+--------------------------------------+ | | | INTERVIEW WITH DEF KLF / MAD VISION | | | +--------------------------------------+ Interviewed by the independent Slayer SLAYER: Hello Def Klf, can you present yourself and tell us what you are doing in the band? DEF KLF: So, I am Def KLF, we haven't real fixed functions in Mad Vision,I do GFX,lame code,Amazine,swapping... well I like to say I'm the conscience of the band, even if it doesn't really mean something... I have been 20 years old last june and I'm french. SLAYER:The codename Def Klf was used by you & Alexis. Is it still used for both of you? DEF KLF: Well,in the begining of M.V,we didn't have any codenames. We wanted 2B anonymous, a bit like the 42 Crew was. But everybody asked us, who did that intros or menus or asked us who slagged them off. So we took codenames. Alexis lives not so far from my home, and I don't release anything without his approval and that's the same thing for him. We are "complementary". So we used the same name. At the present time for Amazine Def KLF is only me (Cedric) but for cracks, code or anything else, either we don't use any name or we use Def KLF one or even sometimes Alexis uses his real name. SLAYER: You are 1 of the founder of Mad Vision, can you summarize how you set up the band & tell us who were the founder members? DEF KLF: I wrote in the last issue the story of M.V, so that's not really useful, I repeat the same thing. But in 1989 we were 3 school-friends: me, Alexis,and Fantasia-who coded most of our 1st intros-,but he is unknow becauz we didn't use any name at this time. Fantasia is not active anymore because he lives in Paris now, and he bought a big PC.But if he can afford a Falcon he might be back in the crew. SLAYER: What motivated you to make game menus,and why did you stopped on cd Y ? DEF KLF: We began our menus to spread cracks from Maxi of the Replicants, then we received many encouragements,so we decided to continue with cracks from the Replicants.But in the begining that was just for fun, that's why our menus were called:A,B,C... we didn't think we could release more than 2 or 3 menus. I'm still amazed by our success because the games were "hot" but most of them, especially in the begining had bugs. But our aim was only to write stupid scrollers, to spread replicants- cracks and not to have a challenge with BBC, TMB,P.P. or any other real menu teams. To make menus is-like everything- very boring after a few months. We wanted to stop with menu Z, but summer-hollidays were there before the menu Z. And finally it was funny to stop with a meny Y,because many people expected and asked us the Z. SLAYER: I remember that you had the pro -ject of a disk-mag in mind since about one year, how did the idea came to you and were you influenced by Maggie or other disk-mags? DEF KLF: The idea of a disk-mag comes of course from Maggie, I was a fan in the beginning, but the last issues were from my point of view a bit boring, always the same interviews, game tests, it was not very radical or revolution- nary for an underground disk-mag. I've also seen one or two amiga disk- mags which are very more interesting than ST one,even if I don't really know the Amiga scene and actors. I also like very much classic magazines -on paper-, I read a lotsa mag ;whereas I haven't read a single book for more than 10 months ! SLAYER: Is it because of the Massive Attack or is there another reason for having released the first issue only in June 92? DEF KLF: I told the rest of the team a long time ago about Amazine, but they were not very enthusiastic. I thought I was not able to release it alone. So no issue, even if I was still thinking about ideas of articles. MAY-JUNE 92 many bands split up,or have troubles with "authorities", we were about to stop MV, but I & Spy 3 wanted to do something before quitting; The Gangster,you-Slayer- and other people finally helped us to release the mag. SLAYER: Speaking of the Massive Attack which was also in project since a long time, I have in mind the preview of the maze on which one of the coders worked on at the Trans Beauce 2, is the result what you expected? DEF KLF: To be quite straightforward about it, we didn't expected anything from that laby. And I thought we would never finish & use it like many other thing we do. We have been told by someone it was lame. That's not very nice, or easy to use, but as far as the code is concerned that's an interesting idea... I think... SLAYER: No, I talked about the whole demo.... DEF KLF: Well, I like it. The screens are quite good, but we have made a few mistakes... Rythme is missing, some scrollers are too long, the same music during the demo would be better, and an "alternative-menu" would be welcome. But as I've said we like it, we aren't ashamed of having done it. Just I'm a bit sad that we released it in a period where the scene was sleeping, so no disk-mag tested it,and it hasn't really been spread. SLAYER: Mad Vision has acquired a bad reputation with many peoples because of the wars you had with groups like the Empire, Overlanders or guys like Ruthless, do you have any regrets? DEF KLF: No,we haven't. We can justify all that we did. Our motto: " NO COMPROMISE" is sometime a bit hard to apply, but we have never keep a low profile. We have always say what we think about bands,persons or attitudes. Sometimes brand new bands slag us off, but we don't react even if they spread bullstories about us. We have only attacked very known bands, because they didn't behave well and that many people admired them: EMPIRE,OVR,RUTHLESS... In fact we like fights which are lost from the beginning. SLAYER: You used to tag in Pau, do you continue? What is your motivation? DEF KLF: I almost stopped 3 months ago, because all my