For more information, or to get the latest Oak drivers, call: BBS 408-524-9014 Voice 408-524-9014 Installing Windows 3.1 drivers: There are two ways to install Oak Windows drivers. Method 1: 1) Insert the Oak Windows driver distribution diskette into a floppy drive. 2) In Windows Program Manager, choose menu "File" -> "Run". 3) In the dialog window, type: B:\OAKSETUP ( A:\OAKSETUP for floppy drive A ) 4) Click on the "Install" button to copy all Oak Windows driver files into a sub-directory on your hard disk and continue to setup Oak Windows drivers. This requires about 1.2 Mb disk space. In the future, whenever you want to change the Windows driver setup, click on the "OakSetup" icon installed by the OakSetup program. Alternatively, you can click on the "Setup" button to setup Oak Windows drivers directly from the distribution diskette. This will only require about 550 Kb disk space. Method 2: For experienced users, if you are more comfortable with the Microsoft setup program, you can copy the OEM setup file "OEMOAK87.INF" into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and run the Microsoft setup program. Whenever the Microsoft setup program asks you to input the location of any files, just give the name of the floppy drive that the Oak distribution diskette is in. Users should be aware that, by using Microsoft setup program to install Oak Windows drivers, you are responsible for selecting the right Windows driver that matches your video memory size, system memory size, etc. NOTE: For Japanese Windows users, one file -- GSYSXX.FOD for each font size selection is not provided in the distribution diskette. The program will prompt you to insert the original Japanese Windows 3.1 diskette. If you have trouble finding the original Japanese Windows 3.1 diskette, choose 16 for the font size. The standard VGA configuration uses font size 16. So, most likely, the file GSYS16.FOD already exists in your system.