MPC Wizard Note --------------- The setup program for these disks require the decompression program PKUNZIP.EXE. The MPC Wizard can't provide this program, but you can download the shareware version from most computer bulletin boards. VIPER VLB Installation/Utilities/Drivers Diskette v2.04 Release Notes *************************************************************************** Diamond Computer Systems can be reached at: VOICE: 408-736-2000 BBS: 408-730-1100. ** IMPORTANT VIPER VLB SOFTWARE INSTALLATION NOTES ** 1. DO NOT INSTALL THE VIPER VLB WINDOWS 3.1 DRIVERS INTO YOUR WINDOWS DIRECTORY. DUPLICATE FILES NAMES EXIST!! 2. It is best to use the VPRMODE.EXE utility to properly configure the Viper VLB for your monitor BEFORE using Windows 3.1 or AutoCAD. !!! BEFORE USING THE VIPER VLB WINDOWS 3.1, USE GO.EXE TO INSTALL !!! !!! THE VIPER VLB UTILITIES, AND USE VPRMODE.EXE TO PROPERLY !!! !!! CONFIGURE THE VIPER VLB FOR YOUR MONITOR. !!! ** IMPORTANT WINDOWS 3.1 DRIVER INSTALLATION/CONFIGURATION NOTES ** 1. Start by running the GO utility from the floppy disk. If this is your initial install of the Viper utilities or if the system finds an old version of the Viper.ini file, you will be prompted to enter a path for the new Viper utilities. The default is: C:\VIPER. 2. Once this procedure is complete, you can select the Windows 3.1 option. The GO utility will then copy all the Windows files to your hard drive. 3. When GO has finished copying the files, you will be prompted for the location of your Windows sub-directory. The GO utility will then modify the [MMCPL] section of your Control.ini file with the line: "TurboWin=\TURBOWIN.DLL". 4. Now entering Windows using the standard VGA driver supplied by Microsoft. The Diamond Viper icon will now appear in the Control Panel and allow you to change resolutions, colors, and fonts. UTILITY FILES VPRMODE.EXE command line and menu driven mode and monitor setting utility. Use VPRMODE.EXE to configure the Viper VLB for your particular monitor, to change the VIPER VLB memory address, to select a text display mode, and to run Viper VLB diagnostics. VPRMODE saves monitor timing information to the VIPER.INI file. NOTES: 1. use VPRMODE ? for command line option list. 2. the VPRMODE monitor configuration save screen may be displayed after running some of the VPRMODE commands. If this happens, select ENTER to save. The screen will not appear again. 3. KNOW YOUR MONITOR! Please refer to your monitor manual or manufacturer for correct monitor timing information before running VPRMODE, and before contacting Diamond for technical assistance. If you do not have this information, DIAMOND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HELP YOU with VPRMODE problems. VIP.EXE utility which will display or write to a file important system configuration information which can be used as an aid in trouble-shooting. Type VIP to display to screen, and VIP to save to a file. NOTES: 1. the VPRMODE save configuration screen may be displayed after running VIP. If this happens, select Enter to save. The screen will not appear again. VDIAG.EXE diagnotic utility which will display color test patterns in each resolution supported. NOTES: 1. to test extended modes, load the VESA BIOS extentions before running VDIAG. This can be done by typing VPRMODE VESA at the command prompt. CHKPATH.EXE utility which checks the PATH environment variable for the specified string. Is used in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file with the VIPERPATH statement. VIPER.INI this file is used to store the monitor and configuration information for the Viper VLB, and is updated each time you choose to Save Configuration from the VPRMODE.EXE program. Drivers find the location of the VIPER.INI file by checking the VIPERPATH environment variable. VIPERPATH an environment variable which is used by device drivers (Windows 3.1) to locate the VIPER.INI file. This variable is set by the DOS SET command, and is automatically appended to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file during Viper VLB Utility installation. !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!! THE VIPER.INI FILE AND THE VIPERPATH STATEMENT ARE NEEDED FOR PROPER USE OF THE VIPER VLB WINDOWS AND AUTOCAD DRIVERS! DO NOT REMOVE THEM FROM YOUR SYSTEM. Windows NT Driver Installation ------------------------------ To load the drivers for Microsoft NT you must do the following. 1. To customize the .DAT file for your particular card you must run SETMET.BAT from the DOS prompt inside NT or DOS. The options are as follows: SETMEM 2 - For a Viper with 2MB of memory SETMEM 1 - For a Viper with 1MB of memory (except for rev A4-A7) SETMEM 1A - For a Viper with 1MB of memory and is rev A4-A7 (128Kx8 VRAM) You can also get this listing by running SETMEM with out any command switches 2. You must have Windows NT installed with the Standard VGA driver(640x480x16). If you are running a different graphics mode please re-configure for Standard VGA. 3. Once you have confirmed that you are running in Standard VGA, place the Viper VLB Disk 1 into the floppy drive. 4. Open the Windows NT setup icon located in your Main program group. 5. Select Options | Change System Settings... 6. Scroll down to the bottom of the Display option and select "Other Requires manufacturers Diskette." 7. You will be prompted for the location of this diskette. The location is A:\ 8. Select Close. 9. Select your preferred resolution. 10. You will be prompted for the location of a OEM Disk, this is the Disk 1 and the path is A:\ 11. Close out of the Windows NT setup, you will need to restart Windows NT for the changes to take effect.