).FO :HDMEDIAPATH Courier Arial sALwuKstJmEHlCxx ame of this page is "order" mainText mainText text of recordField "mainText" is not null and name of this page is "order" Key Product Catalog .&+ +E .&+ +E minimimized AmoveBMP putMovieWindow status aniFile ready sized 4svCatNumber state <> minimimized moveBMP callMCI("status aniFile ready") putMovieWindow mainPage order movie off info off first first off sound next off order order off all off exit off last off Previous previous off print print off copy off return return off sound off wwwpw wwwwpp wwwwp wwwwww wwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwp wwwwp wwwwp wwwwwwp wwwwwwww pwwwwwp wwwwp wwwwwwww wwwwww wwwwpp wwwwpp wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww wwwww wwwwwww wwwwww wwwwww wwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwpp wwwwwwwwpp wwwwwwp wwwww wwwww wwwwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwww CDBSE&File &Open... Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas &Import... import &Export... export Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages Prin&t Report... printreport Send &Mail... sendmail &Run... E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Undo Ctrl+Z Cu&t Ctrl+X &Copy Ctrl+C &Paste Ctrl+V paste C&lear Del clear Select &All Shift+F9 selectall Select Pa&ge Shift+F12 selectpage &Size to Page F11 sizetopage F&ind... F5 Re&place... replace Aut&hor F3 author &Text &Character... F6 character &Paragraph... F7 paragraph &Regular Ctrl+Space regular &Bold Ctrl+B &Italic Ctrl+I italic &Underline Ctrl+U underline Stri&keout Ctrl+K strikeout Superscrip&t/Subscript superscriptSubscript &Normal Script normalscript Su&bscript Ctrl+L subscript Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L superscript &Show Hotwords F9 showhotwords &Page &Next Alt+Right &Previous Alt+Left previous &First Alt+Up first &Last Alt+Down &Back Shift+F2 &History... Ctrl+F2 history N&ew Page Ctrl+N newpage &Help &Contents F1 contents Status &Bar F12 statusbar vs^s^s Cancel Set Up Printer... Print JRprintIt What do you want to do? buttonClick svDataPath icopyFile order.frm printIt mainText "mainText" is not null and name of this page is "order" text of recordField xprintIt vBounds mainText mainTextWidth .&+ +E .&+ +E svSplashTime svBookEntered ZstartUp showNewProduct window bmpFile state show enterPage window bmpFile state hide leavePage toggleWaveSound keyDown sDontPlayWave svSlideShow vplayWave closeWave status waveFile ready toggleWaveSound mainText svCatNumber svDataPath sStatusTimer closeMovie svSlideShow svCatFiles fileName Arial periodic setButtons mainPage close waveFile wait timeGetTime vplayWave readFileToField HJshowBMP showNewProduct .&+ +E window bmpFile state hide mainText vError svDataPath {imageCommandchk svSlideShow close bmpFile svBMPpos alias bmpFile style child fileName window bmpFile position window bmpFile state show showBMP svCatCount changeButtonState first svCatNumber svDataPath previous filename fileExists svMovieType sound vFile setButtons changeButtonState close waveFile svDataPath fileName fileExists svCanPlayWave sDontPlayWave play waveFile sound ">tbkMCIwaveChk vFile alias waveFile playWave MCINotify sStatusTimer timerNotify .&+ +E .&+ +E showNewProduct svCatCount svSlideShow svCatNumber status waveFile mode successful timeGetTime sound playing MCINotify w, #> 1, #> 1, #> 1, #> svCatNumber MCINotify .buttonChosen status aniFile ready svMovieType svDataPath sound fullScreen zplayLargeMovie playSmallMovie vFile fileExists cmovieErrorMsg buttonClick w, #> 1, #> 1, #> svDataPath svCatNumber fileExists svMovieType vFile getCurrentMovie .