* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A P P L I C A T I O N S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # For ordering info see "How to order" under this menu header. AP1 VIP PROFESSIONAL TEMPLATES - Many useful templates including BUDGETS, CHEQUE. AP2 VIP PROFESSIONAL TEMPLATES - SALES, NETWORTH, HOME, PAYROLL, REBATE, RETURNS. AP3 VIP PROFESSIONAL TEMPLATES - LEASE, FUTURE PLANNING, INVOICES, BUDGET, CHEQUE, RECORD, INCOME, LOAN, STOCK, TAX, PAY. PLEASE NOTE THESE ARE FOR USE WITH THE VIP PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME. IT IS NOT THE PROGRAMME ITSELF. 'VIP' IS A COMMERCIAL PRG. AP4 DATA BASES - DBMASTER GOOD, SIMPLE DATA BASE. AP5 SPREADSHEET - VISICALC CLONE (WAS O7). AP6 DATA BASE COLLECTION; FIRST BASE. CARDFILE. FREEBASE - Includes an Address prg. DATA HANDLER. MUSIC INVENTORY. MOST HAVE DOC AND SAMPLE FILES. AP7 SHEET - BY CHOR-MING LUNG - SHAREWARE With 255 X 1280 Cells - GEM Based. Excellent. Full doc. inc.Sheet ACC also inc. AP8 DBMASTER ONE - Excellent DATABASE with help screens, cut paste, transfer between files and MORE! DATA 1-3 - This is very good! You can add your cheque book info! AP9 ZAPCARD - Version 2.1 by J.A.Wrotniak. The card filer, well set out. Easy to follow. Password option. Demo file included. Help available. Print option, enter keywords, usual search/ add/ replace/ delete/ find/ save functions. TCOS - version 1.2 by Mathew P. Aubury, information storage system in card format, excellent documentation has add/ search/ load/ delete and other options "IMPORTS PI3 (Degas Hi res pics) AND CONVERTS THEM TO IMG FORMAT". Demo file included shows TCOS excellent capabilities, including examples and possible uses. Overall an excellent presentation by the author, how many other PD type databases include graphics? - none that I know of. M/H. AP10 PAY - V3.PRG This is a shareware payroll program from Wilford Niepraschk that will allow you to do a complete payroll without changing screens. M/H. FIRST FLEET FILE - A list of your convict ancestors, and their crimes. You must have Data Manager ST. AP11 ADBASE - Ver 1.1. Shareware by Steve McMillan. An address book/ telephone directory. Features are ADD (can use control/A) can use up/down arrow keys, EDIT (control/E), undo even erases entire list to text your cursor is currently positioned on, SEARCH Can save a crunched subset to disk or send it to printer, MERGE two files together, maximum length of dbase is 400 records, drop down menus plus other features inc Hot Keys (eg control/A) COLOUR/MONO. CDBASE - Nice graphics interface to help organise your compact disks, cassettes - whatever. Mouse or keyboard control. Allows up to 997 entries. Fields - title, artist, style, spans & rating. Search, edit, delete, sort & print options. COLOUR ONLY. VIDBASE - Shareware. A video tape library, fields - tape ID, movie title, year, category, industry rating, length, tape position, 2 names, Add, Edit, Delete, Search, Sort, Print, View, Page Mode, Set colours & preferences, Merge files. Utility to convert Ascii files to VIDBASE format. COLOUR ONLY AP12 OPUS SPREADSHEET - VER 2.2 Shareware by Doug Harrison. Needs 1 meg RAM and Double sided drive. GDOS or G+PLUS. Read Install Doc carefully. This is a very nice s/sheet. Many of the usual features. Includes a Chart Prg. Many read me files, samples. On line help and an extensive doc. Registered users will receive ver 2.3 which is WKS file (Lotus, LDW, VIP) compatible. Just US$15.00!!. M/H AP13 LOAN_D.PRG - With this shareware program from John Tutlis, you can calculate payment schedules for all kinds of loans. You can retrieve your last calculations with just a press of the right mouse button. It will also produce hard copy screen dumps and ASCII printouts. M/H MUSICINV.PRG - Music Inventory V3.0 By Larry D Duke, allows you to keep up with your music collection, easy to use. GEM M/H. THE_VCR.PRG - VCR