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Health & Fitness

The healthy, the strong individual, is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he has an abscess on his knee or in his soul.

Rona Barrett

The old adage "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," doesn't quite fit the ticket anymore. As we become more health conscious and aware, information is springing up everywhere. In this category, you'll find topics that include addiction and recovery, alternative medicine, dieting, disease and conditions, health insurance, and more.

Addiction & Recovery

Cenikor Foundation, Inc.

A nonprofit organization with a focus on assisting people in developing skills they need to live a lifestyle free from substance abuse. Provides free residential, treatment, education, and prevention services to people over the age of 18.


An educational program that helps people reduce alcohol consumption. Includes a self-evaluation form and phone number to contact Drinkwise for more information.

Habit Smart

Provides information about addictive behavior: theories of habit strengths, persistence, and change. Also offers tips for managing problematic behavior.

Prevline: Prevention Online

Provides information for those people battling substance abuse, or who know someone battling substance abuse. Contains press releases, publications, forums, and calendars of upcoming events.

Recovery Home Page

Table of contents includes Alcoholics Anonymous information, other 12-step recovery programs, events, treatment centers, commercial recovery sources, and mailing lists.

Sex and Love Addiction Recovery Home Page

Covers the building blocks and other forms of sex addiction, love addiction, dysfunctional families, and steps to recovery.

U.S. Recovery, Addiction, and Abuse Resources

Includes organizations, guidelines and directories, and periodicals covering subjects such as rape, domestic violence, Overeaters Anonymous, and Parents of Murdered Children.

Alternative Medicine

Actual Natural Source

Focuses on the uses of bee pollen extract for different ailments of the body.

Acupuncture Home Page

Provides information about acupuncture, including conditions treated, training, research, practitioners, and other resources.

Alexandra Health Center

Provides knowledge about natural medicine and homeopathy. Also provides concise descriptions on the medicine for sale.

The Alternative Medicine Home Page from Falk Library of the Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh

Serves as a jumpstation for sources of information on unconventional, unorthodox, unproven, or alternative, complementary, innovative, and integrative therapies.

Conscious Choice

Online bimonthly Midwestern magazine that reports on environmental issues and natural alternatives in health care, food, and nutrition.

HANS—The Health Action Network Society

Involves current issues such as acupuncture, chiropractice, disease, fluoride, food, government, pesticides, vitamins, and water. Offers films, books, and videos for sale.

Natural Health and Nutrition Shop

Provides information about nutritional supplements. Includes antioxidant protection, skin treatments, weight loss, and athletic performance.

Nature's Medicine

Provides natural alternatives to Western medicine. Specializes in targeted nutritionals for better health. Offers more than 200 products.

People's Place

Provides information and resource listings for health, personal growth, alternative medicines and therapies, healthy eating, fitness, yoga and meditation, books, vegetarianism, macrobiotics, and ayurveda. Also lists resorts, retreats, and related workshops and events.

Welcome to Acupuncture

Contains information on acupuncture, Oriental and Chinese medicine, herbology, Qi Gong (a.k.a. Chi Kung, Chi Gong, and Qi Kung), a practitioner referral list, and a list of accredited schools for Chinese medicine. Also provides state laws regarding acupuncture.

WorldWide Wellness

Provides a database of alternative and holistic health information and resources. Lists events and expos going on in the Maryland area.


Alliance Health Products

Offers a complete line of health food products to improve your fitness and diet, including vitamins, herbal health care products, and a natural weight loss program.

Code Four Medical

A public health and safety company that provides training, consulting, and supplies.

D&M Sales

Provides company catalog and ordering information for Vitamin Power products. Includes ordering information and D&M Sales satisfaction guarantees.

Designs for Health

Provides catalog information about DFH Discount Supplements. Includes a contact e-mail address and phone numbers.

Doody Publishing Health Science Book Reviews

Targets people interested in newly published health sciences books—professionals, students, librarians, bookstore staff, and publishers of health sciences literature. Offers access to a book reviews database that consists of bibliographic and descriptive information on 5,000 titles with original reviews of 3,000 of them (by paid subscription), but offers a free one-day trial.

E-Zee Vision Prescription Eyeglasses

Offers prescription eyeglasses, factory-direct. Features high-resolution color images and sound.

Pharmavite Corporation

Offers information on vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Springboard Health and Nutrition Products

Offers health and nutrition products.

Swan Medical, Inc.

Provides information about the latest in minimally invasive surgical equipment and instrumentation. Also distributes CooperSurgical and EuroMed in North Carolina and South Carolina.

Death & Dying

The Bereavement Education Center

Includes the Men's Grief Resource and information on support, resources, conferences and workshops, and e-mail courses.


Offers pages related to the legal, moral, medical, historical, and cultural aspects of human mortality.

Euthanasia World Directory

Includes pages on the Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization, the World Federation of Right to Die Societies, and acts, laws, and news about euthanasia.

International Association for Near-Death Studies

For those with an interest in near-death experiences, those who have had near-death experiences, and those who research the phenomena.