&+ +E notifyMCI play aniFile status aniFile window handle vLargePicHandle closeMovie alias aniFile style 2147483648 keyPressed window anifile state show maximized cmovieErrorMsg playLargeMovie notifyMCI MCInotify notifyMCI -#, #? .&+ +E notifyMCI MCINotify play aniFile status aniFile window handle vLargePicHandle closeMovie showNhideGrayBmp putMovieWindow keyPressed alias aniFile nostatic style child parent HJshowBmp cmovieErrorMsg playSmallMovie vError svDataPath close bmpFile wait alias bmpFile style child wait catgray.bmp window bmpFile position svBMPpos window bmpFile state show wait window bmpFile state hide wait showNhideGrayBmp .&+ +E vReply1 sound vReply1 fFilename vReply2 J5pCaptionText vReply2 movieErrorMsg closeMovie set aniFile time format frames HJshowBmp status aniFile position MCINotify MCINotify keyDown .&, " MCINotify keyPressed keyPressed pstatusBarText J5pCaptionText catalogStatusBar mouseEnter J5pCaptionText catalogStatusBar mouseLeave mainText scrollText button keyDown maintext GetActiveWindow sDontPlayWave svSlideShow status aniFile ready sound mainPage minimized closeWave buttonChosen .buttonChosen minimized stateChanged mainText reader false .buttonChosen svMovieType mainPage IprogramStateChanged status aniFile ready window bmpFile state show programStateChanged scrollText .&+ +E svBookPath svSplashTime svCatCount maintext svCatNumber svDataPath putUpSplash getProgFileList getScreenCenter Courier svCatFiles QRcanPlayMovies catsplsh.bmp calcBMPpos RegisterWindowMessage No Files Error order.frm s_mmdevices svCatCount svExitMsgNum svWinSize svDataPath svCatNumber svBookPath svCatFiles svSplashTime svScreenCenter order svExitMsgNum readLanguageFile getDefaultPaths seconds startDLLs svScreenCenter readFileToField checkFor8bit CAT_EXITING canPlayWave J5pCaptionText getHardDiskPath programStateChanged getBookPath startUp catdlgs.fil K5pCaptionText vFile readLanguageFile readFileToField window bmpFile state hide vError svDataPath close bmpFile style child alias bmpFile AmoveBMP {imageCommandchk window bmpFile state show putUpSplash .&, " .&, " svBookPath svDataPath fileExists catalog\cat001.bmp catalog\ cat001.bmp getHardDiskPath xUnitsFromPixels pageFromClient clientFromPage displayBitsPerPixel getWinIniVar tb30dos.dll getDriveType SetErrorMode GetPrivateProfileString globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock tb30win.dll mmsystem.dll GetClientRect GetActiveWindow RegisterWindowMessage PostMessage noMME sndPlaySound waveOutGetDevCaps timeGetTime kernel getDriveList getCurrentDrive fileExists getCurrentDirectory , UT_EXg getFileList copyFile , TITIN-" McheckDLL startDLLs vReply1 vReply1 J5pCaptionText checkDLL vReply1 vReply1 J5pCaptionText noMME vErrorsText catcd.fil vFile readCDerrorMsgs .&, " .&, " .&, " ,%H.% .&+ +E getDefaultPaths )getDriveList -SetErrorMode fileExists vReply1 /getDriveType vDrive :\cat001.bmp vFirstFixedDisk vReply1 vIsCD vReply2 svDataPath svBookPath vErrorMsgs vDriveList vDrive svDataPath vErrorMsgs J5pCaptionText :\catalog\cat001.bmp :\catalog\ readCDerrorMsgs isCDDrive vDriveList vReply2 getDefaultPaths isCDDrive false tbkfile.dll isNewTBKfile ,%H.% rinsertionSort svDataPath vFileList getFileList No Files Error cat*. getProgFileList getBookStub .&+ +E checkDevCaps false checkCueing checkInis svCanPlayWave false svCanPlayWave J5pCaptionText canPlayWave .&+ +E .&+ +E vReturn cat*.wav svDataPath getFileList type waveaudio alias waveFile wait 6sndPlaySound close waveFile wait cue waveFile wait vFile checkCueing freeMemory waveOutGetDevCaps vHandle )UgetMemPointer checkDevCaps system.ini vReturn WaveAudio (GetPrivateProfileString mciwave.drv freeMemory waveaudio vHandle mci extensions *getWinIniVar )UgetMemPointer checkInis enterSystem catalogStatusBar enterbook closeMovie PostMessage svExitMsgNum closeWave leaveBook .