download a working demo of the program, check out some Terminate-related pages in Europe and the U.S., or link to some interesting FidoNet pages.
Provides systems consulting and products for the telecommunications industry. Includes products offered, services provided, and contact information.
Produces the Omega family of video conferencing tools and products. Includes company profile, product capabilities, press releases, and ordering information.
An excerpt from Telecosm, a new book by George Gilder. This lengthy excerpt, which appeared in Forbes ASAP (12/02/92) describes how companies want their telephone carriers to provide them with "dark," fiber-optic, cable-dumb, leased lines for their smart computer systems.
An excellent resource listing all the U.K. long distance operators. Click on a company name to access its Web page.
Macintosh Users Group for Victoria, Canada. A number of links to interesting Mac Web sites, information on how to join, and information on this group's goals are provided.
A busy site with more information than most groups provide. Join online, read about recent presentations, send email to the sysop of a SIG, or check out this group's PC training schedule.
Provides a map of North America and the Caribbean for locating a specific user group. Click on the country of choice, then click on the state or province; a list of names and addresses of every user group will appear.
IBM user group with a mission to define the future of Information Technology (IT). This site's main purpose is to list upcoming conference information and describe this non-profit group's mission in more detail. A number of publications are also available that you can order via fax.
Provides information on membership, student interest groups, administration, and short courses on PERL, HTML, and JAVA.
A Tokyo-based computer group founded 26 years ago that serves as a forum for information and technology in Japan. Provides information about the organization in English, along with a phone number (in Japan) you can use to obtain the most recent copy of their newsletter.
Go directly to the Windows 95 software archive or choose the HyperNews Discussion Forums link to speak with other Win95 gurus. A definite must-see is the Rumors link with a number of threads discussing all kinds of crazy stuff.
User group provides information on Special Interest Groups (SIGs), back issues of the TOMUG Signals newsletter, a schedule of events, and membership info. Download the latest Windows 95 patch to fix minor bugs.
Lists every Silicon Graphics user group worldwide, including Israel, Australia, and Europe. This list is broken down by state and city for the U.S.; a few listed sites have links to their home page.
Nicely designed page for Tampa Linux users that provides information on events, the latest Linux news and files, archives of Linux goodies, and a list of programming projects currently underway.