Zinc Data File Version 3.0 UI_HPP UI_HELP HELP_CONTEXTS HELP_MONITOR HELP_DISPLAY HELP_KEYBOARD HELP_MOUSE HELP_VGACONF Help on Monitor Type Selection...R Selecting the proper monitor type connected to your VGA allows the proper refresh rate for your monitor to be utilized. It also inhibits using screen resolutions that your monitor will not support. Selecting a mone const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_MONITOR = 0x0001; // Help on Monitor Type Selection...d const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_DISPLAY = 0x0002; // Help on Video Modes Selection...X const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_KEYBOARD itor type number that is lower than your monitor's specifications may result in the unavailability of extended screen resolutions, or increased flicker at higher resolutions caused by a slower refresh rate. Selecting a monitor type number that is higher than your monitor's specifications may result in the availability of extended modes that can not be displayed by your monitor. This is generally referred to as being out of sync. To select the correct monitor type, review your monitor's specifications and compare them to the table below to choose the appropriate type number. Saving The Correct Monitor Type Number ====================================== Some systems will remember the monitor type after you set it. To determine if your computer system has this feature, set the monitor type by selecting "Save", then answer "No" to the prompt asking if you wish to update your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Exit the program by selecting "Exit" or pressing . Shut down all applications and turn off your computer system. Turn your computer system back on, and run this program again. If the monitor type you selected is highlighted in the Set Monitor Type window, then your system can remember monitor types. If it does not highlight the monitor type you previously selected then you should update your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Do this by selecting the appropriate monitor type, then select "Save". Answer "Yes" to the prompt and exit the program. The next time you reboot your computer the monitor type you selected will be set automatically. Select the monitor type connected to your system with the mouse or use the and keys to move between fields, and the and keys to move between groups. Save - press or to save. You will be prompted for an update to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Select Yes to create or update a line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to automatically set the monitor type. Select No to set the monitor type without modifying the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Cancel - press or to exit the window without making changes. Help - pressing brings up this help screen. Listed below are examples of different monitor types. Type Example HFreq VFreq Resolution # (kHz) (Hz) ==== ======= ===== ===== =========== 0 IBM 8512 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 IBM 8503 IBM 8503 1 IBM 8514 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 IBM 8515 35.5 43.5 1024x768 interlaced 2 NEC 2A 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 35.1 56 800x600 3 NEC II 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 35.1 56 800x600 35.5 43.5 1024x768 interlaced 4 NEC 3D 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 35.5 43.5 1024x768 interlaced 37.8 60 800x600 5 Sony CPD-1304 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 NEC 3FGx 48.0 72 800x600 Nanao 9065S 48.0 60 1024x768 Nanao 9070U 48.0 43.5 1280x1024 interlaced 6 NEC 4D 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 NEC 4FG 48.0 72 800x600 Nanao T240i 56.5 70 1024x768 48.0 43.5 1280x1024 interlaced 7 NEC 5D 31.5 60/70 640x480, 720x400 NEC 5FG/6FG 48.0 72 800x600 Nanao T560i 56.5 70 1024x768 Nanao T660i 64.0 60 1280x1024 Nanao F550i Nanao F750i Nanao 9400i Nanao 9080i Type Number Monitor Type ============ ============ 0 VGA 1 8514 compatible 2 Super VGA (SVGA) 3 Extended Super VGA 4 Multi-frequency 5 Extended Multi-frequency 6 Super Multi-frequency 7 Extended Super Multi-frequency Valid VGA refreshes: ==================== - Standard VGA refresh + High VGA refresh in 640x480 resolution modes. (Note: VGA refreshes may not apply to the VGA product being used.) Select to continue... Help on Video Modes Selection... This selection displays a list of available video modes. Video modes are a unique combination of screen resolution and the number of colors that can be displayed simultaneously. Video modes can be graphics or text oriented. Generally graphics modes with over 256 colors do not support text output. The list of available modes varies depending on the current monitor type, the amount of video memory installed, and the VGA controller revision. To scroll through the list use the and , , or keys. Advance to the top of the list be pressing , the end of the list by pressing . To move forward between groups or buttons press , to move back press . To exit the window press or select the OK button by pressing . Definitions =========== Resolution - Horizontal and Vertical dimension in pixel units for graphics modes and character units for text modes. Colors - Number of colors displayed simultaneously. This is the number of colors available to be displayed. Your application program must support the number of colors you select. Type - Text or graphics display mode. Some graphics modes support text output. Generally graphics modes are used by applications programs or graphical environments such as MS Windows, OS/2, and others. Char Cell - Character width by