&+ +E previous author reader first history button keyDown testDeviceType JHtestStretchability svMovieType svMovieType J5pCaptionText canPlayMovies .&+ +E sound tbkMCIwaveChk mainPage close waveFile wait sound closeWave close aniFile sound closeMovie -#, #? -#, #? vReturn svDataPath getFileList alias aniFile style child parent window aniFile state hide 6sndPlaySound cat*. close aniFile wait close aniFile vFile play aniFile test testDeviceType vReturn normalScreen svDataPath vReturn svDataPath fFileExt vFile capability close getFileList cat*. fullScreen can stretch vFile J5pCaptionText testStretchability .&+ +E svBitDepth vReply1 vReply1 svBitDepth vReply2 rpdisplaybitsperpixel J5pCaptionText vReply2 checkFor8bit getBookPath GlobalAlloc lpPtr GlobalFree GlobalLock vHandle J5pCaptionText getMemPointer GlobalUnlock GlobalFree freeMemory s_mmdevices tbkmmdevices .&+ +E vError imageCommandChk .&+ +E tbkmmerrorstring tbkMCIchk vBounds mainText kpageFromClient TBclientWin xUnitsFromPixels calcNewTextBounds TBclientWin vScreenCenter getScreenCenter svBMPpos calcBMPpos window bmpFile position moveBMP kclientFromPage testingMotion showMotion calcVFWVertPos BMPline svBMPpos mainPage calcBMPpos .&+ +E where aniFile window realize aniFile put aniFile window client at TBclientWin J5pCaptionText putMovieWindow globalUnlock globalAlloc globalLock vSize EgetClientRect lpRect hRect globalFree TBclientWin mainText resetCatalog 1, "V Key number greater than number of elements Empty table insertionSort quicksrt svSortList quicksort vSplitPoint quicksrt split quicksrt vSplitPoint svSortList split vTemp2 vTemp1 svSortList vV^V^V buttonClick "What zyou want f"Print" "Set Up Printer..." "Cancel" printIt printSetup 4svDataPath -- This a workaround, because some reason unbeknownst Asymetrix, the poops out trying wchannel (see xprintIt below). will have x, though doesn't over our network: copyFile( & "order.frm",PRN) 1080,1080,1080,1080 "mainText" mainTextWidth() J" &&\ """ flushMessageQueue() i --Currently xused. ZvReturn vBounds 4svBookEntered,svSplashTime startUp -- Putting startup 8stuff here allows the o -- image appear on #screen quickly. -- Make sure splash #'s been showing )least 10 + 7) > showNewProduct 4950,330 flushMessageQueue() imageCommand(" ebmpFile state 4svSlideShow toggleWaveSound G, sDontPlayWave callMCI("status waveFile ready") closeWave playWave 4svCatNumber,svCatFiles,fileName,svDataPath, 4sStatusTimer setButtons wait") closeMovie showBMP c = timerStart("periodic", ,1000, timeGetTime() readFileToField & filename & ".inf",\ "mainText" "mainPage", "Arial" ,svBMPpos " && & ".bmp" &&\ "alias yle child") vError timerStop(0) imageCommandchk(" " && ",1) ,svMovieType, Count vFile -- If MPEG machine & exists, turn on, OR ( fileExists( z& ".MPG" ) "mpg" ) changeButtonState " "sound",0 -- Check .WAV & ".wav" ) More Info "info",1 <> svCatCount <> 1 fButtonName,fState = 1 -- Active. enabled -- Inactive. ,svCanPlayWave, & ". tbkMCIwaveChk(" " && ","") timerNotify pTimerID MCINotify pMessage mode","") x"playing" = "successful" buttonClick 4svDataPath, svMovieType,svCatNumber buttonChosen callMCI("status aniFile ready") MCINotify movieErrorMsg " enabled B"sound" = vFile & "cat" & pad( ) & "." fileExists( -- May be either MPEG , but we know " default. "fullScreen" -- Play -screen. playLargeMovie ( small playSmallMovie ( -- You don't whether their device can large, -- so & "avi") getCurrentMovie ) & "." fFilename closeMovie sysErrorNumber -- Open %WS_POPUP " && O && "alias style 2147483648" && "wait") eanifile state maximized") vLargePicHandle translatewindowmessage on 514 notifyMCI on 256 keyPressed MCInotify Titles, showNhideGrayBmp " && nostatic child " && sysClientHandle && " showBmp putMovieWindow on 514 on 256 -- When a shown, ToolBook insists on maintaining the palette Jbitmap that was displayed. To around handler briefly shows hides a light fa standard 16-color . This "fixes" roblem. 