Hello and Goodbye! Take 1: Look at the contents of this issue! Not much eh? So... Why not take and write to us a letter in cold blood asking us if you can join us in making this magazine! (Of course you can, no need to ask!) Meanwhile, in another universe, the adress to InCoders are: Gcr InC Magazine Mor”gatan 18b S-931 39 Skellefte† Sweden Take 2: Go and look at the text in the last issue. Much more refined than this one and more informative. The only objective we have to include a new one here is to keep the tradition intact. The tradition to tell you our adress so you can write to us. The only question is WHY! Why indeed! Why should you scribble us a note? Because we need help to fill this magazine with texts of any topic and nature. Why not join us in making this excellent magazine even better. If you're interested in that or other topics that requires a fast letter to this adress: InC Magazine Mor”gatan 18b S-931 39 Skellefte† Sweden.