This file contains any changes to PCX2CCS for Windows and/or the manual. Feburary 1996 - Version 1.3 On the PRINT window, you can now specify specific pages to print October 1995 - Version 1.2 The following problems were reported and fixed: Scaling down height and width were swapped If the height or width was not evenly divisble by the scale amout, the progra could crash The following improvements were made: You can now incorporate a black & white library element September 1995 - Version 1.1 The following problems were reported and fixed: SAVE caused an APPLICATION ERROR If you added information to the print title, the program would crash The following improvements were made: If changes were made that should be saved in a CCS file, you will be informed of this. If you make any changes to the DMC information, and then make a change that would reload the DMC information from the master.dmc, you will be prompted to either re-load the master.dmc or NOT re-load it.