Internet Cremation Society

Contains links to cremation providers and societies, scattering options, and U.S. and Canadian society participants.

Natural Death Centre

A nonprofit project established to support people dying both at their home life and their careers, and to help them arrange funerals. Includes lists of publications and articles.

A Place to Honor Grief

Allows men and women a place to write about lost loved ones as part of their grief and healing.

Sociology of Death and Dying

Contains pages dealing with how people die, death across cultures and time, death and religion, moral debates, and personal impacts of death.

Summum Mummification

Offers ideas on modern mummification, philosophical examination of mummification, and pet memorials.


Dental Ethics

Seeks to "address the future of American dentistry" through a discussion of modern dental ethics.

Dental Implant Home Page

Provides information on placing and restoring dental implants. Includes seminars, articles, study groups, and patient treatment overviews.

Dental Related Internet Resources

New York University College of Dentistry provides connections to other dental education sites, office supplies, government-related information, and insurance.


Dedicated to the dissemination of basic and therapeutic knowledge of dentofacial trauma.

Frequently Asked Questions

A FAQ sheet with in-depth information on such subjects as root canal therapy, crowns, and gum disease.

Mercury Page

"At this site you will find text, links, and abstracts related to mercury and amalgam as environmental and health issues, and the facts, prejudices, thoughts, ideas, that may be contained in them."

Oral Health Country Profiles

Presents information on dental diseases and oral health services for countries around the world.

So, You Want to be a Dentist?

For those considering dentistry as a career. Covers different types of dentists, how to care for teeth, and how to become a dentist.

Dieting & Weight Loss

AromaTrim Weight Loss System

A weight loss system that provides a scientifically formulated fragrance that will help you control hunger and snacking. The plan comes with a video and claims that you can lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days.


Contains pages on food facts, menus and meal plans, recipes, and exercise.

Fat Person's Home Page

Contains text of a National Institute of Health study concluding that an effective method for weight loss and control does not exist. Also covers other "size acceptance" resources.

FITE—Fat is the Enemy

A support and advocacy group being formed for overweight Americans. Excess dietary fat is one of America's leading killers, and this group feels that something needs to be done to stop it.

Health Vision

Offers links to FAQs on different exercises, diet and food myths, and a "powerful but spooky technique" to help start the diet journey.

International No Diet Day

An informational page about the holiday. Designed to warn people about the dangers of obsessive and compulsive dieting. INDD aims to make people feel good about themselves no matter what size they are.

Largesse: The Network for Size Esteem

A feminist resource center and clearinghouse for non-diet and size rights communities worldwide.

Magic of Believing

Provides information on joining Magic of Believing, a support group that discusses diets, obesity, medical advances, fitness, and nutrition.

The Magic of Believing

A nonprofit group of individuals dedicated to supporting those who are overweight. Membership is free and includes a forum for sharing strategies and methodologies for weight loss, as well as giving and getting emotional support.

Medical Sciences Bulletin

Reprint of an article on serotonin and eating disorders.

Modern Methods—Fat Burning Specialists

Provides background information on metabolism and how your body burns fat. After you are given the background information, you are granted the opportunity to purchase the diet plan claimed to be the "most effective fat burning diet ever."

Michael D. Myers MD Inc./Myers Information Services

Written by a physician, this page contains overviews of eating disorders, treatments and current topics related to obesity, and obesity-related medical conditions.

Nutri/System Online

At Nutri/System's Web site, you can read about the features and benefits of joining, read testimonies from clients who have had success with Nutri/System, find out where the centers are located, and sign up for free stuff.

Tell-Me-Y, Inc.

Provides the phone number for The Solution Hotline, a charge-per-minute connection to discussions of topics including hypnotherapy and food addiction.

TOPS—Take Off Pounds Sensibly

An unofficial TOPS page created by one of its members. Included is information on how and why to join TOPS, nifty ideas for TOPS programs, information on TOPS retreats, and more.

Weight Watchers

The online page of the popular weight loss program. Gives information about Weight Watchers and its many plans. Also includes an interactive portion where users can read and post success stories, challenges & solutions, exercise, and recipes.


Ability OnLine Support Network

An electronic bulletin that connects young people with disabilities or chronic illness to disabled and non-disabled peers and mentors.

Access Ability Travel

Specializes in vacations that meet the special needs of travelers with disabilities.

Archimedes Project

Seeks to promote equal access to information for individuals with disabilities by influencing the early design stages of tomorrow's computer-based technology.

Blind Childrens Center, Inc. Home Page

Nonprofit organization. Provides resources and assistance to visually impaired children and their families. Offers information on an educational preschool program, family services, the current newsletter, and a calendar of upcoming events. Also lists links to other related sites.


Serves as a place where children who have disabilities can organize their own dialogue. Functions primarily as an e-mail exchange through a related Listserv. Provides information about this service.

Deaf World Web

Lists some information in German and French, as well as English, and is fairly international in scope. Provides information on deaf studies, deaf culture, useful services, and more.

