MULTI DE-PACKER This new a smart utility was send in by Wingleader of Armalyte Inc. and we (DBA) wanna thank him for sending it in. If you also have some nice prg's please be free and send them in... ******************************************************** * A R M A L Y T E - D E P A C K E R V. 1.8 * ******************************************************** Yes I did it again another high quality product from Armalyte Inc. I (Wingleader from Armalyte Inc.) made this program for everybody to enjoy or to throw away. Some facts about this program : - It will depack Ice 2.40, Atomik 3.3, Jam 4.0 LZH,LZW, Automation 5.01 PROGRAMS and DATA. - You can depack file by file or multiple depack. - When you choose multiple depack you can choose between Automatic Save or Saving by Hand. - Next you have to state the Drive and Path you wish to search. - If you want to stop searching while searching press ESCAPE. - If you want to stop searching press Quit in the alert-box( Save, Next, Quit). - If you do not want to save the file which was depacked press Next and the program will continue with searching. - If you press Cancel in the file-selector while multiple depack the program will save the depacked file under the name 'EMPTY.DAT' in the current directory. 'The program itself can be found in the folder PROGRAMS on this disk.' If you want to write me to tell me about Bugs or other reasons except illegal coping : ********************************** * Wingleader from Armalyte Inc. * * Majoraan 45 * * 8101 DS RAALTE * * HOLLAND * **********************************