* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * G E N E R A L * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O1 GENERAL - GRAPHUTIL - Graphics utilities MODEMS - Modem prg & extras, LOGO - Logo programs ACCESSORIES. PIXCONV - Converter prgs BASIC - BASIC prgs. DEMOS - Demos O2 FRACTALS - Mandlebrot O3 FONTS - For PUBLISHING PARTNER - Columbia,Saturn, Hudson. O4 CLIP ART - Various pics and borders for PUBLISHING PARTNER O5 NEWSDISK - Electronic Magazine, Printmaster Pics O6 COMPILATION - Sound effects, Sample Synth & Graphics Tinystuff Converter, Tinyview Prg, TINYPICS ST SPLITTER - splits and joins files. O7 MISC. PUB. - FONTS and BORDERS for PUBLISHING PARTNER O8 CLIP ART - COMPUTER,KIDS,GENERAL O9 COMPILATION - ST BASIC PRGS MEGAROIDS-game ST-TALK ARC COMMUNICATIONS PRG- some say this is the best!! CHECKERS. POPCORN DEMO. RIPCORD-game. col.ST BATTLE-game. O10 PUBLISHING PARTNER FONTS- Letter Gothic,Cyrillic,Broadway,PLUS!! FONT EDITOR with full manual on disk. O11 P.P. FONTS - Artistic col/mono. Lower case not supported. Freehand, a script font upper case only. University Roman. O12 CLIP ART - Many small pics in TINY3 format 22 screens. ideal for Publishing Partner.!! O13 CLIP ART - 23 screens mainly holiday pics. All of these disks include Dslide prg to view and Tiny view prg. O14 TYPEWRITER COURSE - Morsecode prg. A converter prg of 1st Word files to Becker text format. Inhalt - Word Plus editor. Index 1st Word Plus docs. In German but you can muddle through them. O15 CLIP ART - 300 + new icons & 36 new borders. Printmaster to DEGAS converter prg included can use for Pub. Partner. The conv. prg needs to be in the root directory to work. Once converted, you can run the slide show to view them. The pics are converted to DEGAS Hi Res. O16 CLIP ART - DEGAS format 4 screens full of pics.H O17 CLIP ART - 22 screens of TINY format pics.H O18 CLIP ART - DEGAS format - 10 screens of pics. H O19 COMPILATION - Word Count; Clock; Memory. GAMES-ST go; States; Laserchess; Astro-Panic; Character Combat; both in col. Chess-col version.X Directory; Twister-squeeze more space onto your disks! THIS IS A GOOD DISK! O20 MONO EMULATOR - run some mono prgs on a colour monitor. Address book. 4 DEGAS pics. Rambaby Acc - excellent RAM DISK with print spooler! Speed Mouse ACC very handy! Screen Grabber prg. snapshot Acc. TOXIC 2 PRG format /copy prg. Clock PRG sits on menu bar. Contents prg make your own!! O21 CLIP ART - These are Whimsical pics. Many and varied.H O22 PRINTER DRIVERS -8 for DEGAS. Plus many others and HEX files for 1ST WORD PLUS- DOUBLE SIDED DISK O23 ASSISTANT CHEF - RECIPE FILE whic allows adding and editing recipe files. L.M.GOOD! REFLEX - Test your reflexes find out if you're a turtle or too fast for your own good. 3 tries per test. Computes your average time. L.H. O24 ANCESTRY - Fairly full featured shareware designed to help you keep track of your roots. H/COL HYPNOSIS - SELF HYPNOSIS, put together by a trained counsellor. O25 CLIP ART - DOUBLE SIDED DISK-full of converted clip art from Print Master in DEGAS format for Pub. Partner or others.H O26 GIFSHOW - with doc & 2 Pics. GIF to SPC Pic conv. SOUNDS - PLAYIT - Digital - Superman, Loneranger, Mr. ED,Rhett. ST. Speech TOS. Slide Prg. Jack Tramiel PIC O27 FAMILY TREE 2- Seems to be all you need.H/COL QUIZ PRG.