We are here and it is now. Further than that all human knowledge is moonshine.
H. L. Mencken
While many of the paranormal phenomena sites come and go quickly, the pages in this edition have staying power and most likely will be around for awhile. It's a trip into the unknown—hang on to your hat!
This site is the original and best alchemy site of the WWW. It contains information ranging from general historic data to alchemical journals and even an image of a reconstructed alchemical laboratory. Chemists and laymen alike will be fascinated by the online translated texts from the journals of alchemists.
This site features aspects of Asian divination. Specialized links to Chinese, Tibetan, and Vietnamese astrology are available. Also provides current news in Asian astrology and a mailing list.
This light and fluffy site features information about current lunar phases and signs, as well as reasons why people believe and disbelieve astrology. Site describes the astrologer Haizen Paige as a "renaissance man" and describes his interests and qualifications.
Contains a musical interpretation of the movements of the planets. Billed as relaxing when used in a state of meditation.
One of the wittiest astrology pages on the WWW, Kramer gives entertaining horoscopes rather than the usual predigested planetessimal garbage. A refreshing look at astrology.
Probably the definitive source in astrological online searching. Site maintains links to professional astrologers, student astrologers, national associations, and schools in 48 countries. Site also contains information about how to register with this directory for the astrologically inclined.
This astounding multimedia tour of the planets contains a wealth of information about mythological significance, scientific understanding, as well as some very neat facts, not to mention the good images. Site is a very good educational tool for the astronomical and astrological novice.
Site offers a free astrological chart based on information entered by the user. Page also gives information about the author of the site, as well as links to other astrological chart servers.
Home page for the "leading school for the study of practical alchemy." Site contains information about courses and study in Qabala and Esotericism. Site also contains The Stone, an alchemy newsletter.
This site provides a great introduction to astrology and the basics of astrological planetary movements and interpretations. Breaks astronomy into an acting paradigm of planets, signs, and houses. A bibliography also is available.
Site contains the haunting story of a little boy from the Philippines and his religious experience at Easter. Site also contains travel information for those interested.
Site invites the browser to offer their opinion for or against paranormal phenomena. Site attempts to evaluate the level of belief in modern myths, such as UFO's and a living Elvis.
Beautiful site depicting the haunted castle Reichenstein along the Rhine River of Germany. Not only does this site contain stories of a man without a head, it provides an informative tour of the stronghold.
Site contains stories told by the page author and anonymous spectators pertaining to angel visitations. Site also contains links to other paranormal phenomena.
Site is a conglomeration of information gathered from various electronic resources. Contains extensive list of ghost stories and links to similar sites.
Site explains the connection between the number seven and the animal kingdom, through the upper and lower astral planes. Site also contains links to The Weaver, a spiritual publication.
Site provides information and acts as an advertisement for numerologist Yaakov Kier. User can input personal information and questions and e-mail them to Kier.
Site gives an unusual approach to art based on arcane law, geometry and numerology. Home page provides an online quest to decipher and interpret the meaning of five works by Peter Robson.
Site compares and contrasts the different dogmas of both philosophical endeavors. Site offers a unique analysis of the browser's name, try it!
If you need help discovering your life purpose, you might try here. Nigel Harris provides numerology readings using your name and date of birth. Also contains information about computer programs for numerologists.
Site provides information about basic meanings of the letters of the alphabet and their numerological meanings. Also contains a life lessons section and tells how to order your chart.
One of the only free online numerology services of the WWW. It provides a lengthy reading that will surprise you at times and bore you at others. Regardless, it's still free, so investigate!
This fascinating page gives numerological interpretations into the JFK assassination, Shakespeare, the Bible, and presidential deaths.
Site features the exploration of alternative spiritualities. Contains links to commercial organizations, pagan links, rituals, and other spiritual home pages. Also available is a membership in the ASC.
Site contains links to sights and sounds created by dolphins and angels to inspire the believer. Also contains a downloadable dolphin movie.