friends I used to tag with, have been arrested by police. And because most people when they see some tags think:"Oh again that fuckin' arabs who get our town dirty!". Whereas I am french,& I don't come from an under- privileged social class. When I tag that's not for me an aggression, but tags play into F.N. & racialist hands. But,sometimes,I go tagging alone, just to show I'm still alive,but that's less funny. My motivations...It's a way to exist in a "parallel world",to use an aerosol bomb is cool -I like that-,and when you are with your friends or alone when the city sleeps, you are in a state of nervous tension because of the police, it's an exciting challenge. SLAYER: I know that your favourite group is the Pixies, what other groups do you listen to? DEF KLF: The Pixies are from America, as American rock bands , I also like: Dynosaur JR,Yo la tengo, Nirvana, REM,Sonix Youth... As rap bands, I like PE #1 , Heroes of Hiphoprisy, Arrested D,A tribe C.Q. I also like indy european rock: My bloody valentine, Inspiral carpet, The Charlatans,Planet ZEN,Boo radley's... I also like inventive techno,and french rap bands,like I.A.M., Suprem NTM -just their music and their energy not their confused lyrics-,Boo Du Con production, ,Massillia Sound System,Les Littles.... SLAYER: Do pay attention to the lyrics of the groups you are listening to? DEF KLF: It depends on the music. I like Heroes of Hiphoprisy for their lyrics, I enjoy Public enemy or rock for the music, and the energy they give you,most of the time I don't understand their lyrics. But I can hate bands for their attitudes or lyrics like Guns n' roses. SLAYER: You now have your Bac (equival- -ent of the A-level in France), do you have any idea of what you are going to do next year? DEF KLF: I'm going to University to learn economy... 60 minutes before my registration, I didn't know if I wanted to go to learn Geography or Economy... SLAYER: What do you think of the future of the Atari ST? DEF KLF: The question I ask myself at the moment is how much can I sell my ST. SLAYER: I know you are intending to buy the new Falcon 030, do you think that Atari will release a computer without any bugs and will not repeat the same errors than with the STs? DEF KLF: I'm not a fortune teller. Whatever,the Falcon is a great machine And I'm sure that all the 1st demos on Falcon will have messages like FUCK OFF AMIGA,ATARI RULES. It will be possible to do things we can't imagine yet. The only problem will come from my point of view,that 4 megs and a hard disk will be necessary. SLAYER: Okay, I will write down some words and you will just write down what strikes you right away... POLICE: All that I know about them, from my seldom experiences is that the most understanding are national police, the suckers are local policemen, because they are not very intelligent, educated trained... FRANCE TELECOM: Phone calls are too expensive but that is the same thing everywhere. TV: The opium of the people. CLAUDIA SCHIFFER: A good old friend but I lost his phone number. NAOMI CAMPBELL: I used to go out with her sister. FAVE FOOD: I like good breads(!)(French and mediterranean one ). French and Italian food rule, don't bother me with Hamburgers, that's good because it's soft and full of sugar but it can't be compared with good soups,cheese... BEST CONCERT: Might be one of my first one, I was 12, that was a french rock band:TELEPHONE. BEST CP: I haven't been to so much good CP. Best one might be one of the partiz we did with only Mad Vision, Factory & Impact members drinking and watching X-movies 24 hours a day during 2 or 3 days. Transbeauce 1 was cool too, not too much people so you could talk to everybody, even if Pendragons was there but it helps me to understand what "hiprocrisy" and "cowardice" mean. ALCOOL: I don't like alcool, I mean I drink to party but not really for the taste. I don't also think being completely drunk is cool. I like to remember what I've done the night before. DRUGS: I'm against all drugs even so- called soft drugs like Shit.Not because I think it's dangerous,but because when you buy Shit you support a dealer, and so if he got money he will stay in a marginalized social group. To buy drug generates at long term delinquency. Moreover where the fuck do you think Italian Maffia got its money from ? That's because lamers buy Shit from little dealers who buy drugs from a bigger dealer who buy drug from people from the Maffia who bring drug to your country. You may laugh and say I'm a sad guy but that's the truth. CRACKED GAME SELLERS: I hate game selling at european level, but if you are from an active band of the scene and if it is to afford your stamps, phone-cards and sometimes a record or to go watching a movie that's okay. MODEMS: Would be okay if phone calls were less expensive.Actually a good way to do illegal things, to have troubles and to create disparities between bands which has got one & others who haven't. Moreover post-swapping is a good thing because it let a bit more time to software companies to sell their games. PHONE PHREAKING: Cool, if you haven't any troubles and if nobody must pay your phone calls. AUDIO TAPE TRADING: The best thing to do to fight the expensive CD. I hate CD because the sound is metallic, they are expensive whereas they cost the same price as vynil or a tape and the sleeves are tiny. SLAYER: Is there something you want to add to this interview? DEF KLF: I haven't included that inter- view in Amazine, because to put his interview in his disk-mag is a bit egocentric,isn't it? I just want to say the idea comes from Slayer, and that I've nevertheless enjoyed VERY MUCH answering those questions and I hope I didn't bore you with all my "truths". SLAYER: Def Klf, thank you for answering my questions.