* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * G A M E S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * G1 BATTLESHIP - Sink the enemy. L MAZEMAKER - Print a maze to the screen or any text printer. M/H LIFE - Create/kill bacteria. Simple rules.colourful. L TWOGAMES - MASTERMIND/BOX THE DRAGON-Push the blocks around to capture the Dragon. L 21 - BLACKJACK. M TARGET - Blast the enemy. M/H WINDOW - Type of Breakout. Option to catch the ball. L CELESTE - Take over the universe. Space strategy game. M RIPCORD - Parachute or perish. Try to land on the target.L MEGAROIDS - Battle Asteroids and Aliens. M/H SCORE 4 - Get 4 Chips in a row.L G2 CAVE - 'COLOSSAL CAVE' THE Original famous text adventure. M/H ADVWRITER - Adventure Writing System + Sample. M/H COLUMBUS - Adventure using Advint.M/H G3 HOTSHOT -A Goood chequers game. Pull down menus containing many options. M/H STARTREK - Command the Enterprise and protect the Federation from the Klingons. You control phasers, shields, etc.M/H OGRE - Simple army strategy game, move infantry, armoured vehicles etc, to destroy the enemy. text. MONOPOLY - The board game. Good graphics.L G4 SLOTMATCH - Easy to play using mouse. Drop down menus. L DRAGON - Escape a maze without being caught by the dragon. WARZONE - Blast the tanks. H YAHTZEE - Same as the board game but much more palyable. L CHEQUERS - The game. Drop down menus. Simular to hotshot. M/H DALEKS - Save DR WHO.Drop down menus control the teleport and sonic screwdriver. Make them colide to win.Quite addictive! H FS II - 6 Scenarios for F.S.II NIGHT - Tag like game but with worms to move around instead. Playable with drop down menus. L POKER - The card game.M G5 BACKGAMMON - The board game. M BOULDERDASH - Popular 8 BIT game. Push around boulders and avoid the nasties. L MAZE - BASIC GAME QUICKFLIP BASIC GAME STARBATL- Space Invaders clone. M TUNNEL VISION- Find your way through a maze with a compass. Battery and damage indicators. Playable mouse controls. L G6 HACK - DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS Adventure. Many levels and a quest to complete. A text map unfolds as you journey through each level. H/M G7 PUZZLES - Various puzzles with good graphics and music. The mouse controls the pieces which you must put together to form a picture, meanwhile the pieces are moving around. H G8 KIDSFUN 2 - MakeAkiken Drum-put him together. Good fun. L ABC - game. Piano - Mouse controlled, educational.L G9 KIDSFUN 3, KIDGRAPH - 3 Sample pics. You can draw your own.L KIDGRID-Same as KIDGRAPH also 3 sample pics.L KIDPIANO AND ORGAN L KIDMUSIC - Plays nursery rhymes.L KIDNOTES - Play your own tunes.L G10 KIDSFUN 4 SPELLPIC- BASIC GAME. L WORDPIC. FIRSTMATH - Various levels - Great graphics,a good tutor for children from 5-10, Teaching spelling,maths and recognition at different levels. L PUZZLE.ACC ST INTRO - Explains the DESKTOP. M SUPERSIMON - Repeat the sequence of colours and notes. L G11 THE PLANETS- DOUBLE SIDED DISK. Great prg. With pics of the Planets,Moons and Asteroids with information about each. Educational. L G12 MOTORCYCLE- Simulator need good reflexes. M GO - VER 1.2 - The ancient chinese board game. Looks good. H HOTSHOT CHEQUERS - M/H LIFE - SPEECH SYNTHESIS. L MATCHING- Match two objects in a row and win. Synthesised voice Simple but good fun! H G13 CASINO CRAPS DRAGON MAZE V2.01 - Use cursor keys L' ORB - PINBALL. DARTS- Realistic dart board game. ALL COLOUR. G14 TRIFFIDE-Arcade quality scrolling "Shoot every thing that moves Very good controls many levels. L GALAXIAN - Great graphics. Col ZXYM - XEVIOUS CLONE - Col LABYRINTH - PINBALL/MAZE. Col WALL STREET. Sharemarket simulation. Easier than "STOCKS & BONDS. Quite good. L G15 GAUNTLET DEMO. Clone of the arcade game.This one is not as full featured and only allows two players at once,but is a very enjoyable team game with 20 levels. M ELVES 87- Large text adventure where you as an elf must help SANTA deliver the Christmas presents. M/H G16 STOCKS & BONDS - Ver 3.0. Comprehensive stockmarket simulation strategy game. H G17 SLALOM SKI-ING - Simulation, tricky. L BATTLE FOR THE THRONE - Fight bandits. Strategy type game. L G18 3 ADVENTURES - CITY OUT OF BOUNDS, ONCE A KING, SYSTEM 5. - SHORT TEXT ADVENTURES. SYSTEM 