Disability Net

A non-political service for people with disabilities run by people with disabilities.

Mankato State University Department of Communication Disorders

Covers topics including child language disorders, dysphagia, fluency disorders, stuttering, and hearing disabilities.

National Sports Center for the Disabled

Discusses its role as the largest and most successful outdoor recreation program for those with disabilities. Includes both winter and summer activities.

Diseases & Conditions

AIDS Information for Young People

Provides timely information for teens, including what AIDS is, what causes it, and how one might become infected.

Alzheimer Disease Web Site

Serves as a reference site for clinicians, investigators, and caregivers interested in Alzheimer's disease and other related dementias.

American Diabetes Association

Take a simple test and determine your risk for diabetes. Then find the diabetes center that is closest to you. Learn about living with diabetes and what you can do to help out the association and those who suffer from diabetes.

American Heart Association National Center

The American association that fights heart disease and stroke. They maintain an extensive heart and stroke guide that contains over 300 articles from the association on various subjects such as aspirin, cigarette smoking, and exercise.

American Lyme Disease Foundation

Information about Lyme Disease, including how to spot early symptoms and general precautions for avoiding ticks, thus avoiding the disease altogether.

Arthritis—Doctor's Guide to the Internet

Medical news and alerts about arthritis. Includes an overview of arthritis and a study of rheumatoid arthritis. Provides links to discussion groups and newsgroups and other sites that have arthritis-related information.

Bad Breath Research

Interesting reading on the subject of halitosis. The questions and answers, articles, and online publications should be of interest to anyone who suffers from oral malodor or has a spouse that does.

Breast Cancer Information

Many things women should know about breast cancer, including how to detect breast cancer, toll-free numbers for information hotlines, questions and answers about cancer, and much more.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

Center for the advanced diagnosis and treatment of heart and circulatory disease. Offers a wide range of reports covering the full spectrum of prevention, diagnosis, and non-surgical and surgical treatment of circulatory problems.

Caring for People With Huntington's Disease

Although not intended to be an authoritative work, this page provides valuable information about Huntington's disease. The helpful tips at this page include communication strategies, help for eating and swallowing, and more. Also provides links to other HD sources.

CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse

A searchable database of AIDS/HIV information, including information from the XI International Conference on AIDS and the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Progress Report. Also includes a gallery of AIDS-awareness posters.

Down Syndrome WWW Page

Information on Down Syndrome, including articles, health care guidelines, a worldwide list of organizations, and education resources. The site also features a "brag book" containing photos of a number of children with the syndrome.


A variety of information on the puzzling disease. The site includes a lengthy FAQ, case studies, and a number of articles on the subject. A photo gallery is also included.

Eye Diseases and Conditions

The American Academy of Ophthalmology has developed a collection of FAQs answering questions about a variety of eye diseases. Here you can find information about cataracts, glaucoma, amblyopia, and more.

Gastroenterology Consultants

Drs. Peter Gardner and Stuart Waldstreicher provide an informational page about gastroenterology and liver disease, as well as their own practice treating such disorders. Links are provided to descriptions of symptoms, videos of intestinal surgery, facts and stats on digestive disease, and more patient information.

HYPHECAN Fingertip Cap

A doctor-developed fingertip cap for fingertip injuries. Recommended by medical professionals. Links to usage information, free samples, and business opportunities for distributions.

Introduction to Skin Cancer

Intended as a general introduction to skin cancer, this page provides basic information such as determining what causes skin cancer, what it is, what your personal risks are, and how to reduce those risks.

Introduction to Vision Correcting Procedures by Med-Source, Inc.

Informs the public about vision-correcting procedures, including radial keratotomy (RK) for nearsightedness, astigmatic keratotomy (AK) for astigmatism, automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALK) for farsightedness, and the soon-to-be FDA-approved photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) for nearsightedness.

Jeffrey Modell Foundation

Dedicated to Primary Immune Deficiency, an inherited defect in the immune system.

Kaiser Family Foundation

An independent health care philanthropy dealing with health and development in South Africa, HIV policy, health policy, and reproductive health. Foundation is located in California, and its site provides many links to AIDS-related topics.

Medicine OnLine

Serves as a commercial online medical information service. Provides health care professionals and consumers a convenient place to obtain medical information. Serves as a gateway to access other health information services on the Internet. Currently focuses on cancer information.

The Merck Manual!!rGBNN2da4rGBNN2da4/pubs/mmanual/html/sectoc.htm

A definitive source of information about disease. Topics covered range from infectious diseases to nutritional and metabolic disorders to neurologic and psychiatric disorders. The manual has an extensive list of tables and figures and is very technical in nature.

Muscular Dystrophy Association

Learn all about the MDA and what it does to help combat neuromuscular diseases. Also learn about what you can do to help besides just watching the Jerry Lewis telethon.