- 4.1 Multiple choice maker-good for teachers. O28 CLIP ART- 30 files of various pics-inc Disney, Fantasy, Fun, story, Kids, Macpics, sport, women .You can convert these to mono with PICswitch 7 Prg - (not on disk). COL O29 CLIP ART-IMG format PLUS CONVERTER PRG for your DEGAS/NEO ART DIRECTOR pics to IMG.MONO O30 CLIP ART-IMG-cartoon type,general,sport,baby,headings. These are of very good standard. Plus a few TINY pics. Picswitch 7 prg. Mono. O31 CLIP ART-IMG-DOUBLE SIDED disk full of some excellent pics children, holiday, 4th July, US Presidents, transport, women, valentine & many small pics converted from TNY format. Mono. O32 CLIP ART - Good quality art : fish, people. Tinystuff converter prg. Picswitch 7 Prg with STAR NX1000 colour printer driver. View prg. mono. O33 CLIP ART-IMG-DOUBLE SIDED disk- animals, computer stuff, flags, military, sports, MAC converted pics. MONO O34 CLIP ART-TINY-People and headings. PrintMaster Icon Prg. Picswitch 7 prg.YOU MAY FIND SOME OF THE IMG PICS ARE LARGER THAN YOU ARE USED TO, MANY WOULD BE GOOD FOR CARDS.YOU MAY FIND YOU NEED TO REDUCE/EVEN ENLARGE THEM IN A PAINT/DRAWING PRG TO GET THE REQUIRED SIZE. YOU MAY WANT TO DO THIS WITH ANY OF THE CLIP ART- THEY COULD BE USED FOR ANYTHING!!! O35 SUB_CAL- The PD version of EL_CAL, Elementary calculator, Sub-call computes arithmetic expressions entered in human readable form eg (sin(3y-2x)-cos(3y+2x))-atn(b,b-2^a). This can be modified or recomputed, definite integrals, deminutives or sdre equations, it will solve polynomial equations up to the third degree a simple plotting feature is included, uses GEM and on line help which can be printed out. COL/MONO. O36 FONTS & BORDERS- in DEGAS (pc3) format for Pagestream, converted by a club member from disk O4 MONO only DOUBLE SIDED. O37 SPORTS CLIP ART- 24 screens of Macintosh clip art, some pics duplicated from other disks, good quality in TNY format (use picswitch prg to convert them to DEGAS. MONO. O38 DAYS.PRG- Did you ever wonder what Stardates (as in StarTrek) were? This program will display the current stardate, the Julian date, the Gregorian date, Earthdate, Greenwich Time (GMT) and the length of time your computer has been running. LOW/MED/HI. CALENDER.PRG - Have you ever wondered when the first Friday the 13th will be in the year 2233? Well, here's a program that will answer the question for you. GEM based. Allows you to find any month and/or year from the years 1800 to 2800. LOW/MED/HI. O39 CLASS.PRG - VER 2.02 bY GARY WREN. Shareware. Combination of data base and spreadsheet as a record of students and their tests, quizes. etc. For teachers. Doc Inc. M/H FOODBAR.TOS - By Alex Fetesoff. Shareware. Provides a database of nutrients for various foods you have ingested. Just follow the prompts and read the Doc. LMH O40 GEOGRAPHY TUTOR VER1.2 BY ASDE INC. Shareware. Working Demo. Maps of all kinds of countries many inc, - more if you buy it US39.95 Facts on all kinds of topics. Must read doc to instal. Good on line help. Med/Hi. Had good reviews. READER22.PRG BY (as above) Excellent text reader. Auto table of contents Many options,include adding notes. English or French just click! Print it out/ what you want. M/H O41 KEYBRD.PRG - KEYBOARD.PRG is a nice shareware typing tutor program by Steven Schmitz. It will really help you with your typing skills. M-H LBLMAX.PRG - This shareware program will allow you to make labels in the 3.5" format (if you donate, you can get a version that will also allow you to make 5.25" and mailing labels). Easy to use. M/H EUROKEYS - Put in AUTO folder. No Doc. Turns an American keyboard into a European keyboard. EASY TEXT - ver1.2 ZZSOFT DESKTOP PUBLISHER. Uses GDOS (or not,if you don't have it) can load GDOS fonts. Some inc. Good doc inc. Very nice prg. 043 DOUBLE SIDED COMPILATION!! TAX_PLAN.TOS - Digita's Personal Tax Planner. STARWREK.PRG - An