Organiser V2.20 By David W Binnion. Allows you to keep your VCR tape catalogue updated. It has some very nice features. M/H. AP14 INTERVUE A Question & Answer program By Tyson Gill Version 1.0. SHAREWARE. Designs & executes multiple choice questionaires. Includes a DESIGNER program for designing your own questions & answers sessions and the SESSION program for the intervue. The programs have been written in a user friendly style. Session detail can be saved to a file. A great degree of complexity can be entererd into the tree structured data base. Can include DEGAS PI2 or PI3 pictures. Extensive documentation. M/H. AP15 DHANDLE13 SHAREWARE by Tom Robertson & Richard Guthrie. A data base handler for recording brief resumes of magazine articles etc & provides quite good search facilities. Data files are included for some ATARI ST magazines. Good documentation. D/S M/H. AP16 YOUR SECOND ATARI MANUAL- Ver.5 by Andreas Ramos. Everything you wanted to know about your ST. Excellent. A must. AP17 SHEET - V 2.5P by Chor Ming Lung.Updated version of this fine shareware spreadsheet. AP19 HOME ACCOUNTING PACKAGE - By G. Engel. A simple acc. system for home and small business. Includes cash payments cash received, general and sales journals. Doc inc. Demo program included. Col/Mono DR SPEAK IT - By G. Engel.- A talking "Eliza" type prg. - talk to someone friendly. Col/Mono AP20 ADBASE V1.4 By Steve MacMillan. A dedicated Address and phone Database program for keeping names and numbers. It has an upper limit of 400 addresses and saves its files in regular ASCII text. Several new features, including: Adbase can be installed as an application; a quick and easy marking feature; delete with search; and addresses can be cloned for editing. Many bug fixes including better slide bar response. M CARDFILE-V.1.4 by G.T. Software Limited to 10 address cards 4 appointments, nicely set out, print outs,etc Col/H Demo of Personal Accounts Plus-non working but gives you a good look at THE EASIEST PERSONAL A/CS PRG I`VE SEEN OR EVEN A MEMBER WHO IS AN ACCOUNTANT HAS SEEN!! Extreemly user friendly. Just press and type. Commercial version is A$59.95 from Computer 1. AP21 SHEET V2.0 Chor Ming Lung. Very friendly spreadsheet. You must register in order to use wks files.Well worth it! AP22 CASH REGISTER-A complete Cash Register and Inventory Control program. This sample version is fully functional but limited to only 75 records, 10 charge accounts, layaway accounts, COD mail accounts, and Givt Certificate accounts. Documentation included. THE REVOLUTION HANDBOOK-By Donald A. Thomas, Jr., 1989 Artisan Software, this 'handbook' comes with a viewer program that allows you to browse through the handbook on the screen. Handbook includes the following chapters: Introduction, Questions and Answers, General Principals, Benefits to Entrepreneurs, Recommended Pledges,Participant Registration, How to Apply this Handbook, Copyright and Trademark Protection, Acknowledging the Facts, What I Can Do As: An Individual,An Atari Publication, A Celebrity Endorser, A Computer Widow/widower, A Dealer, A Distributor, Promotions Manager, A Software Publisher/Developer, A Teacher, A Trade Show Organizer, A Sysop, A Users` Group, and What I Can Do As Sam Tramiel. AP23 INVENTORY PRO V 3.0-Shareware by High Tech Advisers. Simple and efficient inventory control system. Full documentation included. PAPERLESS ACCOUNTANT-Clester Keaton. shareware. No hard copy made at all full doc inc. Author feels this prg will suit many. Makes nice graphs and reports. AP24 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR V1.8. Use this program to help you estimate the quantity and cost of materials for various building projects. Very user friendly. BIG BUX-Work out your money,interest etc with this simple to use prg helps to calculate,interest to pay and other calculations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~