%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I N S I D E I N F O %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~~~~~~~ No 51 ~~~~~~~ EDITORIAL 12/3/91 ==================== Thanks to John Nielson and Bill Young for responding to my plea in I.I. No 50's editorial for more articles by ACE members. John Nielson's contributions appear in this issue, and several of Bill's pictures. Bill is working on an article on how he did them, for I.I. No 52. March General Meeting - TT soon for Oz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alistair Campion informed ACE members present at the March general meeting that an official announcement detailing availability of the TT and the Mega STe would be made soon. The entry price of the TT will be approximately $6,500. Alistair also announced that a '386 board for the TT was being developed by Sacks, creators of PCSpeed. The 32 mhz TT demonstrated at the March meeting impressed everyone with it's speed and power. This issue has several screenshots of Atari's new desktop incorporated into the TT - TOS (3.1), and the new control panel. A disk based version of TOS 3.1 has made it's way to Australia from Europe. Members are advised that this (illegal) version is rumoured to be unstable on the ST and takes up almost 200K of RAM. US user groups are clamouring for an ST version of the TT desktop. An optimised (illegal) version of TOS has appeared in Germany codenamed KAOS (see the EURO ECHOS for messages concerning KAOS and TOS 3.1). Infodisk program works on the TT! DITEK International ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oran Asher, the president of Ditek International, visited the March meeting. He gave a most informative presentation on his company's ongoing development of Calamus and Dynacadd. According to Oran a version of Calamus is being developed to run under X Windows (Unix), with support for virtual memory. Calamus S/L, with versions for the ST/TT shipped in the same box, is slated for an August release. With Calamus S/L Ditek is introducing 'open design' - hooks built into the program to allow integration with other packages. For example 'hooks' built into Calamus, will allow integration of Calamus with the Compugraphic family of fonts. Ditek is also integrating the 'modular' approach with DynaCadd 3.0 due for release in the third quarter ('91). Users will have access to internal commands within DynaCadd, permitting customized modules. A compiler and linker will be included. Other features include floating palettes and configurable icons. As with Calamus, DynaCadd - initially developed on the ST, is making the migration to other systems (IBM, Unix and Macs). Oran praised the ST system, as being a relatively straightforward system for software development. He asserted that DynaCadd running on the TT equals a Macintosh 68040 system for speed and performance! Ditek plans to take the modular approach to the extent that we may see an integrated version of Calamus AND DynaCadd. Oran's demo of DynaCadd on the TT was eye- popping fast! SUBMISSIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~ Address submissions : ST EDITOR GPO BOX 4514 SYDNEY 2001 NSW AUSTRALIA Or leave mail to Greg Smith on ACE BBS. ADVERTISERS ~~~~~~~~~~~ ASCII text files or DEGAS/ELITE picture files can appear automatically at bootup as well as within the main program. *Note ASCII text files to appear at bootup are limited to 23 lines per screen. Greg Smith Support Shareware Authors ! ---+++<*>+++---