adventure game by HAT. INVADERS.TOS - Classic arcade game by Robert Leong. ARCX.TTP - File de-archiver to de-archive files with ARC extension. FACE1.ARC\FACE2.ARC\GIRL.ARC\CAMERA2.ARC - Archived .IMG pic files. IMGPRINT.PRG - Displays .IMG picture files. KIDSTORY.ARC - Another superb Dorothy Brumleve children's program. FILECOPY.PRG - Useful filecopier for single drive STs. SUITE_16.PRG - Machine code multi-function interrupt driven demo. CRC.PRG - Check the files on your disc with this program. BATTLEX.BSC - Battleships for two STs.....link them via and RS232 and play against another ! BATMONO.BSC - Mono version of battleships. POOLS\POOLS.TOS - Football pools predictor QFIND15\QUIKFIND.PRG - Displays directory contents. QFIND15\QVIEW13.PRG - Displays text files. STACATTO.FLD\STACCATO.PRG - Superb music program. O44 CLIP-ART -26 IMG pics From trains,trendy,trucks,tucan,turkey.etc no viewer included. 045 GODSPEED-By B. Moore,ported by T. Zerucha. A Bible search prg but has Gospel only Demo. read doc. It works. 046 THE SEEKER -VER.D. By Larry Mears. A non-GEM utility for the free study of the Bible see disks 047,048,049. Includes sample Bible texts. in King James Version.COl/mono Must read doc on how to incorporate extracted files for use with prg. SPECIAL PRICE WHEN PURCHASED WITH DISKS 047,8,9 - 4 DISKS$20.00 FOR THE SET. 047 OLD TESTAMENT1-Arced files of the Old Testament. Bible 1-/Exod 1-23 Gen 1-50 Bible 2-/ Exod 23-40/ Lev 1-27/ Num 1-17 Bible 3-/ Deut 1-34/ Josh 1-15/ Num 18-36 Bible 4-/ 2Sam 1-4/ 1Sam 1-31/ Josh 16-24/ Judges 1-21 Ruth 1-4 Col/Mono D/S 048 OLD TESTAMENT2-Arced files; Bible 5-/ 2 Kings 1-17/ 2Sam 5-24/ 1 Kings 1-22 Bible 6-/ 1Chron 1-29/ 2Chron 1-36/ 2Kings 18-25 Bible 7-/ Esth 1-10/ Ezra 1-10/ Job 1-42/ Neh 1-13 Psalms 1-33 Bible 8-/ Psalms 34-139 D/S Col/Mono 049 OLD TESTAMENT3-Arced Files; Bible 9-/ Eccl 1-12/ Isa 1-45/ Prov 1-31/ Psalms 140-150/ Song 1-8 Bible 10-/ Isa 46-66/ Jer 1-52/Lam 1-2 Bible 11-/ Dan 1-12/ Ezek 1-48/Hos 1-3/ Lam3-5 Bible 12-/ Amos 1-9/ Hab 1-3/ Hag 1-2/ Hos 4-14 Joel 1-3/ Jon 1-4/ Mal 1-4/ Zeph 1-3 Obad 1/ Zech 1-14/ Mic 1-7/ Nah 1-3 D/S Col/Mono 050 CALAMUS FONTS 1- Cursive,condensed cur,Revue,Spokane,Gaudycon, Gillia,Gilly,Savings, Study,Study-It,Windy. Most have a small rea me doc and are shareware. COL/MONO 051 CALAMUS FONTS 2- Facade,Fura,Greeny2,Hebrewy,Manvilly,Math,Peignoy, Silicy,Steely,Gaudy and 2 from the previous disk Cursive and Condensed cursive. Shareware.COL/MONO 052 GDOS LASER FONTS 1- Apple, old style font. (converted from Macintosh by Sol Guber. Also Garavel-simple angular font. Stilletto, old style elegant font. Col/Mono 053 GDOS LASER FONTS 2- By Sol Guber. 42ND Street, elegant shadow font. Celtic, old style. Eire, elegant old style.Col/M 054 GEM FONTS- by M. Randall 8 Different GDOS fonts created with FONTZ of various point sizes. from 15 up. EP and HI... Plus GDOS Boot by L. Loe Col/Mono. O55 BODYSHOP-By F.Hundley.Designed to help students learn Human Anatomy. Names and locations of all the major bones and organs of the body are taught using both common everyday terms and the more technical medical terms. read doc for instructions. L 056 HARDWARE MODIFICATION DOCS-Contains various text files for those who like to modify their hardware. 