4svBMPpos, imageCommand(" ebmpFile " && & "catgray. 7" &&\ vError " && && " pad fNumber ) < 3 vReply1 pCaptionText vReply2 - 2) "mpg" "Unable ."&&\ -- "The [MCI] Microsoft AVI Video Driver SuperMatch Cinepak"&&\ -- " (may xbe installed, correctly." -- formerly tbkMMNotify L et frames") ") > 1 -- flushMessageQueue() hwnd,winMsg,wp -- 27 Esc key. statusBarText "catalogStatusBar" pCaptionText -- This handler may be causing instability, so best leave objectFromPoint(mousePosition -- needed used. It's %nice, but necessary 's sake: 4svSlideShow keyEnter buttonClick "mainText" -- PgUp scrollText ( 6),-25 -- PgDn ]),25 x),-1 keyDownArrow buttonChosen fTarget , sDontPlayWave "mainPage" x"info" "maintext" -- If iconized, there's no (state <> minimized) (GetActiveWindow() = x"play" callMCI(" aniFile ready") <> "sound" closeWave stateChanged pNewState programStateChanged hwnd, wmsg, wp, lplo, lphi 4svMovieType -- @ You can released version! wp = 0 -- 's been deactivated, so turn off & motion. = "mpg" -- Program's , so force re-paint bitmap. imageCommand(" ebmpFile -- @ fWhat,fAmt startUp 4svCatFiles,svCatNumber,svCatCount,s_mmdevices,svWinSize 4svScreenCenter,svDataPath,svSplashTime,svBookPath, svExitMsgNum startDLLs -- Register User-defined msg. broadcast upon exiting. If -- was launched Hthe MPC Wizard, will intercept aits = RegisterWindowMessage ("CAT_EXITING") getScreenCenter() -- First we CAT001.BMP 8's own dir., -- \CATALOG 8's path, xyet found, -- on getBookPath() -- Find out getHardDiskPath() getDefaultPaths putUpSplash "catsplsh.bmp" readLanguageFile getProgFileList(" Error" "Unable locate product screen files. Exiting -- k& "[ a code" && & "]" --11 canPlayWave canPlayMovies checkFor8bit textlineCount( calcBMPpos readFileToField & "order.frm",\ ", "Courier" translateWindowMessage -- WM_ACTIVATEAPP indicating on 28 ZvCaptionText vFile "catdlgs.fil" -- Read -- Null value indicates fSource, fDestination, fFontFace ZvText vScreenState lockScreen fFile imageCommandchk(" " && O && "style child alias ",NULL) vError moveBMP fileExists( & "cat001. syserrornumber -- Link Windows linkDLL "kernel" WORD getDriveType(INT) -- Where 0=A, 1=B, etc. Removable returns 2 ASetErrorMode( C GetPrivateProfileString(STRING, --For getting & freeing memory. lobalAlloc( ,DWORD) lobalFree( POINTER globalLock( lobalUnlock( checkDLL " user" E GetClientRect( [) -- finding tbook client -- knowing we're ) -- sending PostMessage( , LONG) -- Check asure Multimedia Extentions are loaded, & misc. stuff. X"mmsystem.dll" INT sndPlaySound( waveOutGetDevCaps( -- " test. timeGetTime() movies. noMME X"tb30win. xUnitsFromPixels( repositioning pageFromClient( clientFromPage( INT, ) -- displayBitsPerPixel() -- 256 color checking getWinIniVar( tb30dos. getDriveList() getCurrentDrive() getCurrentDirectory( getFileList( copyFile( vReply1 "Can't """ & _ & """." & "Make either on hard disk directory where resides, "&\ ." & "If you're that should be, %"&&\ "still message, try turning on Virtual Memory (see"&&\ "Control Panel Help directions). " "The sions xinstalled, -- " properly." & && "can't without them." readCDerrorMsgs "catcd. -- -- vErrorsText ZvFirstFixedDisk,vIsCD vErrorMsgs 1) -- Turn msgs. during vDriveList x"A" isCDDrive( 0 -- It's xa CD drive. i - 1) = 3 -- It's a -- It's a CD & ":\ ) & ":\ -- If root: & ":\ ) & ":\") -- You've gotten , so stop 0) -- vReply2 CD containing """ & -- """ your CD-ROM -- "Put click ""Retry,"" -- "" """& " sysMediaSuspend = isNewTBKfile tbkfile. x"OK" fExt -- We're assuming )least a every , vNewFileList vFileList & "cat*." & isType( insertionSort( quickSort( ) -- Only ]quicksort algorithm. getBookStub ZvStub 4svCanPlayWave ZvMsg checkCueing() -- See . If so, -- definately "0" -- It cued a wavefile successfully. "-1" -- No .WAV exists. -- It j, but hese other tests 4giving up. checkDevCaps() -- waveOutDevCaps. --MCI reports: " range." "Your z audio xresponding." --12 driver present." "An unknown occurred." --14 checkInis() 4." --15 correctly on 4." --16 missing U""wav=waveaudio"""&&\ ""[mci extensions]"" section WIN.INI " --17 "sounds wav") ) " && && "type waveFile wait") sysErrorNumber vReturn " && getMemPointer(64) vHandle vPtr freeMemory( f128) "mci","WaveAudio"," ,128," 4.ini") c"mciwave.drv") -- Aris Entertainment's Product Catalog, ver. 2.0 -- Copyright (c) 1994, CMultimedia K, Inc. -- All rights reserved. k --This prevents 4books on the --SYSSTARTUPBOOKS ToolBook WIN.INI running instance "catalogStatusBar" /"main" sysMediaSuspend = 4svProgNameStub, svExitMsgNum closeWave closeMovie lockScreen -- If the Wizard out there, let know we're exiting so normalize PostMessage(0xFFFF, , 0, 0) -- Prevents user going Ctrl- Sarrow key. t -- saving keyEnter buttonClick canPlayMovies 4svMovieType testDeviceType("mpg") "0" -- Check MPEG. xpresent. Mavi") "2" -- 2 means are no VFW movies. pCaptionText -- "The [MCI] Microsoft AVI Video Driver SuperMatch Cinepak xbe installed,"&&\ -- " correctly." &\ k& "You will xbe able play " &&\ -- " program." -- For only maximize Let's see 's possible. testStretchability(" tbkMCIwaveChk cmd,notif ZretVal callMCI( B"sound" = "mainPage" = waveFile wait") aniFile") untranslateWindowMessage 514 enabled fFileExt 4svDataPath getFileList( ( & "cat*." & vFile " && && "alias style child " && sysClientHandle && " state sysErrorNumber vReturn sndPlaySound(0,0) " && && " " && " && && " "capability" && && "can stretch") "fullScreen" "Your" &&\ -- " xcapable displaying _-screen mode." &&\ -- " a small "normalScreen" " && checkFor8bit 4svBitDepth displaybitsperpixel() & < 8 vReply1 vReply2 current Windows video driver cannot" && \ 256 colors simultaneously. pictures " &&\ "appear off- getBookPath getMemPointer fBytes vHandle GlobalAlloc(0, "Unable allocate enough global memory perform operation." --3 lpPtr GlobalLock( GlobalFree( . Can't freeMemory fHandle GlobalUnlock( tbkmmdevices 4s_mmdevices imageCommandChk req,brk (cmd) vError tbkMCIchk syserrornumber tbkmmerrorstring( calcNewTextBounds vBounds "mainText" pageFromClient( ,sysMagnification,TBclientWin()) )/2) vScreenX -- Horiz. -- Horizontal half ) - ( )) /2) vFieldX xUnitsFromPixels(1) -- - 23 -- - 23 getScreenCenter )/2) vScreenCenter )/2) moveBMP 4svBMPpos calcBMPpos ebmpFile " && calcVFWVertPos fWinYsize "testingMotion" "showMotion" clientFromPage( ) - 10) / 2 r / 2) ) U"BMPline" = pageUnitsToFrame( putMovieWindow "where allocation ." & "Cannot ." --35 )/2) - (( )/2)) \ )/2) - (( )/2)) \ )" && "realize hRect globalAlloc(0,8) lpRect globalLock( getClientRect( vSize globalUnlock( globalFree( resetCatalog = " " following sorting functions Asymetrix's Scrap (C) insertion limited about 150 (due, perhaps, limitations). When engine 3.0, quicksort algorithm below be a better certainly faster) one insertionSort fTable, fKeyNum vLineCount, lines vRecordNumber, zbeing inserted \ vCurKey, key value \ vSortedCount, already sorted \ vTemp --holder jduring its deletion "Empty table" zgreater than elements" > 0 & CRLF a recusive that currently because (due stack ). In 3.0, however, , so more above, which now. fText 4svSortList ZvSortText quicksrt 1,textlineCount( 1fFirst,fLast vSplitPoint @split( vKey t + 1 swap fPoint1,fPoint2 vTemp1 vTemp2 End scripts mainPage 40,30 normalPos pageGroup BMPline statusBarTextline This feature is not currently available. J5pCaptionText catalogStatusBar mouseEnter statusBarTextline window bmpFile state hide maintext .buttonChosen mainText window bmpFile state show buttonClick statusBarTextline sound toggleWaveSound buttonClick statusBarTextline .