National Osteoporosis Foundation

The NOF seeks to reduce the incidences of osteoporosis by making the public more informed about it. Its site provides background information on the disease, information about who's at risk, and prevention and treatment ideas.


The world's only news weekly dedicated entirely to medical and health news. Headlines and glimpses of the stories are available for free, but to get the full articles, you must subscribe. Sample issues are available.

Parkinson's Web

Serves as a resource directory, pointing you to sources of information on Parkinson's disease.

Pediatric Rheumatology home page

Provides information for children and young adults who have arthritis and other rheumatic diseases of childhood, their families, and the physicians who care for them.

Prostate Cancer InfoLink

Includes pages on screening for prostate cancer, understanding diagnosis and treatments, and where to find support groups.

Rehabilitation Learning Center

Seeks to create a computer-based multimedia rehabilitation environment designed to educate and train individuals with acute or chronic spinal cord injuries so they can successfully leave the in-patient rehabilitation environment and function in society. Provides information about their plans and progress.

Roxane Pain Institute

Offers cancer and AIDS pain management services. Serves as a resource for pain sufferers and clinicians. Offers educational materials, including newsletters, clinical articles, presentation slides on cancer pain management, and a schedule of upcoming pain management seminars.


An article on the skeletal disease, written by Dr. Michael L. Richardson, MD. The article shows the various classifications of scoliosis and provides illustrations to further demonstrate the effects of the disease.

The Skin (Diseases) Page

The home to archives of various skin disease-related Usenet newsgroups. Also provides descriptions of the various skin diseases and links to other skin-related sites.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Information Home Page

Provides information about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. "This page will grow and evolve as we progress up the learning curve together. Your patience, understanding, and contributions to this page will make it grow into a true network of people and information dedicated to stopping SIDS, the number one killer of infants between the ages of one month and one year." —Chuck Mihalko, President, SIDS Network.

Vision Impairments: A Guide for the Perplexed

Provides contact information about agencies, consumer groups, Internet resources, and vendors of adaptive technology for persons with vision impairments. Covers international resources and those local to British Columbia and Western Canada. Also carries discussions that cover the experience of vision impairment.

World of Multiple Sclerosis

FAQs, publications, research, products, services, forums, book reviews, a glossary of terms, and other information of interest to anyone involved in any way with multiple sclerosis.

Emergency Services

EMBBS: Emergency Medicine and Primary Care Home Page

Provides educational resources and job opportunities for emergency and primary care physicians and health care providers.


Hopes to provide an insight into emergency services around the world through action photos, a virtual emergency, a training room, and a notice board.

Emergency Preparedness Information eXchange

Promotes the exchange of ideas about the prevention of, preparation for, and recovery from natural and sociotechnological disasters.

Mountain Rescue Association

A volunteer organization that provides mountain safety education and volunteers for search and rescue operations.

National Collegiate EMS Foundation Home Page

Clearinghouse of information for campus Emergency Medical System groups. Also maintains two e-mail discussion lists and information on conferences.

Team Dispatch

Program designed to bring more awareness to EMS, Fire and Rescue, and police and sheriff department dispatchers.

UBC (University of British Columbia) MultiCentre Research Network

Emergency medicine research consortium made up of the emergency medicine research divisions of three teaching hospitals, Royal Columbian Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital, and Vancouver Hospital. Outlines information about the network's current and recent research activities. Also outlines recent publications, abstracts, presentations, and text book chapters. Functions as a bulletin board-type service, whereby members can post intra-network messages using a password-controlled link. Also offers links to a faculty-wide e-mail directory.



Contains a FAQ sheet, a library of aerobics patterns, and a calendar of fitness events.

The Blonz Guide to Nutrition, Food Science, and Health

Authored by Ed Blonz, Ph.D., this site is designed to help you discern the valuable nutrition sites on the web from those that are mere cyberjunk. The page provides many links to the sites that are considered the best and is also available in a version that contains frames and Java.

CyberNutrition Online Dole 5 A Day

An excellent source for kids and parents alike to find out the values of eating fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Remember, "Five a day is the magic rule—more is OK, less is uncool!"

Dole 5 A Day

Sponsored by the Syracuse College for Human Development, this page enables you to send in nutritional questions which are answered and then presented in archive form for the benefit of all. Ask about anything from riboflavin deficiencies to the healthful qualities of beer and pizza

Balance: Fitness on the Net

Online magazine covering sports nutrition and therapy and the International Register of Personal Trainers, as well as general fitness and exercise.

Food & Nutrition Information Center

Provides information about healthy eating, dietary guidelines, food labeling, and other nutritional information. Contains links to many "nutritional" sites.

Food Pyramid

Getting good nutrition is easy if you follow the food pyramid guide. This page is a graphical representation of the pyramid, with each food group depicted being a link to a short discussion about it's nutritional qualities.

Hiking and Walking Home Page

Offers hiking and walking resources, organizations, philosophy, and updates on gear.

IFIC Foundation

The home page of the International Food Information Council. Provides information for health professionals, educators, parents, and consumers. Includes FAQs and other publications.