Site serves as a pagan/metaphysical gathering place and seeks to promote the occult through links to events, artists, magazines, and of course, merchandise sales. Also contains a spell book link and a registry.
Site is fundamentally dedicated to expanding human horizons and promotes alternate religion across the Web. Also contains links to business, discussion forums, sex, and magic.
Site serves as the contact site for Bud Hollowell, reincarnationist. Mr. Hollowell claims to help people remember past lives. Also mentions past lives seminars.
Site explores the concept of the biblical Moses' reincarnation as Dr. Martin Luther King. Site is strewn with biblical quotes and conclusions drawn from them. The skeptic might view this site with several pounds of salt and a doubting eye.
Site features the bizarre Addison Brown and his efforts at reincarnation. Brown outlines his theories about how reincarnation is possible due to rotations of celestial bodies. Site also contains New Age links.
This page explores Joe's unified spirituality theory and his attempts to understand the meaning of life. Also contains links to other paranormal phenomena.
Site discusses reincarnation based on the laws of Karma. Page attempts to correct misconceptions about Karma and elucidates this as an anecdote.
One of the strangest pages yet encountered in the reincarnation corner of the Web. An eclectic page combining the tri-chart theory of reincarnation based on conception and birth dates, and an author's obsession with Einstein.
Site provides a case history of a reincarnation event taped in 1976, provided by Don Showen. Home page is set up in a question/answer therapy session, which at times is very eerie.
Site looks into the biblical meaning of reincarnation from a very Christian investigator. A good site for a brief overview of reincarnation and biblical reincarnation.
Site profiles the Dali Lama's recognition of a six-year-old boy, Gehun Choekyi Nyima, as the authentic reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama. Contains links to letters to the Chinese government and press releases.
Brad Jensen gives a Christian perspective of reincarnation based on self-examination and exploration. Site also contains links to other essays pertaining to discovering the power within you.
Page offers tarot readings and psychic guidance. Page contains a well-thought-out graphic scheme, as well as interesting links to the spiritual realm.
Joan Bunning provides an excellent in-depth online tarot tutorial. The entire package can also be downloaded from this site. This is an excellent place to start for those interested in entering the tarot realm.
Site gives a explanatory tarot reading for Clive Baker. Also contains links to Clive's home page and other occult sites.
Site yields information for tarot enthusiasts in the form of links to tarot decks, publications, reviews, and software. Page also contains a useful online beginner course taught by Michele Jackson, for free! Site provides a very useful tarot source.
Site has been providing free tarot readings since 1993. Contains several different deck readings and schools of tarot thought. Site also contains links to tarot-related topics and other occult interests.
Provides background information on tarot plus a brief lesson in reading tarot cards. Also contains explanations of deck types, the Rider deck and the Crowley deck.
Site gives a brief and informative overview of tarot cards. Site is the home page for Daniel Higgins, amateur tarot card reader.
Site gives information on tarot relating to the Book of Troth (Crowley Deck). Site contains a discussion forum and an entire visualized deck.
This site describes and promotes the use of tarot to explore one's self, in essence, tarot solitaire. Page also contains a nice "Tree of Life" link that leads to further explanations.
Another site not for the paranoid. Alien Bob provides an entertaining and thought-provoking site. Site provides a unique perspective on UFO and alien invasion that must be seen and not explained.
Another phenomenal site boasting alien information, photos, and sightings. Site also provides access to the Alien Archive its search engine.
Home page, not government sponsored, for the secret military instillation that has sparked curiosity and UFO enthusiasts for years. Site contains links to newsletters, testimonials, photos, cartoons, and newspaper articles.
Home page for the organization provides historical UFO information and research goals of the organization. Discusses BUFORA's publication, UFO Times, and annual meetings.
A wealth of information on the cover-up, the conspiracy, sightings, and even a Newsweek poll. Page contains enough information to satisfy and convince the browser with images and stories.
Page describes the plight of Budd Hopkins' work with PBS and PBS's molestation of the material. Hopkins accuses the show of a message that "[el]all people who claim to be abductees are delusional, victims of repeat hallucinations[el]". Sight contains the links to Nova and the program.
