Radius XGA-2 Color Graphics Card Release 1.00 ============================================= TOPIC: Radius DMQS Configuration Utility (SETDMQS.EXE) & DMQS (Display Mode Query/Set) Profile Services. I. Radius DMQS Configuration Utility User's Guide A. Purpose of Tool The purpose of the Radius DMQS Configuration Utility (SETDMQS.EXE) is to install display information files onto a computer system that supports DMQS and will be running an XGA graphics application that will be using the DMQS support services to initialize the XGA Adapter/Display hardware environment. Below are the steps involved with running the setup tool as well as a description of how the data that is installed by the installation is used by other applications: 1. Unpacking/Copying DGS files. The Radius XGA-2 installation program unpacks all of the display information files from a supplied packed file. 2. Updating DOS and OS/2 system boot files. In addition to installing the display files, the installation tool will also update the system boot files on the user's system hard-disk. The DMQS services must have a system environment variable defined in order to tell it where to look for the display information files it needs to initialize the XGA Adapter/Display properly. The setting of this environment variable must be done within the system boot file. Thus, the installation tool will automatically update the system file(s) found in the root directory of the start up hard-disk in order to properly set the environment to point to the installation directory specified during installation. 3. What are the MONxxxx.DGS files used for? The DGS files in the file name form of MONxxxx.DGS will be used by the DMQS system services in order to initialize the XGA Adapter/ Display configuration properly. Without the DGS file, the DMQS services would not be able to determine what type of display is attached to the system and what display capabilities the display has. B. Starting the Radius DMQS Configuration Utility 1. Setup Tool requirements. a. Radius DMQS Configuration Utility files: - README.TXT (This information file) - SETDMQS.EXE (Radius DMQS Configuration Utility) - MONxxxx.DGS (Unpacked XGA Display Information Files) b. Starting the Radius DMQS Configuration Utility. To start the Radius DMQS Configuration Utility select the "DMQS Support (Monitor Configuration)" option from the Radius XGA-2 installation program menu. 2. Obtaining help in using the setup tool. The Radius DMQS Configuration Utility tool has on-line help services whereby one can depress the F1 key in order to get help. II. XGA/DMQS Display Information File Profile Services. The DMQS profile services found in the DMQS system services will allow one to customize the XGA Adapter/Display environment found on a computer system. A. How to create an XGA Display Configuration Profile: When you first install the XGA Display Information Files on your system, a profile will be created and the XGA Graphics program that uses the DMQS services will be provided with the default POST startup DMQS values. However, you can override some of the DMQS values via the XGA Display Configuration Profile mechanism. The Radius DMQS Configuration Utility creates the DMQS Profile when you select "Save Settings and Exit". B. How the DMQS profile services work: The DMQS profile services will look for a file by the name of XGASETUP.PRO found in the same directory that has the Display Information Files (MONxxxx.DGS). This file is a ASCII text file which contains a set of GML tags that will be used to provide information to the DMQS system services about the XGA Adapter/Display environment. This profile allows one to override some attributes of how the XGA hardware will be initialized and used by graphics applications which use the DMQS system services. C. Syntax and content of XGASETUP.PRO: The file XGASETUP.PRO will be found in the same directory as the Display Information Files which are installed by the XGA Display Information File Installation Tool (the default path is XGA$DMQS). This ASCII text file will contain a set of tags which define attributes of the XGA Adapter/Display hardware installed. Below is an example XGASETUP.PRO profile: /********************************************************************** /* /* FILENAME: XGASETUP.PRO /* /* DESCRIPTION: Profile to set XGA DMQS preferences on current system. /* /* LAST MODIFIED: 03/29/92 at 10:57:37 /* /********************************************************************** /********************************************************************** IBM 8514 /********************************************************************** IBM 8515, 8516 /********************************************************************** The profile above does the following: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ > Informs the DMQS services that the display in slot 5 is a display of type 00F0 and that DMQS should use the display file MON00F0.DGS to obtain information about the installed display. > Informs the DMQS services that the display in slot 8 is a display of type F0FF and that DMQS should use the display file MONF0FF.DGS to obtain information about the installed display. > Informs the DMQS services that when any XGA graphics application uses DMQS services that the application will display its graphics output on the XGA adapter card in slot 5. NOTE: If any of the slot numbers and/or display IDs are invalid when read in by the DMQS profile services, then the tag will be ignored and it shall not have any affect on how the DMQS services initializes the XGA hardware. TOPIC: Radius XGA-2 Diagnostic (DIAG.EXE) This utility provides diagnostic tests for the Radius XGA-2 Interface card. It can also be used as a troubleshooting tool if you suspect a problem, and to help resolve conflicts with other display adapters in your system. TOPIC: Font Corruption Fixup TSR (FONTSWAP.COM) This TSR corrects possible font corruption when using host-based applications such as a 3270 emulator that uses the Adapter Interface (AI) to switch between test and graphics modes. The fonts become corrupted because IBM originally designed the AI for the 8514/A Display Adapter, which used separate memory for text (VGA) and graphics modes. Since the XGA-2 interface uses the same memory for both text and graphics modes, the area in memory where the fonts are stored can become corrupted. If you are not using the AI, there is NO reason to have FONSWAP.COM loaded as a TSR. TOPIC: Value Point Fixup Utility (VPXGA.EXE) This utility changes a value in the CMOS of IBM PS/ValuePoint machines to allow the proper functioning of the the Radius XGA-2 Color Graphics Card. It doesn't affect non-IBM systems and is run automatically by the Installation program.