Krispin Komments

Contains two very informative articles, the Potassium Chronicles, and Protein Basics. Includes information on getting enough of each of these in your daily diet, complete with recipes.

Noah's Natural Foods

The best health supplements, herbs, green foods, high-end vitamins, and beauty-related products at the lowest prices. Browse the catalog, place an order, or link to other health-related sites.


A nutrition software publisher, including titles for weight loss, disease and nutrition, high blood pressure, heart disease, special diets, sports, allergies, and much more. Also includes other health-related sites and information for downloading.

Mirkin Report

Breakthroughs in health, fitness, nutrition, and sexuality. Includes discussions of scientific discoveries and information about Dr. Mirkin's radio programs and books.

The Nutrition Pages

Contains a "Current Topics" section where articles can be read and submitted, and a "Just the FAQs" section that answers questions about nutrition. Check this page out and find out why a healthful diet is "funkier than chitlins with gravy and grits. . .".

MSU Athletic Training

Provides information for people interested in the athletic training profession. Provides information about Mankato State University and a curriculum program and information concerning it. Also offers a number of other athletic training or related links, such as program information, alumni information, history, an athletic training Listserv discussion directory, and staff.

Professor Geoff Skurray's Food & Nutrition Information

A wealth of nutritional information, including information on reducing fat and improving athletic performance through proper nutrition; and dietary guidelines for adults, adolescents, and children.

Peak Performance

A scientific newsletter devoted to improving stamina, strength, and fitness.

General Health

General Complementary Medicine

Offers links to other health and medicinal home pages.

Good Health Web

Provides daily health news (and an archive), a library of health articles, discussions, and lists of FAQs, newsgroups, and mailing lists.

HealthCom, Inc.

Site for patient-focused health care support systems for providers of health care. Links to patient-charting systems and other health care pages of interest.

Health Resource

Provides information about health, stress, sexuality, and many other health problems that people can encounter.


Provides updates on health, diseases, wellness and illness, a resource directory guide to organizations and government agencies, access to pharmacies in your community, and a drug search program that enables you to find information about prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

International Health News

Presents a monthly electronic newsletter and discussion group for people who want to gain a better understanding of news and research on the relationship between health, nutrition, and lifestyle.

Linda Sy Skin Care

Skin-care products for sensitive skin, developed by dermatologists. Browse the products and place your order directly from your computers.

MEDMarket Virtual Industrial Park

The medical industry's Internet headquarters. Includes links to featured services, announcements, and MEDMarket tenants.

Minority Health Network

Lists minority health resources by minority group, by subject, and by disease. Also includes lists of upcoming events and publications.

SkinCare Program

Provides information and products that deal with psoriasis and other skin ailments. Includes an online catalog, medical updates, and contact information.

World Health Network

Dedicated to health, vitality, and longevity. Contains information on anti-aging, nutrition and exercise, and traditional and alternative health care.

Geriatrics & Aging

Aging Research Centre

Provides information to those interested in learning about the aging process. Includes books, theories, newsgroups, conferences, and laboratories.

Creative Learning Stroke Support Web Site

Focuses on a software system designed to help stroke and trauma victims recover language abilities.


Includes a listing of gerontology, senior information, dementia, Parkinson's Disease, stroke, assessment, and psychology resources.

Guide to Retirement Living Online

Provides retirement options, including nursing care, independent living facilities, and home health care, as well as links to legal, financial, and moving services.

Home Modification: A NARIC Resource Guide

Provides information on making housing more accessible, including publications, organizations, and identification of products.

Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia

Discusses the institute's research into discovering the fundamental mechanisms behind dysfunction, and then applying those findings to prevent and reverse dementia.

Portals Aging

Provides links to resources for people to find information on the aging process. Covers discussion groups, databases, library catalogs, and aging-related home pages.


Provides a national listing of nonprofit senior housing, health care, and service organizations.

Social Security Online

Provided by the Social Security Administration, this site includes agency and benefit information, a guide for employers, international information, legislation, and research and statistics.

Health Administration

American College of Healthcare Executives

A professional membership society for health care executives. Offers publications, policy statements, and educational programs.

Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Lists products and articles on administration, health care, and law and business.

BONES: The Biomedically Oriented Navigator of Electronic Services

Provides faculty, staff, and students in the health sciences with a starting point for Internet exploration.

Healthcare Financial Management Association

A membership organization for financial management professionals. Provides a common ground for the exchange of ideas related to hospital finance.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

A not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of health care information and management systems.

Innervation Technology Corp.

Consulting and support services for those in the health care industry. Links to the company overview, products and services available on the Web, and other sites of interest to the medical community.

National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts

Brings together NHS health authorities, Scottish health boards, and Northern Ireland health and social services boards to exchange information on support services, conferences, research, and publications.