An astounding page providing alien autopsy images, crash photos, sketches of the most famous UFO crash ever, and information about the cover-up. Page also contains Air Force reports on the incident.
Nuclear physicist, Stan Friedman, provides his Web page for discussion and presentation of new information in "Ufology." Site contains some fascinating images of UFO wreckage and astronomical data. Page also contains UFO sighting report forms and UFO publication information.
This site contains a book list of semiserious literature from UFO researchers. Although the preface to the book list is over-dramatic, the list is a good source of information for those who want to believe and participate in the debate.
Either a great information source or a governmental cover-up, you decide. Site contains unconfirmed stories of 10 astronauts and their encounters with UFOs and aliens.
You've waited for it, here it is. The home page for the popular TV show. Site contains all sorts of X-Files information, from fan club news to episode surveys and frequently asked questions.
Site contains an article by N. Adu Kwabena-Essem discussing the Catholic Church's recent recognition of the religions of Africa and its apology for years of scorn. Site also details the inner workings of the voodoo religion and relations to daily life.
Informative text-only page provides a lengthy discussion about the origins of voodoo and attempts to clear up some misconceptions about the religion. Article also addresses differences in Haitian, Creole, and African voodoo.
Site provides an online gallery of Voodoo flags, which can be viewed and purchased from this site. Features several flags depicting the hybridization of traditional religions.
This site gives a handy overview of voodoo and a nice history. Also contains a useful voodoo term glossary and information about a haunted history tour of New Orleans.
Page is one of the most comprehensive voodoo pages on the WWW, although there are few, if any, pictures. Start here if you are a neophyte to the religion of voodoo or just want a lot of information.
Site is the home page for the New Orleans Voodoo Museum. Site provides a brief description of the exhibits and the people involved in making them happen.
This site provides voodoo products to the online shopper. Site contains price lists and images of the products. Also present are other interesting religious African links.
Superb graphics make this voodoo page worth visiting. Contains several voodoo cards and meanings. Links also can be found to Mardi Gras pages.
This page contains links to African voodoo information. Links include: the origins of voodoo, gods and goddesses, Afro-Caribbean deities, and other Africa links.
Home page of Angelique Kidjo gives a modern-day look at the role of voodoo practices in daily life of the residents of Benin. Site also has a few photos of West African voodoo ceremonies.
If you are obsessed with Elizabeth Montgomery and Bewitched, you probably already found this page. Site contains a great record of the 60s TV show Bewitched and a great deal more information about Samantha. Also features downloadable images of Elizabeth and a silly slide show.
Home page for a organization founded in 1985 for practicing the beliefs of the ancient Celts and Witches from Tuscany. This organization publishes a semiannual magazine with news and information about their following. Information on instruction in their tradition also can be found here.
Ever wondered what the ties between Satanism and Wicca are? You'll find the answer here. Page contains a lengthy text article containing information about the birth of Wicca from 19th century literary Satanism and the direction of present day Wiccan philosophy.
While most WWW sites inform and support witchcraft, this site looks to condemn it through biblical verse and interpretation. Site also, contains a list of biblical passages on aspects of the occult. The phrase "spiritual adultery" also is coined here and used to explain a highly one-sided view.
Site is the home page for Taliesin Athor Govannon, a self-proclaimed witch. Page contains a who's who of Gardnerian Wicca, starting with the founder, Geral B. Gardner. Also contains a historical timeline starting with events in 1749.
Site uses the "Malleus Malificarum," a 15th century witch hunting manual, to learn about witches. Site also contains witchcraft and pagan links.
An extensive list of questions and answers regarding witchcraft and aspects of witchcraft you might never think of nor want to think about is located here. Answers to questions like "Do witches believe in Jesus?" are found within. Also contains a handful of links to occult sites.
Another Page based in Salem, Massachusetts, this informative witching page provides a unique resource for witches and pagans to congregate on the web. Site contains current events links and many more relevant links of interest to occult types. Great page to start searching the WWW for witchcraft.