======================================================================= COLORSCAN AND SEURAT 2.2 ------------------------ Press Release ======================================================================= ANNOUNCING THE COLORSCAN PROGRAM TURNS YOUR MiGRAPH HANDSCANNER INTO A COLOR SCANNER! An AMAZING New Product from SKWare One! IT DOES WHAT NO OTHER PROGRAM CAN! Don't you wish your MiGraph Handscanner could SCAN IN COLOR as easily as it does in Black-and-White? Wouldn't that be wonderful? Well, guess what, IT CAN! No, it doesn't require hardware modification. ALL YOU NEED is the Amazing New COLORSCAN program from SKWare One! COLORSCAN converts those scanned monochrome .IMG files that the Handscanner produces into sharp, detailed brilliant COLOR PICTURES! COLORSCAN's Great Color Conversions can be saved in virtually every Atari Picture Format, eight in all! You choose from Degas, NeoChrome, TINY, Deluxe Paint .IFF, Atari HyperPaint, the NEW GEM COLOR .IMG files (in ST/TT format), and extended range (20-color) SPECTRUM Files (in STe colors)! COLORSCAN is fully STe-4096-Color Capable and contains a powerful multi- featured palette editor so you can customize your colors! Yet, COLORSCAN is simple to use, with a host of convenient features (like self-scrolling windows) and lots of options. I can't compare the COLORSCAN program to any other program, because the totally NEW COLORSCAN is UNIQUE! There simply is NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT! And, it's as easy as 1-2-3! Just load your scanned .IMG file, click on the Convert button, and watch as COLORSCAN's fast and powerful algorithms turn black bits into a dazzling color picture that develops right before your eyes! Just save your great picture and you're ready for another... and another! COLORSCAN produces remarkable results at a surprisingly affordable price! (Have you priced a color scanner lately?) If you own the MiGraph Handscanner, the COLORSCAN program is a MUST BUY! COLORSCAN IS ONLY $59.95! With 6,000-word User's Manual on-disk (prints two-side on DeskJet). (Requires Color Monitor and 1-Meg ST/STe) MasterCard/VISA accepted THE ONLY WAY you can get the Amazing COLORSCAN is to send your Check, Money Order, or Credit Card Information to: SKWare One / P. O. Box 277 / Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014 USA SHIPPING: SKWare One pays postage on all USA AND CANADIAN orders. For overseas orders (not on North American continent), include an additional $3.00 for surface mail or an additional $4.00 for air mail delivery. (All prices given in US dollars.) UPGRADE POLICY: All Upgrades Are Free For Six Months From Date of Purchase! COLORSCAN will debut at the Windsor-Detroit International AtariFest, May 4-5. Come see it in action if you want to see if it's as good as I say! (It is!) Or, download the COLRIMG8.LZH from GEnie or other major national BBS (requires IMGVIEWR.PRG to view). Having previewed COLORSCAN at a local show last week, what I heard was "You made THAT picture with this program? Uhh, how can I get a copy?" If you have to see it to believe it, then you'll be convinced by seeing COLORSCAN! ANNOUNCING S E U R A T V E R S I O N 2 . 2 The BEST BARGAIN in Atari ST Graphics Programs CONTINUES to get BETTER! SEURAT Version 2.20 adds UNIQUE FEATURES to what was already a GREAT DEAL! * Now you can Create and Edit Graphics in virtually EVERY ATARI PICTURE FORMAT: Degas, TINY, NeoChrome, Deluxe Paint .IFF, MacPaint, and GEM IMG files, including the NEW GEM COLOR .IMG files (any size color .IMG, in ST/TT format; SEURAT is the first program to support these Color .IMG files)! Yes, Now SEURAT Loads and Saves Eight Atari Picture Formats! * EIGHT Image Buffers! Instead of having to work on only a single .IMG file in a single image window, with SEURAT you can edit and exchange between up to eight .IMG (and Degas and Tiny and IFF...) files at once! * Whether you are using the full resources of SEURAT to create and edit Mono .IMG's for your Desktop Publishing or giant Color .IMG's, you can use powerful raster tools and work in a familiar Paint Program environment with full-screen access to .IMG's! Enjoy the best of both worlds! * NOW STE-4096-COLOR Capable! SEURAT's Powerful Palette Editor, with