5 Is quite different in that you simulate using a modem to uncover an espionage ring. M/H G19 INVADERS - Space Invaders.H ANDURIL - Very hard. Guide yourself through a cave without running into walls. Good graphics. H BALLERBURG - Battle between two castles (Computer or players) involving cannon balls. Choose population, gun powder, gold mines etc. German instructions but easy to figure out. Good graphics,very playable. H DIAMOND MINER - Strategy. Move the man around to collect diamonds without rocks falling on him. Design your own screens.H MONO EMULATOR - RUN MONO PROGRAMS ON A COLOUR MONITOR. G20 NAVAL BATTLE - A Battleship game with speech synthesiser. BY JOHN HUTCHINSON. 520 AND 1040 VERSIONS AND SINGLE/DOUBLE SIDED PLEASE SPECIFY L/H G21 EXTENSOR - Tron clone. Drive a car around the Droids to trap the man in the quickest time. Great graphics and music. H/M G22 LASERBASE- Missile Command. COL 8D PRG CHEQUERS. COL SPK PRG - HACMAN CLONE. COL. POOL - MONO-Good game. TUNNEL VISION - SEE DISK G5. L CBA G23 TWIXT Strategy game - 1 OR 2 Players MAGNON - Short adventure. NIGHTCRAWLERS - Strategy game for 1 TO 4 Players. TWILIGHT ZONE - Adventure.Missile. MISSILE- Missile Command game.colour. G24 LOST TREASURE- Reclaim treasure from pirates.L BLASTER - USES MIDI. col HI Q - Clear the board by jumping pegs.col ST TAC TOE - Noughts & Crosses - 3 Levels. COLOUR. G25 BOUNCING BOUBLES-Good but different Shoot em up.H TENNIS.A bit difficult to play. H RUNNERS REVENGE.H AWARI - Ancient African strategy game.H MORTARMAN - Stop the tank.Using angle and velocity H. G26 ACADEMY - SPACE GAME. Design a spaceship, choose a mission, and pilot the ship in real time. Good graphics.L PINBALL - arcade game using mouse and keyboard. L CANYON BOMBER- Fly your helicopter over the canyon and drop the bombs onto the targets in the canyon below. col OVERTURE - Stay on the road. Col. G27 SWEEPER - CHARACTER BOMBER. Be quick to press keyboard as the letters light up.col SAM & ED - fun mouse/joystick basketball game for two. col MISSILE STATES - Learn USA states and cities. col CHESS - board game. col CHIPGAME - You become a computer. Col. G28 ORIGADV - Good text adventure, col LASERBASE - Missile command shoot em game. Col. G29 BUBBLES - Guide the bubbles through the cave. Beware of the drips and the bee! Good fun! H/col REVERSI ACC SHIBIT NUMBER GO DOTDASH - Good! Play a friend or Computer.H/col CHRISTMAS SONGS - many songs to play on your ST. G30 HACMAN - Pacman clone.col FOOTBALL- manage your team col. G31 ALIENS - character graphic/keyboard game.H/col. SANJTANJ - a nice 'defender' type game.col EXTEREME PREJUDICE - shoot the ships (by A. Wallace)col SOLITAIRE (BY D. Addison)- Canfield and Klondike versions.col TRIPLE YAHTZEE (by Wolfe).col 2 ACCs Minos (maze game) and Word Puzzle. G32 ADVSYS - (ANTIC US)- WRITTEN BY DAVID BETZ,- this is a complete LISP-like language for creating text adventure games. It offers special facilities for giving descriptions, parsing user-input sentences and handling objects and actors. Inc. complete doc on disk as well as 'STARSHIP COLUMBUS' AS SAMPLE.H/COL G33 LUNAR LANDER - Land your Lunar module. Requires good reflexes. col BREAKNOID - super Breakout in col. STONE AGE DELUX -Boulderdash type GAME .Collect jewels and drop bouldes on alien creatures. L SHIP COMBAT -Battle ship clone,blow up opponent. H G34 KRABAT - CHESS GAME - this one works in col/mono. You can even create your own boards. A most popular game with the PD clubs. PONG - good fun.(like tennis) score 4. col. G35 FLOYD THE DROID- Joy stick needed. Great shoot-em up, nice graphics and action. Floyd comes under attack from such things as C64's and Atari logos.L FLIGHT SIMULATOR Scenarios- Unless you happen to have flight simulator, then this one is not much use. G36 4 SCORE-Mouse controlled. Opponent is computer. Columns are provided for marbles to drop down, first to get 4 in a row wins. No Doc.L/M CRIBBAGE-Mouse controlled. Opponent is computer. Would have to know how to play cribbage for this one. No doc.L MEGABUCKS-Mouse controlled. Appears to be a Lotto selector, with 5 lots of random numbers to select. No documentation.L/M/H QUBIC- Mouse controlled. Tic Tac Toe type of game played on 4x4x4 grid, Opponent is computer. doc