&+ +E .&+ +E showNewProduct svCatCount first svCatNumber previous .buttonChosen vOldCatNumber buttonClick first statusBarTextline previous statusBarTextline statusBarTextline statusBarTextline order .&+ +E .&+ +E mainText .buttonChosen order return buttonClick statusBarTextline .&+ +E .&+ +E showNewProduct false svSlideShow .buttonChosen stuff false svSlideShow stuff svBitDepth J5pCaptionText "setCatNumber buttonClick svCatCount svCatNumber setCatNumber statusBarTextline vReply1 svBookInfo vReply2 vReply1 .buttonChosen J5pCaptionText vReply2 buttonClick statusBarTextline buttonClick 4svSlideShow,svBitDepth buttonChosen y --Start the pCaptionText ("Enter 9amount display each product screen:" f"10" stuff = sysErrorNumber isType(" "You didn't enter a whole z. Try setCatNumber * 1000) showNewProduct timerStop(0) 4svCatNumber,svCatCount statusBarTextline vReply1 svBookInfo vReply2 vReply1 .buttonChosen J5pCaptionText vReply2 buttonClick buttonClick 4svBookInfo buttonChosen vReply1 pCaptionText vReply2 "Are you sure want " && "?""" f"Yes" "Cancel" --34 -- " flushMessageQueue() statusBarTextline pCaptionText mainText bottomLine topLine catalogStatusBar To learn about a button, just move your mouse over it. Information about that button will appear here. request "There are no compatible motion video drivers installed on your system. You will not be able to play any movies from this program." request "Your current Windows video driver cannot display 256 colors simultaneously. The pictures in this program will appear off-color." Unable to allocate enough global memory to perform this operation. Unable to lock global memory. Can't perform this operation. request "Can't run Help." & crlf & crlf & "Make sure that the file WINHELP.EXE is in your Windows directory." request "Can't link to file """ & fDLL & ".""" & crlf & crlf & "Make sure it is either on the hard disk directory where this program resides, or in any directory on the DOS path." & crlf & crlf & "If you're sure that the file is where it should be, and you still get this message, you may be running low on memory. To remedy this situation, try turning on Virtual Memory (see the Windows Control Panel Help or your Windows manual for directions)." with vReply1 request "The Multimedia Extensions to Windows are not installed, or not installed properly." & crlf & crlf & quote & caption of this book & quote && "can't run without them." with vReply1 request "An older version of the file" && vFilename && "is in directory " & uppercase(svBookPath) & ", or elsewhere in your path." & crlf & crlf & "Replace your old" && vFilename && "file with the newer one on the CD containing """ & caption of this book & ","" and run """ & caption of this book & """ again." with vReply1 request "The correct CD is not in your CD-ROM drive." & crlf & crlf & "Put the CD into your drive and click ""Retry,"" or click ""Exit"""& " to leave this program." with vReply1 or vReply2 request "An older version of the file" && vFilename && "is in directory " & uppercase(svBookPath) & ", or elsewhere in your path." & crlf & crlf & "When you are finished using """ & caption of this book & ","" replace your old" && vFilename && "file with the newer one on the CD containing """ & caption of this book & ".""" request "Unable to locate Product Screen files. Exiting program." & crlf&crlf& "[Error code:" && it & "]" Your wave audio device is not responding. Your wave audio device driver is not responding. An unknown error occurred. The MCI Sound driver is not installed on