READ ME Read Me, Hello people and welcome to another issue of the D.B.A. Magazine. We of the D.B.A. are searching for people who want to write articles for us. What we especially looking for are, * Adventure Solutions and tips. * Game Solutions. * Public Domain Software for us to review. * Hints and Tips( about the ST ). In the next issue of the D.B.A. Magazine we are planning to start a contact corner for people who want to swap software. So, send your contact advert's to us and we will place them in the contact corner. If you don't want to write articles for us, then you can always write us a nice letter. You can write to us with your ideas and problems but you can also tell us what a wonderful magazine we are making. If you do that then we will probably dump your letter in the letters corner. As you can see, we have a lot of plans and ideas for this magazine, so it would be nice if you helped us out ! Remember it's all for free and we do this on a non profit base !!! Donations to our magazine will be used to pay our poststamps, disks, paper, envelope's and a lot of other costs with. Don't forget the time we've spend on this magazine, most of us have a job and do this article writing just for the fun of it and to please you( the reader). Do remember that this magazine is Public Domain and that you may copy this disk freely to all your friends, enemies and contacts. This is the proof that we at D.B.A. are very nice and loveable people. SPREAD THIS MAGAZINE LIKE A DISEASE AND MULTIPLY IT LIKE A RABBIT !! Okay, go and read another article and have a lot of reading fun. D.B.A. rules.......... Slimer of the D.B.A.