Society for Medical Decision Making

Focuses on promoting rational and systematic approaches to decisions about health policy and the clinical care of patients. Includes decision analysis, applications of quantitative methods in clinical settings and medical research, studies of human cognition and the psychology of clinical reasoning, medical ethics, medical informatics and decision making, artificial intelligence, evaluation of medical practices, and cost-effectiveness or cost-benefit assessments.

Health Care

Center for Rural Health and Social Service Developers

Seeks to bring together university resources and health care agencies to address health concerns. The center conducts research and training, tests new models of health care delivery, and develops policy recommendations to improve the health of the rural populations.

Chiropractic Page

Primarily serves as a pointer to health-related subjects, focusing on information for chiropractors, students, other health care practitioners, and interested laypersons. Offers many sites and links.

Colorado HealthNet

Provides information on chronic illnesses, complementary therapies, health care plans, and information on state and federal agencies.

Internal Capsule

Provides resources and information on physical therapy, including music-related injuries and a PT student page.

Internet Medical Products Guide

Provides a database of medical product sales and technical information for health care providers.

Marijuana as a Medicine

Continues the controversy of using marijuana to relieve medical ailments.

MDB Information Network

Provides objective information for health care decision-makers. Helps health care providers reduce risk, contain costs, and increase efficiencies by providing reliable data, strategic analysis, and counsel. Delivers services through three divisions: MDB Technology Services, MDB Information Services, and MDB Financial Network.

Patti Peeples' Guide to Health Economics, Medical, and Pharmacy Resources on the Net

Lists national and international links to biotech firms, medical libraries, journals, employment opportunities, and health databases.

Physical Therapy WWW Page

Provides general information about physical therapy. Includes physical therapy today, research, treatment, typical work settings, specialization, and credentials.

SPA in Italy

Promotes the belief that the hot springs in Italy can bring relief from every type of problem, from allergies to metabolism to stress.

Health Insurance


Provides guaranteed renewable supplemental health insurance.

Employers Health Insurance

Focuses on helping small businesses provide benefits.

FHP Health Care

Targets anyone who wants to assess his or her own health or learn more about HMOs.

Inscon: Insurance Consultants, Inc.

Writes and administers insurance programs for colleges nationwide and K—12 institutions in a ten state region.

Insurance for Students, Inc.

Includes policies for colleges and universities, international programs, nursery and daycare, athletics, and camps.

Managed Health Care

Home page for a consulting firm that offers assistance in Medicaid consulting, HMO products and mergers, self-insured health plans, and insurance company consulting.

Rusty Chambers Insurance Agent—Life, DI, Disability, Health

Includes a brief list of insurance products and services. Also offers quotes for any type of insurance.

Worldwide Med

Independent insurance brokers offering temporary medical plans.


Arkansas Children's Hospital

Private, nonprofit institution. Offers children comprehensive medical care from birth to age 21, from every county in Arkansas and from many nearby states, regardless of a family's ability to pay.

Catholic Health Association of Wisconsin

Nonprofit state association that serves more than 100 Catholic health care facilities in Wisconsin. Provides information about the association's purpose, educational programming, newsletters, and ethical information.

Charities USA

Includes links to many medical research groups and foundations. Offers a toll-free number for those with donations to help fight disease.

Interactive Media Lab

Part of the Dartmouth Medical School. Specializes in using computers, media, and communications technologies for medical simulations.

International Cancer Alliance

ICA is a nonprofit organization ensuring that high-quality, focused, patient-centered cancer information is available to patients and physicians. Includes information on programs and background and a sign-up site for more information.

Missouri Institute of Mental Health

Highlights the research, education, and multimedia efforts with which the Missouri Institute of Mental Health currently is involved.

New England Medical Center

Provides information about the tradition and history of the prestigious New England Medical Center. Offers comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care for adults and children.

Radiation Effects Research Foundation

Dedicated to studying the effects of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration

From the U.S. Department of Labor. Establishes and enforces protective standards and offers technical assistance to protect the American workplace.

Medical History

Health History Research Center (HHRC)

Contains archival, manuscript, and museum materials; images of documents, photographs, graphic art and artifacts; exhibits and galleries on special topics; educational products; and online assistance.

Scientific and Medicinal Antiques

Includes information on electrical and magnetic items, calculating, surveying, surgical instruments, bloodletting, pharmaceuticals and medical chests, electrotherapy devices, and more.


Cyberspace Hospital

Provides one-stop access to medical Web servers around the world. Organizes the links into medical specialty departments by using a virtual hospital setting.

Department of Neurosurgery at New York University

Serves as a resource center on a broad range of neurosurgical issues for patients, families, and health care professionals. Also describes the surgical specialties and research of the staff of the Department of Neurosurgery at the New York University Medical Center.

Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Baylor College of Medicine

Provides information from the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, including faculty and resident directory, residency and fellowship information, audiology program information, grand rounds archives, subscription information for the OTOHNS-Online Otolaryngology discussion group, and links to other otolaryngology resources.

Dutch Association of Plastic Surgery (NVPC)

Offers a collection of plastic surgery—related links. Targets physicians and interested lay readers. Includes hospital Web pages, journals, books, and general information.

