LAMER AID(S) SHIT ABOUT LAMERS BY MR.COOL This talk about lamers and lamers and lamers is somewhat driving me mad! What can one do about a problem with this great size. I mean they are everywhere sometimes you can't even recognise them at first sight! Hey and that can be a real bummer! For example I was out walking on one of these wonderful nights we have here in Sweden "yes Slimer I now thats advertise for Sweden but what the fuck!!" Well as I said I was out walking when this normal looking character went up to me and asked me why I was wearing this Atari jacket with the sign Atari we are the Champions. So I told him the truth and the bastard laughed in my face and started screaming that Amiga "sorry for the bad language" was the future machine and the Atari was a dead machine! So I said to the poor slot hey, have you ever seen an Atari in action? No he said but what the point and he laughed again. So I told him all the good sides of owning an Atari and guess what he bought an Atari later on! So that guy went from lamer status to a nice guy status and that started to make me think about what one can do about all this lamer problems in the world! In the past they have had Cancer AID Farm, AID Africa, Aid AIDS AID and God knows what else? What I'm talking about is a worldwide crusade against those pagan lamers and convert them before they run all over us. I haven't really yet got a good plan of how you can do this without killing half of the population on earth but I'm open for any suggestions. Mr Cool is the name so please send in some of YOUR good ideas how we can make this world an unlamer planet!