25MGUM--how to upgrade a 520ST to 2.5MB or 4MB, plus programs to test the upgrades. MEGA2TO4--How to upgrade a Mega2 to 4 MB. TOS14--How to install TOS 1.4 6 chip set in a Mega ST. BLITZ--make your own analog disk copier. BLITTER UPGRADE--how to add a blitter to your rev B motherboard. MIDI Net - how to network two STs through the MIDI ports. Turbo 16 - how to install the accelerator board and utilities to turn it on and off. Floppy 1.44, instructions on how to install a 1.44 meg drive. D/S 057 GEOGRAPHY TUTOR DEMO. This is the demonstration version of the program. Only the data base and map for EUROPE can be loaded into this version. The save functions have also been disabled. You have access to a range of functions which are only possible using the rapid analysis and graphic power of a computer such as the ATARI ST. You can learn about all the countries in Europe. Disk includes a full data base of useful facts concerning each European country. There are 20 items of standard information from the United Nations office of statistics, including major religions, major languages, name of capital, population, growth rates of population, life expectancy (men and women), doctors per capita, literacy rates (men and women), land base, crop land, agricultural production, GNP, military spending per capita, etc... Not only can you view these facts, but you can plot them on the maps. You can also compare countries, search facts to be plotted, order lists alphabetically or by size etc.. All the facts can be displayed on the screen and compared or rank ordered between countries. You can update facts or insert new information in free fields. You can also create your own data base without affecting the standard base provided with the program. Geography Tutor also offers you a Learning mode. In it, you are asked to point and click to find countries or capitals (at your choice). 058 SPIRITWARE CONCORDANCE V2.0-A Bible study tool that makes maximum use of mouse, windows, and menu capabilities of GEM to provide user with a fast, easy and powerful way to access words and phrases that appear in the scriptures. Includes text from Romans 1 through Philemon I. Color or Mono, requires 1Mb. 059 CALAMUS FONTS-By Michael D. Hall. I have worked on these fonts, as have others, for many long hours. The Bodoni font is easy to read ( at least that is my opinion, but then I also like classical music) and was not too difficult to build. I have copied the Drurylane font from Timeworks Publisher ST as I have graduated from that program to Calamus and needed it when I copied some of the documents done with Pub. ST into the Calamus format. The Hallbats font (ie. Zapf dingbats to you) is as complete as I could get it from the books I had at my disposal, it has over 65K and therefore took quite a while to finish. TYPECAD DEMO FRO CALAMUS. POSTSCRIPT FONTS FOR FLEET STREET. 060 PUBLISHER ST BORDERPACK. Disk full of ready-made "full-frame" borders in .DTP and .IMG formats, ready to use with Timework's Desktop Publisher ST. Can be used for other DTP prgs as well. 061 CLIP ART AND TIME WORKS BORDERS. four houses in GEM format, 5 houses in PI2 Degas format, 1 Atari Logo in GEM format, 10 borders in Timeworks DTP format, and 4 IMG pictures of dragons and wolves. 062 Transportation Clip Art includes cars, trucks, planes, boats, helicopters, etc. Scanned in at 300 dpi.IMG format. 063 Transportation Clip Art #2 includes more vehicles,planes, trucks,etc in IMG format. 064 CLIP ART-ANIMALS. This disk contains 24 files of Animals in .IMG format for use as clip art. BAT, CAMEL, FOX, HIPPO, MONKEY, MOOSE, SCORPION, SEALS, TIGER, GOLDFISH, KANGAROO, OSTRICH, PHEASANT, SCALLOP, SKUNK, SNAIL, TURKEY_1, TURKEY_2, E_BASKT1, E_BUNNY1, E_BUNNY2, E_BUNNY3, E_BUNNY4, E_BUNNY5. O65 IMG PICS-of various sorts of professional quality from unknown artists. O66 PUBLISHING PARTNER FONTS-in arc format. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~