Experimental Organ Preservation

Focuses on organ preservation and transplantation. Also discusses UW Solution, an organ preservation solution.

Harvard Biological Laboratories' Biosciences-Medicine

Provides information about what many colleges offer in their health/medicine field, as well as search units to find key topics about health questions, such as pharmacy, epidemiology, and even veterinary medicine.

Interactive Patient

Presents a program that enables you to simulate an actual patient encounter, intended as a teaching tool for physicians, residents, and medical students.

Medical Education Page

Targets pre-med and medical students. Lists medical schools in the U. S., offers links to medical reference materials and ftp sites, provides lists of specialists, and more.

Northwestern University Department of Radiology

Offers links to current radiological information and case presentations, as well as a description of services provided, staff, residency, and fellowship programs.

Open Options Windows Prescription Writer for Physicians

Offers a Windows prescription writer program for physicians, written by physicians for physicians. Reduces the workload and decreases the probability of errors.


Targets osteopathic medical students, osteopathic physicians, the allopathic medical community, and people considering medicine as a career.

Telemedicine Information Exchange—TIE

A nonprofit research organization. Provides the Telemedicine Information Exchange (TIE), a database of information on telemedicine.

Three-Dimensional Medical Reconstruction

Provides 3D MPEG format movies of the human body, brain, skull, colon, heart, torso, and heart arteries.

Virtual Environments and Real-Time Deformations for Surgery Simulation

Focuses on simulating the perceived environment that a surgeon encounters during endoscopic surgery. Offers a large downloadable MPEG movie.

Men's Health

Circumcision Issues

Covers facts, information and resource pages, and negative aspects of circumcision and foreskin restoration. Includes a small section on female circumcision.

Male Factor Infertility

Covers impotence, nutrition as related to male infertility, artificial insemination, transrectal ultrasound, and treatment of varicocele.

Male Fertility

Provides tips on enhancing fertility and ensuring a healthier baby.

Men's Health

Offers information on urinary tract infections, testicular self-exams, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction.

Successfully Treating Impotence

Covers myths, facts, and prescription drugs, and provides a quiz, a free information kit, and the names of doctors in your area who specialize in treating impotence.

Urologic and Male Genital Diseases

An extensive list of potential problems in male health and where to find more information.

Mental Health

Acclaim Professional Counseling

Offers links to short self-help articles on marriage, better sex, recovery from depression, and other happy thoughts.

Center for Anxiety and Stress Treatment

Provides resources and services for the treatment of anxiety and stress-related mental ailments. Includes an online sale of books and audio tapes. Also provides links to treatment centers, workshops, and counseling services.

Cybernetic Stress Control

Provides background and information for Dr. Romberg Programs. Includes contact information.


Offers psychological information and relevant links for mental health information and resources.

Institute of Psychiatry

Post-graduate school at the University of London, recognized by the World Health Organization as a collaborating center for research and training in mental health. Seeks to promote excellence in the research, development, and teaching of psychiatry and its allied subjects, and to apply and disseminate knowledge through the development of treatment for the relief of suffering. Contains information and research on mental health, psychiatry, and neuroscience.

National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations

Provides information on six creative arts therapies—art, dance/movement, drama, music, psych, and poetry—which use creative processes to facilitate change in therapeutic, rehabilitative, community, and educational settings.

Noodles's Panic-Anxiety Page

Targets the 5-15 percent of the population expected to suffer from an anxiety-related disorder during their lives. Includes theories, support, stories, and pharmacological data.

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Offers links to mental health information and resources. Provides information on psychiatric diagnosis, personality disorders, and other areas of psychological interest. Offers links to information on psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. Includes a personal reading list in areas of psychiatry, psychotherapy, and Jungian psychology.

Psyrix Help-Net and High Performance Consultants

Connects you with highly trained and experienced professionals in clinical and performance psychology. Offers you advice from experienced psychotherapists from a variety of specialties, including the fields of drugs and alcohol, sex and relationships, sleep, anxiety and depression, child and family counseling, medication, and general psychology.

Shyness Home Page

Helps those with social phobias to overcome "maladaptive thoughts and beliefs" and achieve personal and professional goals through learning new behaviors.


ADN/RN Concepts

Forum for current issues, education, health reform, and other nursing topics. Also offers current hot topics and links to other sites.

HomeCareNurse Web Page

Dedicated to providing information to home care nurses. Includes a forms library and "a day in the life of a home care nurse."

Idea Nurse

Maintained by a nurse, this page provides links to other sites to promote continuing education for nurses.

International Network for Interfaith Health Practices

An electronic forum for resources-sharing among persons of all religious faiths and backgrounds regarding the relationship between spirituality and health.


Offers shareware and freeware, resumes, and hospital unit information systems.

Nursing Lists

Offers links to electronic mailing lists on topics of interest to nurses. Includes lists for opthalmic nurses, intravenous therapy, graduate nursing discussions, and international nursing.

