Registration Details for DUET 1.00 (c) 1994 Andreas Alich ========================================================= DUET is Shareware. If you like the program and use it regularly you are encouraged to pay a fee. However, Duet has no fixed fee, like most Shareware, and the author asks you to send whatever you feel the program is worth. The suggested fee is 6-10 UK Pounds or 10-20 DM, depending on whom you send the registration fee to. Even a postcard or Email with feedback is better than nothing. Denesh also accepts registrations from America and Canada. The suggested US Dollar fee is 10-15 US Dollars. You may send International Money Orders, or contact Denesh for details of where you can send a cheque to, local to you. Remember that without any feedback/registrations, the author will not be inclined to updating the program or fixing the bugs. There is no point if the product is not being used, or is not needed in the Atari market. So if you do use this, then please register. If there is something you want implemented, then contact either the author or Denesh. Send the shareware fee/feedback to: Andreas Alich Rittergasse 4 D-97070 Wrzburg Account Number: 5102900 Bank Code: BLZ 790 500 00 Bank: Stdtische Sparkasse Wrzburg E-Mail: MausNet: Andreas Alich @ W Internet: Andreas_alich@wue.Maus.De UK users, please make cheques/postal orders payable to Denesh Bhabuta and send your registration fee/feedback to Denesh Bhabuta CyberSTrider 203 Parr Lane Unsworth Bury Lancashire BL9 8JW UK Email: +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Danny (Denesh Bhabuta) | | | The CyberSTrider =);-) | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+