provided.L/M/H BLACKJACK- Mouse controlled. Rather lacklustre blackjack game, opponent is computer. No documentation.H ELIMINATION- Mouse controlled. Novel card game. compete against 6 computer opponents, object is to eliminate other players using card scores. Documentation provided.M/H FORTUNE COOKIE ACC Wisen up with wise old chinese sayings. G37 PIPE PANIC- joystick needed. Happy packed program, nice to watch load in colour. Object is to drill for oil drops without running into things. Nice graphics. Many levels, and can enter at various levels. action packed Doc. provided.L TENNIS- Mouse or joy stick controlled. Rather good tennis match, 2 players needed realistic sprites, although action is a bit klunkey. Documentation provided in French.M LOGICAL- Mouse controlled. Development tool for crossword solvers. Documentation provided.M/H G38 LOST TREASURE- joystick needed. The hero has to manouvere around a maze and find treasure, while being chased by pirates, ladders to climb, traps to trip into, bombs to step on etc. Documentation provided.L DRAW POKER- Mouse controled. Opponent is computer. Quite good if you like card games, good graphics. Documentation provided.L/H SOLITARE ACC Mouse controlled. Tired of reviewing PD games? A quick game of solitare will sharpen you up! Documentation provided.L/M/H G39 ESCAPE-Joystick needed. Manourvere knight around maze, collect treasure and avoid nasties. Things to pick up, spells to invoke, potions to drink. A bit Klunkey. Documentation provided.L/M HERO- Good and enjoyable dungeons & dragons type rescue. Load your heroes. Do read DOC first.COL G40 BOG- Mouse controlled. Boggle type game, a 4x4 grid is filled with letters Object is to guess words using adjacent squares. Computer then has a go, and calculates words in the time it took you to do so. Documentation provided.M/H RACE CARDS- Mouse controlled. Kids one. Combination addition and race game, forevery correct answer your car advances. object is to beat other car to finishing line. No Documentation. L KIDS STORY- Mouse controlled. Based on Litle Red Riding Hood story, except you get the chance to alter it somewhat. great for 5-9 year olds. No Documentation.L G41 K SHAPES- Mouse controlled. This is a building block type of affair, whereby coloured shapes can be selected to build bigger shapes, suitable for 5-9 year olds, good educational software, potential to be upgraded to paint package. Documentation provided.L MATCH ABC- Mouse controlled. From a large selection ofcards, try and remember matching pairs of letters. for two players. Good for both children and adults. Documentation provided.L G42 K SHAPESP- again! This one is for ages 9-adult.L QUIX- Keyboard controlled. Based on arcade game QIX, this version is not graphics based, but author claims version is being developed. Object is to fill in 75% of playing area without getting hit by the qix, fuse, or spar Documentation provided.L/M G43 ST VEGAS- Mouse controlled. Play against the computer in 4 different games. Try your luck with Poker, Roulette, Blackjack and Slot machines. Good graphics and action especially with slot machine. Documentation provided.L/M G44 CRAPS. DUCKROGERS - GOOD.col FLIPPER-load a NEO pic and turn it into a jigsaw.L HACMAN - pacman clone.col SHADOW- guess where your opponent's men are. COL. G45 KIDPUBLISHER - From Dot Brumleve, who gave us the Kidsfun prgs. good for primary age - both versionsare included. Your child can write a one page story - do a drawing and print it out. Very nice L CHILDPLAY - Drawing prg for very young children.L Press ESC to clear screen. CONTROL + C TO QUIT. MYSTERY - puzzles of logic with murder & intrigue. ALL COL. G46 EAMON ADVENTURE GAMES IN GFA BASIC- COL/MONO G47 MONO GAMES HOTELIER, BALLERBURG-see G19 STAGGER-WORM, ROULETTE, BREAKOUT ACC. TARGET-see G1 G48 FLIGHT SCENERIOS - FOR UNIVERSAL MILITARY SIMULATOR (if you have it) DOUBLE SIDED DISK. G49 HANGMAN Educational! able to make words to suit any age and abilility.Good. col JITTERBUGS - Space game. with Ship Editor full doc inc. good.col PENGO - Fast action, excellent graphics, Good.col LINEUP 4 ACC like connect 4. not bad. COLOUR. #See PD GAMES II for the continuation of this listing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~