video-like color controls which modify whole palettes with a single mouse stroke, now works in BOTH STe AND ST modes. And, if you work on a ST, it will save your pictures with STe-compatible colors! * SEURAT will load lo-rez COLOR pictures directly into the MONO program and convert them to mono .IMG files, and loads mono .IMG and pix into COLOR and converts them into medium-rez Color .IMG! Lo-rez color converted with editable dithers for superbly detailed printing of color images! SEURAT re-scales color pix to correct for monitor aspect ratio, automatically reproducing the true proportion of color images. No more squashed conversions! * PRINT FROM SEURAT! With built-in drivers for HP DeskJet (and LaserJet & all HP-compatibles), and Epson Nine-pin, too! DeskJet driver outputs at 75/150/300 dots-per-inch in BOTH Portrait and Landscape orientation, and it's positionable on the page to the dot! But that's not all... * Complete PRINTIMG.PRG (it's included with SEURAT) for GDOS printing! PRINTIMG.PRG offers the same capabilities as desktop publishing programs like PAGESTREAM and CALAMUS. Images can be scaled to ANY size, from full-page down to "thumbnail-sketch," re-proportioned, stretched or squished to fit, can be placed anywhere on the page you want it, and in either portrait or landscape orientation, all on any printer for which a GDOS driver exists! (GDOS program not supplied.) * With BOTH BEZIER and SPLINE CURVE DRAWING Tools! Lets your ST draw for you, with a virtually infinite variety of natural-looking curved lines. Quick and easy-to-use, they really speed up your drawing! And SlowMouse, variable-speed mouse makes free-hand drawing easier, too! * FAST Multi-Ratio Zoom (2X to 8X) and BEST ZOOM Interface! * SO MANY FEATURES! System, Degas and GDOS TEXT fonts to scale, style, color and rotate! 11 block functions to shape & twist image blocks; 92 color & mono fill patterns; 42 brushes including user-defined and multi- colored brushes; 4 graphic write modes & 21 block & mask write modes; circle, ellipse & filled disc in free, repeat & concentric modes; round & square-cornered rectangles & solids; rays; airbrush; clear-circle & clear-box; vertical, horizon- tal & free lines; polylines & polygons in line-edge or spline-curve; area & seed fill; user-set clipping; color remap; mirror; screen shift, flip, invert & rotate; fill editor; brush editor; line editor; gobs of great disk functions like Format and a Super File Directory; and a hundred or so other features & tools that there's no room to mention here... Whew! * INDISPENSIBLE for GEM .IMG graphics for your Desktop Publishing! More graphic tools and operations for creating and editing .IMG files than ANY OTHER PROGRAM (no matter how much it costs)! And NOW COLOR .IMG FILES, TOO! SEURAT Loads and Saves Almost EVERY Atari Picture Format! * DON'T BE MISLED by SEURAT's continued LOW PRICE! VERSION 2.2 is a POWER TOOL that out-performs many of the "big-name" programs! SEURAT VERSION 2.20 IS ONLY $39.95! Two-disk set, with 36,000-word User's Manual on-disk: COLOR AND MONO Programs! You Get BOTH! Plus 195 utility and application files (fonts, fills, pix)! (Requires 1-Meg ST with doublesided drive) MasterCard/VISA accepted. THE ONLY WAY you can get a copy of SEURAT is to send your Check, Money Order, or Credit Card Information to: SKWare One / P. O. Box 277 / Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014 USA DeskJet DOC Printer Disk Also Available: You can print out a self- collating two-sided copy of the 92-Page User's Manual on the Hewlett- Packard DeskJet in draft mode with this print package. (You just print the LEFT.DOC, put the stack of paper back in without re-arranging it, then print the RIGHT.DOC, and end up with a collated copy of the User's Manual printed on front and back sides, with staggered margins, ready for binding. If you want a copy of this print package, just ask for the "DeskJet DOC Printer Disk" and include an additional $3.00 ($4.00 overseas air mail). UPGRADE POLICY: All Upgrades Are Free For Six Months From Date of Purchase! And, yes, SEURAT owners, announcement of Version 2.2 means that YOUR upgrade disks will be coming in four to six weeks! <<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>><<<<*>>>>