your system. The MCI Sound driver is not installed correctly on your system. set vMsg to "You are missing the line ""wav=waveaudio"""&& "in the ""[mci extensions]"" section of your WIN.INI file." request vMsg & crlf & crlf & "You will not be able to hear any wave audio sounds from this program." request quote & fTargetFile & """ already exists." & crlf & "Do you want to replace it?" & crlf & crlf & "Existing file's size is " & it && "bytes." & crlf & "Replacement file's size is " & vSourceFileSize && "bytes." with vReply1 or vReply2 Your destination drive doesn't have enough free space. There's a problem accessing your destination drive. An out of memory condition occurred. can't be found. can't be copied to request "Unable to play this movie." & crlf & crlf & "The [MCI] Microsoft AVI Video Driver and/or the SuperMatch Cinepak Driver may not be installed, or not installed correctly." request "Unable to play this movie." & crlf & crlf & "Your MPEG driver or hardware may not be installed, or not installed correctly." request "Are you sure you want to exit this program?" with vReply1 or vReply2 request "Memory allocation error." & crlf & crlf & "Cannot play this movie." request "Unable to play this movie. There are no compatible motion video drivers installed on your system." The SoftKey Product Catalog Exit Program Copying your file. Please wait... Save a File Cancel request "Error opening dialog box." &crlf&crlf& "Error number: " && CommDlgExtendedError() Return request "Your system is not capable of displaying the movies on this CD in full-screen mode. All movies will play in a small window." Continue Retry Cancel Replace File,Edit,Page,Object,Draw,Window,Help File,Edit,Page,Help "Loading file lists from the CD." &crlf& "Please wait..." "Testing your sound device." &crlf& "Please wait..." "Testing motion video capability." &crlf& "Please wait..." "Checking graphics capability." &crlf& "Please wait..." "Loading text from the CD." &crlf& "Please wait..." Unable to read text file from the CD. Information about the pictures will not be available. ask "Enter the minimum amount of seconds to display each product screen:" with "10" request "You didn't enter a whole number. Try again." request "You must enter a number larger than 9. Try again." Click this button to play a movie. Click this button to get more information about this product. Click this button to turn the sound on or off. Click this button to go back to the last product. Click this button to go back to the previous product. Click this button to go to the next product. Click this button to go to the last product. Click this button to view, print, or copy the SoftKey product order form. Click this button to automatically display one product screen after another. Click this button to exit the SoftKey Product Catalog. To learn about a button, just move your mouse over it. Information about that button will appear here. Click this button to print the SoftKey Product Catalog order form. Click this button to copy the SoftKey Product Catalog order form to the Windows clipboard. Click this button to return to the main screen. order 45,30 normalPos statusBarTextline This feature is not currently available. J5pCaptionText catalogStatusBar mouseEnter print statusBarTextline mainText buttonClick statusBarTextline return mainText order mainPage buttonClick statusBarTextline vReply1 svBookInfo vReply2 vReply1 J5pCaptionText vReply2 buttonClick statusBarTextline vReply1 svBookInfo vReply2 vReply1 J5pCaptionText vReply2 buttonClick buttonClick 4svBookInfo vReply1 pCaptionText vReply2 "Are you sure want " && "?""" f"Yes" "Cancel" --34 -- " flushMessageQueue() statusBarTextline o the Windows clipboard. Click this button to return to the main screen.