character height in pixel units. mono - Monochrome. Mode Number - Video mode number in hexadecimal. This number uniquely identifies the combination of screen resolution and colors. The mode number can be used with this program from the command line to configure the VGA to display the desired screen resolution. This is most useful for displaying extended text modes. VESA Mode Number - V.E.S.A. is the Video Electronics Standards Association. VESA mode numbers designate common modes supported by different manufacturers that belong to the V.E.S.A. organization. If your VGA is configured to support VESA modes either through an external "TSR" program, or through the video BIOS, then the VESA mode number that corresponds to the resolution and color combination will be displayed. Select to continue... Keyboard movement... Buttons - Select buttons by pressing the underlined letter in each button. You may also use the Alternate key along with the underlined key. For example to exit press or EXIT - Press or select Exit from the = 0x0003; // Keyboard movement...U const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_MOUSE = 0x0004; // Mouse movement...j const UI_HELP_CONTEXT HELP_VGACONF = 0x0005; // Help on VGA Configuration Selection... main menu by pressing to exit the program. NEXT - Press to move to the next group or button on the window. PREVIOUS - Press to move to the previous group or button on the window. NEXT FIELD - Press to move to the next field within a group. PREVIOUS FIELD - Press to move to the previous field within a group. SELECT - Press or to select the currently highlighted item. UNSELECT - Press to unselect the currently selected item. OPEN LIST BOX - Press to open a list box for selection. SELECT FROM LIST BOX - Press to select from items displayed in a list box. CLOSE - Press , or to close the current window. Select to continue... Mouse movement... In order to use the mouse you must have previously loaded a mouse driver. Mouse drivers are provided with your mouse. Move the mouse so that the pointer is over the option or button you wish to select and press the left mouse button. To close a menu, position the mouse pointer on the system button in the upper left corner of the window and double click on the left mouse button. Select to continue... Help on VGA Configuration Selection...C REVERSE VIDEO - Reverse video text and graphics control. BOLD - Text characters with the foreground intensity bit set are displayed with a "bold" font. Bold font characters must be available in the VGA BIOS or loaded with a "TSR" program for this option to take effect. CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT - This option offers different ways of producing greater contrast in text modes. Black & White - This option should only be used on monochrome flat panels. It is similar to "Text/Back. Enhancement". User's preference should determine which enhancement options to use. Greyscale/Color - This option is used to display color data on monochrome panels as shades of grey. Users with color flat panels should select this option. Text Enhancement - This will cause colored text to have higher contrast on monochrome flat panels. Background Enhancement - This option causes high contrast in backgrounds. Colored backgrounds are displayed as either black or white. Text/Back. Enhancement - This option is equivalent to selecting both text and background enhancement. Text enhancement maintains contrast from the background. EXPAND MODE - This function controls the vertical expansion of text and graphics mode to fill as much of the panel as possible. VERTICAL POSITION - This function controls the vertical placement of the video modes that do not use the full flat panel display. This option has no effect while expand mode is turned on. Takes effect immediately when the panel is the active display. DISPLAY - This function controls whether the panel, or CRT is the current output device. In SimulSCAN both the panel and CRT are active. This is generally used as a presentation mode. The display will be optimized for the CRT. Some options such as expand mode and bold font have no effect in SimulSCAN. BUS WIDTH - This function sets 8-bit or 16-bit operation in an environment where 16-bit operation is possible. INHIBIT FONT LOAD - When the panel is the active display, a supplemental font is loaded to enhance the display quality. This supplemental font is for text mode only. FULL HEIGHT CURSOR - This option creates a full character sized block cursor on the panel. This larger cursor is helpful for quickly locating the cursor on the panel. RGB WEIGHTING - Change gray scale values on a monochrome flat panel or the red, green, and blue values on a color flat panel. This option allows the user to configure color weighting to personal preference. Changes take effect immediately, when the panel is the active display. POWER MANAGEMENT - Stand-by power down mode is an automatic power save feature. When no activity is detected for a preprogrammed time period, then stand-by mode is entered. Stand-by mode conserves power, allowing longer battery operation. THIS OPTION WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE IN PANEL MODE. IF YOU ARE CHANGING THE DISPLAY TO CRT OR SIMULSCAN YOU SHOULD DISABLE THE POWER MANAGEMENT TIMER. Note: Some options are designed for a specific display mode, that is CRT, SimulSCAN, or flat panel. The following options take effect only in flat panel mode: Bold, Contrast Enhancement, Vertical Position, Full Height Cursor, and RGB Weighting. In SimulSCAN and flat panel modes, Reverse Video may be used. At any time, Display, Bus Width, and Inhibit Font Load may be used. Select to continue...