HOW TO RUN "TIMEWORKS" FROM A RAMDISK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by John Nielson (ACE NSW) 1) Make up a boot-disk with GDOS. PRG in the folder and ASSIGN. SYS in the root directory. [You could include this in your normal bootdisk, but it may interfere with other auto-run programs such as Neodesk]. Include a ramdisk such as QWIKDISK. ACC, and don't forget the resource file! 2) When you are ready to run "TIMEWORKS", having ensured that GDOS. PRG "is resident", Install your ramdisk to 500KB. Then copy PUBLISH. WID from the "Fonts" Disk to the "Startup & Work" Disk. Now copy the entire contents of this disk to your ramdisk--this takes less than a minute ! ! 3)Place the "Fonts" Disk in Drive 'B' (or wherever you put it during the INSTALL process--look in your ASSIGN. SYS file if you're not sure); and the "Data" Disk in Drive 'A'. 4) Open the Ramdisk and double-click on PUBLISH. APP: BINGO! There you are with the TIMEWORKS logo on screen and, before you can say "Publish", it's reading thwe screen fonts from Drive 'B' or wherever, and before long it's ready to go! 5) Finally,don't forget the golden rule of all who work with ramdisks: SAVE FREQUENTLY ! ! ! RUNNING "PRINTMASTER PLUS" FROM A RAMDISK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This must be the SLOWEST program ever written for the ST! ! Especially when creating the picture for 'preview/print'. . . It's dismal! Fear not! Help is on the way! All you have to do is load the whole boot and caboodle into a suitable sized ramdisk(QwikDisk. ACC is very good for this purpose,or I guess you could use an auto-loading ramdisk), and run it from there. It works like a charm, and OH SOOO MUCH faster ! ! ! You may wish to save some RAM by not copying printer files you don't need. This device also gets around the "illegal copy" problem with PM+. . . The program won't run with "write-protect" on, nor from a copy of your original disk. But it will when you put it all in a ramdisk! ! Magic ? HOW TO RUN DESK ACCESSORIES AS PROGRAMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It took me a long time to "discover" this profound truth, and the discovery may help others with a similar dilemna. "MultiDesk" is a great program, but you have to remember to have it available when you want to run an accessory; AND the acc has to be on the same disk or on another you can find in a hurry. I used to find this all very inconvenient. I recently got around to reading the manual, and discovered that I could set up Multidesk to autoload and auto run a particular accessory simply by double-clicking on the name of the ACCESSORY ! And here's how you do it! : First "Configure" MULTDESK. PRG to the size of the largest ACC you will want to run, and set the paths correctly so that the program can find the ACC. Select "AUTO" and "TIMERS", Deselect all the remainder. "RETURN" will remain selected. Then SAVE the configuration. From the desktop, click on MULTDESK. PRG and then "INSTALL APPLICATION". Insert ". AC? " As the file type. SAVE and SAVE DESKTOP. Now when you want to run an ACC Simply double-click on it's name. MULTDESK. PRG will automatically run, load the selected acessory and auto-ruin it for you! ! Magic! Any problems you have will probably relate to the "RTFM" Principle outlined above! The guts of this idea appears on Page 20 of the Manual. John Neilson Phone: 02-4512595 Member#202 ---===< * >===---