(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1991, 1992 Radius XGA-2 Adapter Interface Device Driver for DOS version 2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 allows operation with non interlaced monitors. This release incorporates Display Mode Query and Set (DMQS) functionality. ----------------------------------------------------------- In order to use the XGA Adapter Interface with DMQS capability, the location of the DMQS Monitor Information File must be specified. This is achieved by a parameter added to the Adapter Interface device driver line in CONFIG.SYS. This should be inserted by a text editor, after the Adapter Interface is installed. An example showing the default DMQS path is shown below. DEVICE=C:\RADXGA\XGAAIDOS.SYS C:\RADXGA\ ------------------------------------------ This file contains information on the device driver required for the DOS Adapter Interface to run on the IBM XGA video subsystem. IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. PS/2 and Personal System/2 are trademarks of IBM Corporation. EMM386 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation QEMM is a trademark of Quarterdeck Corporation 386Max is a trademark of Qualitas Corporation Driver Installation Instructions -------------------------------- Insert the "Radius XGA-2 Installation Diskette" in drive A, type INSTALL from the A:> prompt and press Enter. Select the "XGA Adapter Interface (AI)" option and follow the instructions on the screen. During the install process, the CONFIG.SYS is optionally changed (or built) to load the DOS Adapter Interface Device Driver automatically on system startup. You may choose not to have the install process do this, but in that case, you must include the following line in your CONFIG.SYS and restart your system before you can run the Adapter Interface : DEVICE=C:\RADXGA\XGAAIDOS.SYS C:\RADXGA\ If you start your system from the D drive, replace C:\ with D:\ in the above line. The Adapter Interface software, once installed, consists of a directory called \RADXGA, containing all the necessary files to load the XGA DOS Adapter Interface. On system startup, the XGAAIDOS.SYS Device Driver attempts to load the XGA DOS Adapter Interface. If the Adapter Interface cannot be loaded, the Device Driver issues an error message. Any error message is output immediately after the copyright statement and is one of the following:- (-XGA) = No XGA hardware found (The Hardware is faulty, not present, or display not attached) (-80386) = Incorrect processor (The Device Driver requires an 80386 processor or above) The diskette files ------------------- The XGAAI directory contains the following files: README.TXT - This README.TXT information file XGAAIDOS.SYS - IBM XGA DOS Adapter Interface Driver STAN1220.IMG - 12*20 size standard Font optimized for the XGA adapter STAN0814.IMG - 8*14 size standard Font optimized for the XGA adapter STAN0715.IMG - 7*15 size standard Font optimized for the XGA adapter STAN1223.IMG - 12*23 size standard Font optimized for the XGA adapter STAN1220.SSV - 12*20 size standard Font 8514/A compatible STAN0814.SSV - 8*14 size standard Font 8514/A compatible STAN0715.SSV - 7*15 size standard Font 8514/A compatible STAN1223.SSV - 12*23 size standard Font 8514/A compatible General Information ------------------- The XGA DOS Adapter Interface consists of a set of entry points callable by an application, providing access to the adapter's display hardware capability. There are entry points for: þ graphics primitives  lines  areas  rectangles  characters  images þ drawing attributes  color & mix control ù color index ù color lookup table ù logic & arithmetic mix  programmable primitives ù line types ù area patterns ù fonts ù markers þ graphics operations  windowing assist ù hardware scissors ù restorable state  layering assist ù bit plane control ù color lookup table  bit block transfer ù through or across the planes ù bit planes to bit planes ù bit planes to/from memory þ hardware pointer Refer to the XGA Adapter Interface Technical Reference Manual for further details. ( Part number 15F2154, form number S15F-2154-00 ) Notes: ------ If you want to run Windows 3.0 you must not install the XGA DOS Adapter Interface. Remove the following line from your CONFIG.SYS file :- DEVICE=C:\RADXGA\XGAAIDOS.SYS C:\RADXGA and restart your system. Some 8514/A applications explicitly look for the 8514/A version of the Adapter Interface. This is stored on your disk storage in the file 'HDILOAD.EXE'. If these applications find this file, they use it and do not function correctly. If you have previously installed the 8514/A DOS Adapter Interface on your system, you must remove the 'HDILOAD.EXE' file from your disk storage. The XGA Adapter Interface is compatible only with Lotus Intel Microsoft expanded memory emulators (LIMulators) that provide physical address services for DMA Busmasters.