Telephone Triage and Nurse Consultation

Offers sites of interest to telephone triage nurses, including health administration, medical, and marketing resources.


Provides information to nurses, patients, and medical personnel of all types in an effort to keep up with the growing amount of information posted online.


Austin Reference Guide for Vitamins

Contains information on the B vitamins, vitamins C, D, and E, biotin, folic acid, and niacin. Also contains links to reference guides for nutrients, minerals, herbs, and amino acids.

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

FDA site describing cosmetics, food additives and pesticides, labeling, press releases, and women's health. Also includes a seafood hotline.

Dietetics Online

Home page for the World-Wide Network of Nutrition and Dietetic Professionals. Includes a marketplace and a link to the Dietetics Online archives.

Fast Food Finder

Searchable database for information on nutrition and fast-food restaurants.

Macrobiotics Online

Nutrition based on Yin/Yang diet selection and preparation. Includes lifestyle suggestions, classes, recovery stories, recipes, and a FAQ sheet.

Magnesium Deficiency, Heart Attack, and Drinking Water (no i in address)

Provides information on the magnesium deficiency problem and how it relates to the beverage industry.

MN-NET Home Page

Provides information on micronutrient malnutrition. Includes discussion of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, current events, and prevalence and control program status.

Nutrition Pages

Contains articles discussing current topics such as dairy products, vegetarianism, saturated fat, poisonous plants, and food safety.


Fischer Pharmaceuticals Laboratories

Researches, develops, and manufactures dermatology preparations, skin-care lines, sunscreen protection, and eye and cosmetic products.

Hedonistic Imperative

Believes that within the next 1,000 years, genetic engineering and chemical psychopharmacology will eradicate the biological substrates of suffering.

Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Biopharmaceutics Home Page

Provides definitions, suggested readings, and news and job opportunities for these three disciplines.

Pharmaceutical Information Network

Discusses publications, conferences, job listings, and software developments related to pharmaceutical care.

pharmacologyPPS OnLine; PPS OnLine

Online pharmaceutical product ordering and information service. Targets health care professionals. Presents the PPS Online_ Pharma-Response_System, a pharmaceutical information system developed for consumers.

PhRMA Home Page

Provides an overview of PhRMA, which represents more than 100 U. S. pharmaceutical research companies. Also provides answers to frequently asked questions about pharmaceuticals, the latest news, a health guide series, and an interactive stroke survey.

RxList: The Internet Drug Index

Lets you type in the names of specific drugs, and then returns information regarding generic names, brand names, and categories of classification.

Travel Resources

AEE Wilderness Safety and Emergency Care

Covers workshops and conferences and lists first-aid resources for planning a wilderness trip.

Executive Registry

A network of medical centers designed to assist executive travelers. A consulting service and an emergency evacuation service.

Healthy Flying

Tips for airplane travel. Covers jet lag, fear of flying, airline food, time zones, and blocked ears.

International Traveler's Clinic

Includes tips on traveling while pregnant and packing a travel medicine kit; lists environmental hazards, such as altitude and motion sickness and auto accidents; and gives an overview of different diseases and vaccinations.

Outdoor Action Guide to High Altitude Acclimatization and Illness

Discusses symptoms, what causes high altitude illnesses, and how to prevent them. Also covers the different types of illnesses.

World Wide Drugs

Lists medical and pharmaceutical hospitals and sites.

Workplace Health & Safety

American Industrial Hygiene Association

"Dedicated to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of environmental factors arising in or from the workplace that may result in injury, illness, impairment, or affect the well-being of workers and members of the community." Includes links to public relations, continuing education, and government affairs pages.

Computer Related Repetitive Strain Injury

Contains an introduction to RSI, symptoms, prevention, and sites to learn more about the problem.

CTD News Online

Covers repetitive motion injuries. Includes information on massage therapy on the job, tips for safe lifting, carpal tunnel syndrome, and back issues of the CTDNews magazine.

Eastern Analytical Services

An independent environmental and industrial hygiene laboratory established to provide analytical services for such containments as radon gas, formaldehyde, hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, PCBs, pesticides, and metals.


Provides information on biological and health effects of electric and magnetic fields from sources such as power lines, electrical wiring, appliances, medical equipment, communications facilities, cellular phones, and computers.

Howger Services, Inc.

Provides information on drugs in the workplace, including articles on the pros and cons of drug testing, federal drug and alcohol testing regulations, and employee-assistance programs.


Private corporation offering safety inspection records of companies inspected by the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA-DATA will help determine which companies have a better commitment to the workplace environment.


Provides a daily update of workplace safety in the news. Lists brief summaries of articles; entire text is available for a small fee.

Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

An institute dedicated to the assessment and prevention of occupation- and environment-related diseases. Includes information on ergonomics and safety, occupational health nursing, industrial hygiene, and continuing education.

Typing Injury FAQ

Provides general information about typing injuries, a list of items to replace or update a keyboard, alternative pointing devices, software monitoring tools, and new furniture.

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